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4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Sportsters aye. Shite pub. City was a better club than Rosie's tho, I went to rosie's loads but it was fucking brutal really. God awful layout. Would have took Rosies for City with no Sportsters. 

Wee Rosie's anecdote that tickles me and my mate.... Once the bouncers in Rosies emptied my mate who had one pill too many, then immediately came to me demanding to know "what the f**k has he taken??"

They then emptied me too when I replied "hes taken no well"

Rosies was more ‘my era’ in my early - mid 20s, the whole crowd were out and off their tits on everything so the layout posed absolutely no significance, then it seemed like half of Rosies would end up back at ‘The Hotel California’ and crack on til all hours. 
Was in City once not long after it opened just to see more than anything but thought it was absolutely dreadful and confirmed my days ‘clubbing’ in Falkirk were definitely done, albeit by the end of Rosies/City opening we’d pretty much been going to Glasgow for a good while for the all-day or all-nighters.

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I'm with the 2000 - 2010 era was an excellent time to go clubbing, especially in Glasgow. You had clubs like Barfly serving cheap booze and playing Indie landfill or you could go to the Arches and get full of drugs.


Never really saw any fights in pubs back then, mostly just bus/taxi queues but I can't remember the last time I was out in Hamilton and didn't see two wee coked up dickheads having a scrap and even worse, guys in their 40s full of coke pretending they're in their 20s.

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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Going back to the original point, isn't it mostly down to demographics? There were huge numbers of kids born in the 60s compared with nowadays. No surprise we had lots of guys in their 20s fighting in the 80s and 90s, or in their 50s fighting nowadays.

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8 hours ago, MONKMAN said:

2003-2010 was my clubbing era, with the arches and sub club being my haunts. Good times.

Yeah the Arches was superb, about 90% of punters there would have been off their bangers on pills and a massive blind eye was turned. It was only until a few young folk died post 2010 that it got closed down, would probably have been shut down by now regardless.

On top of that the festival scene in Scotland was massive with Rockness 2007 -2009 being absolutely incredible (daft punk in 2007) and TITP growing bigger and bigger, 2008 probably being best year when RATM played. There were also smaller festivals including Connect at Inveraray castle and the Skye music festival which had Kasabian, Primal Scream and a young Calvin Harris playing in 2007. Incredible times to be alive but totally changed forever.

Imagine telling a young punter in 2008 that just 12 years from now there would be no more T in the park, no more Arches, no more Rangers and a drastically depleted Irn bru and we were all stuck in quarantine Indefinitely because some b*****ds in China were eating bats at a wet market. I don’t think I’d believe it.

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I'm not sure how much older [mention=73487]NJ2[/mention] is but I doubt Aberdour was ever much of a rammy. Sounds like I missed all the fighting.

Nah, few scraps and scuffles now and again down the beach when we we’d head through there to drink on the beach (under age) in summer but was never running battles or that.

Edit; I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fight inside a pub in Aberdour. The pub in the bay (clubhouse it might be called now?) would quite often see a punch up and folk would fight in Dunfermline at 10 o’clock on a Monday morning never mind 11pm on a Friday night.

My local in Aberdeen has a reputation for being rough but I think I’ve only seen or heard about 2 or 3 fights in the past couple of years. Not unusual there’s a heated argument take place but rarely results in hands thrown.

Ps, just noticed from one of your posts previously in this thread that you’re older than me, dick!

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My best pub violence (related) story was one time mid 80s at the Briggs Bar in Bishopbriggs, a place frequented mainly from those in the dry scheme of Milton which was very close by and it could get lively at times. Dry schemes were such a great idea, right?

Anyway I'm at the bar waiting my turn to be served and 2 guys in front are talking and I can hear them, one asks about another pub not far away and the other  says, "I stopped going to that place after I got hit by a shovel that time". I think, whit??? They get their order and turn around, sure enough he has this massive scar across his face that looks pretty much what I'd expect a scar from a shovel to the face would look like.

Have any P & Bers ever been........etc.etc.  

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13 minutes ago, BillyAnchor said:

My best pub violence (related) story was one time mid 80s at the Briggs Bar in Bishopbriggs, a place frequented mainly from those in the dry scheme of Milton which was very close by and it could get lively at times. Dry schemes were such a great idea, right?

Anyway I'm at the bar waiting my turn to be served and 2 guys in front are talking and I can hear them, one asks about another pub not far away and the other  says, "I stopped going to that place after I got hit by a shovel that time". I think, whit??? They get their order and turn around, sure enough he has this massive scar across his face that looks pretty much what I'd expect a scar from a shovel to the face would look like.

