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Overrated movies

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It’s probably been asked on here a million times, but what movies do you think are overrated? My mate suggested “Leave no Trace” recently as the best movie he’s watched in years. I found it a bit meh and it felt a bit incesty. Plus what idiots call their daughter Tom?! Anyway it got me thinking about overrated movies 😂 

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The Sixth Sense. A great one time movie... but a complete meh afterwards. Avatar was way over hyped and hasn't dated particularly well. Shawshank Redemption? Great movie, but the best movie ever made? I think that's highly subjective.

Edited by BawWatchin
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57 minutes ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

I've always found Goodfellas to be a bit meh. 

It's not Scorsese's best and there are far better gangster films.

Goodfellas is fucking outstanding and I won't have anybody say it's "meh". I personally found Scarface to be a bit "meh".

Edited by BawWatchin
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LOTR films are fucking shiteeeeee.
Lord of the Rings was decent

The Hobbit movies on the other hand were meh and don't get the hype over Star Wars.
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It’s not a critically acclaimed film but everyone seems to get wet over Step Brothers. 

I’ve watched it twice and still don’t get why people think it’s good or funny.

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Some from the IMDb top 250 (for what it's worth, so many high ones are "overrated" but these are some I think are far too high):

9. Inception: Looks good and is occasionally fun, but filled with wafer-thin characters and the first half is pretty much entirely exposition. I enjoyed the structure of the dream 'heist' but felt it missed an opportunity to do something much more interesting with its concept.

10. Fight Club: I kind of hate Fight Club because of its characters, atmosphere, look and score, however three of them are deliberately unpleasant. The representation of masculinity is good too, but the reason it's here is because far too many people attach themselves to the stuff that it's critiquing.

12. Forrest Gump: I've not seen it in a while but remember thinking it was just OK with a tone that kind of grated.

21. Interstellar: I like plenty of Christopher Nolan films, but why do his fans think that everything he does is the best thing ever? For a writer whose dialogue is often quite bad, this might be, in my opinion, the worst example of on-the-nose and unengaging conversations, although I can see how some poindexters would like the science stuff. That ending truly is garbage too.

Aliens, Boyhood and E.T. are some others off the top of my head.

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The LOTR films are sinfully boring and also contain a surprising amount of unintentional LOL and cringe. They seem to have relied heavily upon fans of the books squeeing their pants over seeing them adapted. If you aren't familiar with the source material, you'll spend a lot of time thinking, "is this it?" The Harry Potter films were more interesting, and some of them were an absolute arseache.
The wife put the Hobbit films on once, however, and I thought they were OK. Seems like most of the plot in the those films was entirely made up by Peter Jackson and co, which makes me think that maybe Tolkien was a shit writer. This is absolutely bait, by the way; I'm sure he must have been perfectly adequate.

Tarantino is a horrific plagiarist, and doesn't get anything like enough stick for it. People have put together entire storyboards of his films showing everything has been entirely lifted from elsewhere; dialogue, plot, set dressing, the works. He's more of a DJ than a composer. His films are always entertaining, though, but there are folk who'll absolutely lose their shit if you point out that it's less the work of a mastermind and more that of a mastermixer.

I've never liked any of the Mad Max films and couldn't see the big deal about them. BUT...I haven't seen Fury Road yet, so I'll consider my P&B membership under review instead of revoked.

Edit: do we have an Underrated Movies thread?

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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16 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

...which makes me think that maybe Tolkien was a shit writer. This is absolutely bait, by the way; I'm sure he must have been perfectly adequate.

The whited out writing doesn't work so well in comment boxes. 😀 The Hobbit grates on people who read the book, because a faithful adaptation would have worked really well as a single three hour film, and it's transparently obvious why the bloated trilogy was preferred instead.

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8 hours ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

I've always found Goodfellas to be a bit meh. 

It's not Scorsese's best and there are far better gangster films.



7 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

LOTR films are fucking shiteeeeee.



7 hours ago, The Golden God said:

Mad Max Fury Road is the worst film I’ve ever seen.


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1 minute ago, yoda said:






LOTR films are full of plot holes, with absolutely terrible dialog and even worse acting. Mediocre, aged cgi/aged practical battle sequences aren't all that anymore. 

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Long, rambling, opinionated list of films. Very tedious. Probably best skipped.


12 - Forrest Gump. The Americans love nothing more than a good bit of navel-gazing, and that's all this is; just a film for boomers to reminisce about events that happened during their lifetime. Fairly tedious for anyone who wasn't there, man.

18 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. It's OK, but I do not get why it's such a classic. Strikes me as more the kind of film that would have been pretty much forgotten about by now, and occasionally unearthed as a forgotten Nicholson vehicle.

32. - It's a Wonderful Life. Clearly I have a heart of stone. Never has a film more needed a nihilistic ending.

40 - Gladiator. Generic Hollywood period action film; slightly above-average. Standard forgettable popcorn fare. Hammy performances by all involved. Shocked when this started receiving Oscar buzz, and even more amazed when it won so many.

58 - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Really enjoyed this film, but why on Earth it's ended up one of the top 250 of all time, I do not know.

93 - American Beauty. I assume this must have been popular with miserable middle-aged men who also wanted to bang their children's friends. Some folk get terribly pretentious about this one and read all sorts into it, which it invites without doing anything to deserve the attention. Also a part of the huge genre of films that include the word "American" in the title for no reason other than to reassure xenophobes that there's nothing foreign here, no sir. Seriously, does any other country do this?

100 - Full Metal Jacket. Built its reputation on the opening half, which is excellent, but you'd be as well turning it off after boot camp is finished. Not even the infamous Vietnamese prostitute can save it from there on in.

191 - Harry Potter (the last one). Lolwut? Not even the best of those films, and none of them got beyond half-decent. That being here screams of fanboys.

192 - Shutter Island. Shocked that a Scorcese film could be so bland and generic. Hilariously derivative, transparent plot. Standard non-performance from DiCaprio. Really surprised this isn't hanging around the 6/10 mark.

211 - Fargo. Seen it a couple of times, liked it better the second time, still didn't see it as being all that great. Happy to accept being wrong on this one, though, as I love The Big Lebowski and figure the attraction is the weirdness, but it does little for me.

214 - Jurassic Park. Everything up to and including the T-Rex attacking the kids in the car is great. Completely turns to shit thereafter; classic example of Spielberg being caught between his love of action-horror and schmaltzy kiddie dreck.

248 - Aladdin. No, f**k off, standard Disney shite. Take away a restrained Robin Williams and there's nothing here for adults. Watch one of his stand-up shows instead. The Lion King can f**k off too, thinking about it.

Honorable mention: The Piano. Holly Hunter gets fingered by Harvey Keitel while young Anna Paquin plays on the beach. That's yer lot. Massive disparity between the genders on this one. I'd never have guessed ol' Harvey could inspire such fantasies.

Films I need to watch again, as I think I just didn't get it and might change my opinion second time round: V for vandetta, Chinatown, The Seventh Seal, The Princess Bride, Blade Runner.


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21 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

LOTR films are full of plot holes, with absolutely terrible dialog and even worse acting. Mediocre, aged cgi/aged practical battle sequences aren't all that anymore. 

Cracking advert for Kiwi walking holidays, but.

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