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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Is it not a broken bottle with a rag in it? 

I just thought it was interesting that the gung ho vigilante attitude was on display on both sides. Maybe I'm wrong and chasing people with AR-15s is a completely ordinary thing to do.

I think it's pretty honest of you to just say "I'd be well fucking out of there" if faced with some gun/knife nut. I'd love to have a crack at some nutjob like that but in reality would probably end up begging them not to shoot me in the face. 

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12 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I think it's pretty honest of you to just say "I'd be well fucking out of there" if faced with some gun/knife nut. I'd love to have a crack at some nutjob like that but in reality would probably end up begging them not to shoot me in the face. 

At school we had some ex forces type come round to give us a self defence demonstration. He showed us how to disarm someone with a knife then asked the stooge to pretend to come at him with a gun so he could show us what to do. He put his arms over his head and ran away. 

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1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:


Even the matter of fact justification of some of the people in this twitter thread is gobsmacking. I do feel like in some. Ways we're about 3 years max behind America in terms of political disintegration, but thank f**k we don't worship guns. 

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Have the police responded to the fact that they just let this guy walk down the street?

That's pretty incredible, when some of the police forces are at least attempting to engage in a more positive way with the protesters (or at least some were back in the original protests).

Were they openly taking the side of the armed vigilantes in this cases?

Whenever we've had those embarrassing wee far right demos in recent years in Britain, i usually get the impression the police over here are more sympathetic to the anti-fascist counter-demos that always massively outnumber them. Or am i giving our forces more credit than they deserve?

The reaction on that video when he walks right up to them with his rifle is fucking mind-blowing when compared to how they react to armed, and even unarmed black men. How have they justified that?

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4 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Have the police responded to the fact that they just let this guy walk down the street?

That's pretty incredible, when some of the police forces are at least attempting to engage in a more positive way with the protesters (or at least some were back in the original protests).

Were they openly taking the side of the armed vigilantes in this cases?

Whenever we've had those embarrassing wee far right demos in recent years in Britain, i usually get the impression the police over here are more sympathetic to the anti-fascist counter-demos that always massively outnumber them. Or am i giving our forces more credit than they deserve?

The reaction on that video when he walks right up to them with his rifle is fucking mind-blowing when compared to how they react to armed, and even unarmed black men. How have they justified that?

Not yet and after his last round of victim-blaming I’d bet the Kenosha police chief won’t be responding to any calls for quotes. 

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12 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Have the police responded to the fact that they just let this guy walk down the street?

That's pretty incredible, when some of the police forces are at least attempting to engage in a more positive way with the protesters (or at least some were back in the original protests).

Were they openly taking the side of the armed vigilantes in this cases?

Whenever we've had those embarrassing wee far right demos in recent years in Britain, i usually get the impression the police over here are more sympathetic to the anti-fascist counter-demos that always massively outnumber them. Or am i giving our forces more credit than they deserve?

The reaction on that video when he walks right up to them with his rifle is fucking mind-blowing when compared to how they react to armed, and even unarmed black men. How have they justified that?

I've seen two videos of him approaching the police, and both times I can understand the police. 

In the first one (Its before the incident) he walks up to the police and he's controlling the weapon in what would be considered a safe manner, he's talking to the police and generally not being a threat. It's fucking mental but apparently you're allowed to walk around with a gun over there, it's fucking crazy. 

In the second one after the incident, he walks down the street with his hands raised and again holding the weapon safely, the police are rushing to the incident but AFAIK they weren't aware at that time he was the belter responsible. Once that became evident he was then arrested. 


America is a mess, it fucking baffles me that they consider the right to bear arms a good thing. 

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Whenever we've had those embarrassing wee far right demos in recent years in Britain, i usually get the impression the police over here are more sympathetic to the anti-fascist counter-demos that always massively outnumber them. Or am i giving our forces more credit than they deserve?

Ehh I’m not really sure. More sympathetic than the US police maybe but not positively disposed.
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27 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

I've seen two videos of him approaching the police, and both times I can understand the police. 

In the first one (Its before the incident) he walks up to the police and he's controlling the weapon in what would be considered a safe manner, he's talking to the police and generally not being a threat. It's fucking mental but apparently you're allowed to walk around with a gun over there, it's fucking crazy. 

In the second one after the incident, he walks down the street with his hands raised and again holding the weapon safely, the police are rushing to the incident but AFAIK they weren't aware at that time he was the belter responsible. Once that became evident he was then arrested. 


America is a mess, it fucking baffles me that they consider the right to bear arms a good thing. 

He managed to leave the scene and get home - it was polis in Illinois that picked him up. He’s been charged in Illinois and I think he’s due to appear in Wisconsin tomorrow when the extradition paperwork’s been completed. 

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9 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:
2 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

This. Wild that folk actually debate him. Did they never experience Misc Other Fitba when he ruined endless threads with Supras? Best just laughed at and ignored thereafter.

He's good at getting people to twist themselves into contortions particularly on SNP/ indy related stuff but less is more in this case. 

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7 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

He's good at getting people to twist themselves into contortions particularly on SNP/ indy related stuff but less is more in this case. 

His growth commission schtick is getting increasingly tedious as well tbh.

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4 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

Can only feel a mixture of amusement and utter dismay at these total wankstains in their army surplus. The only purpose of a military style rifle is to maim and kill human beings. These fools argue it's 'for protection', yet the only people who oppose them are largely anti-gun and don't arm themselves as a matter of routine. 

Self-proclaimed 'greatest country in the world', where it's perfectly commonplace to arm yourself to the tits with military equipment, to protect yourself from other arseholes who are a wee bit too obsessed with weapons and 'rights'. Someone really needs to just stand up and take these fuckers arms away from them, even if it requires military force to disarm them. There are no bears, native indians, wolves, etc coming to plunder your homestead and make off with your firstborn, so get this 'right to bear arms' shit into the sea. Save these fucking lunatics from themselves.

If anyone actually tried to get their guns off of them they'd fight to the death.

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