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Season over


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Mate surely u arent serious. Maybe in normal circumstances but in the examples above is almost 2 clear cases of some sort of un toward. I know which one I'd rather.

Or shirked responsibility. Better a boss that can make a decision, even when sometimes wrong, than one that cant make a decision.
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Some of the biggest leagues in the world have spent multi millions of pounds to try and ensure this season is finished. Money the scottish game has not seen in a long time. To think grassroots football is going to worry about playing semi finals of the scottish or the west is ludicrous. Its disappointing for the clubs involved to have made it so far. But we will be lucky to see next season started by August/september and that's being optimistic. People need to look at the bigger picture.

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2 hours ago, eyeswideopen15 said:

So the SFA and the SJFA look like they have both disgraced themselves with hiw to compete the season. No wonder the SAFA have dodged the bullet and left it to individual associations to decide for themselves.

SJFA also left it to the individual regions, the current controversy is relating to the West region, not the SJFA as a whole.

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Some of the biggest leagues in the world have spent multi millions of pounds to try and ensure this season is finished. Money the scottish game has not seen in a long time. To think grassroots football is going to worry about playing semi finals of the scottish or the west is ludicrous. Its disappointing for the clubs involved to have made it so far. But we will be lucky to see next season started by August/september and that's being optimistic. People need to look at the bigger picture.

100% agree with timescale unfortunately
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Watching teams/leagues getting ready for next season is very optimistic I think. I totally understand the need to do so but realistically we ain't gonna see football at amateur level in this country until 2021. The senior games that have started (bundesliga) and planning to start (serie A, EPL) have millions to pump in and ensure the safety of players and everyone in and around the game. This includes every player/official being tested prior to games etc. This is just not possible at amateur level so I cant see how any games are going to be possible until a vaccine is found or herd immunity kicks in. Depressing I know but I just cant see it happening.

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Watching teams/leagues getting ready for next season is very optimistic I think. I totally understand the need to do so but realistically we ain't gonna see football at amateur level in this country until 2021. The senior games that have started (bundesliga) and planning to start (serie A, EPL) have millions to pump in and ensure the safety of players and everyone in and around the game. This includes every player/official being tested prior to games etc. This is just not possible at amateur level so I cant see how any games are going to be possible until a vaccine is found or herd immunity kicks in. Depressing I know but I just cant see it happening.

You are entitled to think there will be no amateur football till 2021 but reality is you don’t know Nobody does but the fear mongers among us will no doubt revel in casting gloom and doom
In Australia the Football Federation boss James Johnson remains "very confident" that grassroots football will resume in the near future. All football remains suspended until at least May 31, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
There are 12 weeks till the middle of August when amateur football would normally start and a lot can happen by then Let’s just wait and see
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You are entitled to think there will be no amateur football till 2021 but reality is you don’t know Nobody does but the fear mongers among us will no doubt revel in casting gloom and doom
In Australia the Football Federation boss James Johnson remains "very confident" that grassroots football will resume in the near future. All football remains suspended until at least May 31, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
There are 12 weeks till the middle of August when amateur football would normally start and a lot can happen by then Let’s just wait and see

Fearmongers?? Possibly realistic. No one knows but its reasonable to suggest its once a vaccine or treatment is discovered as we have been told lockdown will be relaxed but social distancing remain.
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Dont worry about it mate. I was called a fearmonger on here 10 weeks ago when I suggested Amateur football should be cancelled due to the virus. I'd call u a realist. That being said I hope your wrong ofcourse.

Fearmongers?? Possibly realistic. No one knows but its reasonable to suggest its once a vaccine or treatment is discovered as we have been told lockdown will be relaxed but social distancing remain.
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9 hours ago, ralphpdk said:

You are entitled to think there will be no amateur football till 2021 but reality is you don’t know Nobody does but the fear mongers among us will no doubt revel in casting gloom and doom
In Australia the Football Federation boss James Johnson remains "very confident" that grassroots football will resume in the near future. All football remains suspended until at least May 31, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
There are 12 weeks till the middle of August when amateur football would normally start and a lot can happen by then Let’s just wait and see

No fearmongering about it, it's my opinion and a very possible one. It's been made clear by governments and scientists that social distancing will remain for the foreseeable future, likely to be well into 2021. Every workplace, shop etc is having to adjust, just like football is. How we keep everyone safe on an amateur football park is the biggest obstacle and until that is sorted there will be no football. You can call it whatever you like, I like to call it realism. I hope it's back sooner rather than later but I just cant see it.