Have any P & Bers ever been........etc.etc.  

The Briggs was a great venue for people who had been barred from Quin's and the Crow to go and put the world to rights.

It's an all you can eat buffet place now IIRC

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21 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

It was One Canada Square (the first big tower at Canary Wharf). Party was hosted by the London Knights ice hockey team. It had been going well..

During the Superleague era before it folded because they were paying ridiculously high wages, no wonder everyone was coked up. 


4 hours ago, NJ2 said:

Nah, few scraps and scuffles now and again down the beach when we we’d head through there to drink on the beach (under age) in summer but was never running battles or that.

Edit; I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fight inside a pub in Aberdour. The pub in the bay (clubhouse it might be called now?) would quite often see a punch up and folk would fight in Dunfermline at 10 o’clock on a Monday morning never mind 11pm on a Friday night.


 Good old times down Silversands, If I can recall correctly Aberdour didn't have the no alcohol in public bylaw, I'd guess so the fine citizens could enjoy a glass of red wine with their picnic. Instead it meant hordes of wee p***ks (myself included) from slums like Inverkeithing coming through with their Buckfast and bottles of Wee Beastie to get steaming and fight

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3 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

The Briggs was a great venue for people who had been barred from Quin's and the Crow to go and put the world to rights.

It's an all you can eat buffet place now IIRC

The other pub was The Nairn 

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9 minutes ago, mathematics said:

A man threw his crutch it me in a club once. His friend had to come and collect it as he couldn’t walk over to get it.

Large colonial powers bullying smaller nations analogies thread for this pish

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Was in a pub in dunfermline called sinkys in 96 when a group of airdrie casuals turned up before the end of season game.
Luckily the police turned up along with them otherwise they would have been messed up because there was over 200 pars fans in there. I think there was 20-30 of them. I was only about 17/18 but the majority were the original casuals from the early 90s.
They came in and shat it and the entire pub emptied and lobbed bottles at them and ended up getting stopped by the police. Someone chucked a Newcastle brown bottle off a riot van window.

Later on they tried it again and the police were running about with batons hitting folk.

It felt ok because we knew the older guys had it under control but its not something I'd want to experience again.

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On 21/04/2020 at 13:15, throbber said:

No they didn’t, I turned 18 in 2004 and British culture was incredibly boozy back then.. Maybe people who turned 18 in 2014 were less inclined to binge drink as they had more alternatives largely thanks to social media but to say people who grew up in the 90’s dialled back the drinking is a nonsense. 

I turned 18 in 2012 and the culture was all about the booze, I'd say culture only really turned away from it fully, and properly in the mid 2010's, Geordie Shore may have been a shown about drinking but you weren't getting a massive six pack putting away 12 pints on a day sesh.  In Dunfermline, Harlem and Lourenzos along with Jiggies would be full on a Friday and Saturday, Life would be too but f**k me it was awful. 

Now Harlem and Jiggies have been gone a couple of years, Lourenzos is nowhere near as busy. Clubs are fucking shite anyway tbh, if 18 year olds are releasing it maybe they're just smarter than what we were, took me a good couple of years to get sick of them. 

There's definitely less of a booze culture now, can see it with the 18 year olds coming through at work, can only be a good thing. 


They're all boring arseholes who I wouldn't want in the pub. 

4 hours ago, Torpar said:

During the Superleague era before it folded because they were paying ridiculously high wages, no wonder everyone was coked up. 


 Good old times down Silversands, If I can recall correctly Aberdour didn't have the no alcohol in public bylaw, I'd guess so the fine citizens could enjoy a glass of red wine with their picnic. Instead it meant hordes of wee p***ks (myself included) from slums like Inverkeithing coming through with their Buckfast and bottles of Wee Beastie to get steaming and fight

Used to play for the football team in Aberdour, cracking village. 

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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

Was in a pub in dunfermline called sinkys in 96 when a group of airdrie casuals turned up before the end of season game.
Luckily the police turned up along with them otherwise they would have been messed up because there was over 200 pars fans in there. I think there was 20-30 of them. I was only about 17/18 but the majority were the original casuals from the early 90s.
They came in and shat it and the entire pub emptied and lobbed bottles at them and ended up getting stopped by the police. Someone chucked a Newcastle brown bottle off a riot van window.

Later on they tried it again and the police were running about with batons hitting folk.

It felt ok because we knew the older guys had it under control but its not something I'd want to experience again.

I also had a dream like that once, although instead of using batons the polis were brandishing baguettes.



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