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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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15 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Remember when Leigh Griffiths was outed as a vicious hate filled racist and the Celtic fans did..... 




He and a lot of other Hibs supporters sang about a Czech person being a refugee. It’s the kind of moronic shit which makes sense in Edinburgh but Glaswegians cannot work out. It’s too moronic to be offensive really.

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9 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Yeah, pretty much this.

Celtic fans can't all be written off as racist because of the shay logan stuff (as horrible and unsavoury as that was).

There will be some joining in just because the other lot are on the other side - but there will also be plenty of left leaning folk who genuinely want to protect the right of refugees in this country.

That is what annoys me about the Green Brigade, when they are in or around a football stadium they act so offensively & actively support proscribed terrorist organisations. Yet away from that they genuinely do a lot of good, if they could scrap that other shite they would leave the racists and fascists hanging without a single shred of whitabootery to cling onto.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, MixuFruit said:

I mean the orange order and the union bears and their hangers on

I know that, and of course, you're correct. They're scum of the highest order.

I do have a problem with the obvious hypocrisy of the Green Brigade. 

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4 minutes ago, bennett said:

Locksmiths will be busy now.

Just f**k off, not you benny,  those white (and they are always white) bookburners need to look at the source of their comfortable middle class families wealth before spouting that shite. They are trivialising the issue before settling into their cosseted lives thanks to the very people they are "protesting" against. If you want to make a difference pledge your inheritance to a foodbank or a similar cause, otherwise f**k off.

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Just now, ali_91 said:



Shocking that the Green Brigade let him away with a minor incident a lot of people won't have heard of which happened before he joined the club. He seems to have really cleaned up his act, racism wise, since joining Celtic. The Skacel thing was in the early days of his Celtic career but we seem to have got him on the right all-inclusive path. 

Hope Lawwell has sold the movie rights. 

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Shocking that the Green Brigade let him away with a minor incident a lot of people won't have heard of which happened before he joined the club. He seems to have really cleaned up his act, racism wise, since joining Celtic. The Skacel thing was in the early days of his Celtic career but we seem to have got him on the right all-inclusive path. 
Hope Lawwell has sold the movie rights. 
Also could have gone with "I am willing to give him a free pass on this clear racism I have only just learned about, because he plays for Celtic"
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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:
4 minutes ago, The OP said:
Shocking that the Green Brigade let him away with a minor incident a lot of people won't have heard of which happened before he joined the club. He seems to have really cleaned up his act, racism wise, since joining Celtic. The Skacel thing was in the early days of his Celtic career but we seem to have got him on the right all-inclusive path. 
Hope Lawwell has sold the movie rights. 

Also could have gone with "I am willing to give him a free pass on this clear racism I have only just learned about, because he plays for Celtic"

Rest assured I will be booing him as I watch Celtic games on my laptop this season, if he plays.

Edited by The OP
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To be fair to Griffiths since hes been not playing hes not been involved in unsavoury incidents like his past, pouring a drink on a kid, stealing from Tescos, racial abuse on twitter, singing that a rival player is a refugee and probably others I have missed.

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6 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Now being declared a terrorist incident. 

I'm confused, do the stabbings have anything at all to do with BLM protests? Seems to have happened hours after and police have denied any link (although there is a lot of flip flopping going on re the 'terror' aspect).

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Just now, Dee Man said:

Absolutely stunned to see The OP attempt to downplay racism when it involves a Celtic player. Guaranteed he booed Shay Logan. 

Never have and have always been strongly against it. I suspect he was telling the truth about Tonev (although his false accusations against Scotrail written in a 9 year old's prose gave me pause for thought). 

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