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I can't believe people actually believe the amateur game has a chance of returning this year. We will be lucky to be playing at this time next year. Amateur football cant possibly return until theres a vaccine. Leagues at senior level with millions of pounds at their disposal have no idea when they will return so how on earth can we possibly play at amateur level? Its simple....if you cant get tested then you cant play, manage, officiate etc 

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Just to play devils advocate then, all football in the country is suspended till June 10th and that’s when senior teams resume training, does anyone think our game can resume to some degree then?

I just don’t think so. The Professionals will be getting tested before the train/play and we don’t have that luxury. An airborne virus that if 1 infected player turns up, can infect up to 30 others. Why take that risk until we can be sure that the risk of spread is removed.
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Maybe if there is a way of testing, and everyone can afford it, then it could be a start. Players turning up already changed, no showers ? ,getting to games could be a problem due to car sharing but I'm sure there's a way - be surprised if amateur football started by Sept/Oct . If the virus is airborne then will it ever be 100% safe ?

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From what I’ve read and listened too the virus when in the air is subject to the elements, like being blown away by the wind etc. Open spaces were considered the least contagious places to be as long as there was a distance from others who potentially could have been infected. Because we are a contact sport though unless players are pre tested before the game then I cannot see how we can return until this testing before playing issue is sorted or the numbers are such that there is no transmission happening.

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A Tory govt’s relaxation of the lockdown will be driven by the economy, it won’t be number of deaths or any other number. That’s what’s happening now, people going back to work, kids going to school etc staycations from July, all because the economy can’t continue haemorrhaging money.
Our FM will follow UK govt with her three week lag and that’s fair enough
They are concentrating on elite sports at present pure and simply because of money.
In the next month or two if the elite stuff goes ok they’ll put out guidelines to allow lower level sport to restart siting the nations mental health. For all of the above reasons I think that’s why football at semi pro, amateur and kids levels will be played in 2020

They have just announced a New taskforce to help sport and arts recover

Turning to sport and the arts, Dowden says their absence has created a "rather odd" feeling in the country.
He announces a new taskforce to look at helping sport and the creative industries prepare to get back on their feet.
Among those who will be involved include former footballer Alex Scott, ex-ITV boss Michael Grade and the English National Ballet's Tamara Rojo.
Thats a positive surely but still depends on a lot of unknowns

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Not really sure what the safa can announce when the government cant even make a definite decision about the schools can go back. What do u expect the safa to say? They released a statement last week which was laughed at mostly on Twitter because it didnt actually say anything. In reality, What can it say tho when people in the highest power in the country don't know what tomorrow brings. Sorry Poor comment in my opinion .

True mate doesn’t help when there is no communication from the authorities of any kind.
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A Tory govt’s relaxation of the lockdown will be driven by the economy, it won’t be number of deaths or any other number. That’s what’s happening now, people going back to work, kids going to school etc staycations from July, all because the economy can’t continue haemorrhaging money.
Our FM will follow UK govt with her three week lag and that’s fair enough
They are concentrating on elite sports at present pure and simply because of money.
In the next month or two if the elite stuff goes ok they’ll put out guidelines to allow lower level sport to restart siting the nations mental health. For all of the above reasons I think that’s why football at semi pro, amateur and kids levels will be played in 2020

They have just announced a New taskforce to help sport and arts recover

Turning to sport and the arts, Dowden says their absence has created a "rather odd" feeling in the country.
He announces a new taskforce to look at helping sport and the creative industries prepare to get back on their feet.
Among those who will be involved include former footballer Alex Scott, ex-ITV boss Michael Grade and the English National Ballet's Tamara Rojo.
Thats a positive surely but still depends on a lot of unknowns

The Scottish Govt said even if they relax lockdown to expect social distancing to remain until a vaccine or treatment. Its ok for pro football who are going to test players, ciaches & staff 3 times a week as in Germany. But at £500k per week even pro football might have seconf thoughts about that for empty stadium games? I dont know but I dont feel confident about ammy football for months yet.
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