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Summer Transfers of '20

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Walsh is a good player, but he gets injured a lot.

Edit - Not as much as Sean Welsh. But he missed a lot of games as RiG said.

Edited by TheScarf
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5 hours ago, RiG said:

If he stays clear of injuries that's a good signing. Surprised it's only a one year deal as I thought we had offered him a two year contract. Not often a player turns down a longer deal but maybe he just wants to be closer to home.

He would only sign if given a 1 year contract , he wanted a 1 year contract at ICT and it was declined as they would only offer him 2 years , 

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Those “journeyman mercenaries” as you call them, vt, realise that being a  fitba’ player is just a job. They have lives to live, bills to pay and, in many cases, partners and/or families to provide for. They know they’re never going to make a fortune out of the game.     

Who the hell are you to sneer at them for taking the offer of more money and/or a longer deal?  As opposed to earning less by staying in a Championship where we almost universally agree that the standard of football is not much higher than shite? In the real world, that’s the kind of decision that people have to make. And most other people are big enough, sensible enough and worldly enough to appreciate the reasons behind their decisions

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If they wanted a steady living then they should have become an engineer, or a plumber, or even (God help us) a school teacher. Indeed they could still do so while still playing at a respectable level for the part time clubs in this league. Instead these mercenaries choose to waste everybody's time by playing professional football to a mediocre standard before then dropping several levels to play for some souped-up Gretna 4.0 outfit for the sake of their bedraggled 'family'. It isn't about their family at all though: it's about milking as much as they can out of the 'professional' game. We know this because as soon as the playing career comes to an end they inevitably get their coaching badges and try to walk straight into a management post at an SPFL club: at which point job security for their precious family has suddenly plummeted to the bottom of their list of priorities again. 

And btw, if you interviewed for a job in this fabled 'real world' of yours and in response to the 'where do you see yourself in five years' time question' gave even the slightest hint of 'chasing the most money I can get from one of your market competitors' in your answer then your application would be filed immediately in the bin. I similarly have zero respect for the warped priorities of this type of 'professional footballer' and it is only regrettable that clubs aren't similarly filtering them out of the recruitment process at the first possible stage. Morton and any similar sized clubs will get absolutely nowhere by continuing to employ these ambitionless wasters.

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11 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

Those “journeyman mercenaries” as you call them, vt, realise that being a  fitba’ player is just a job. They have lives to live, bills to pay and, in many cases, partners and/or families to provide for. They know they’re never going to make a fortune out of the game.     

Who the hell are you to sneer at them for taking the offer of more money and/or a longer deal?  As opposed to earning less by staying in a Championship where we almost universally agree that the standard of football is not much higher than shite? In the real world, that’s the kind of decision that people have to make. And most other people are big enough, sensible enough and worldly enough to appreciate the reasons behind their decisions

If there is a Scottish urban dictionary online then I vote the term ‘birthday caird pish’ links directly to this post.

Edited by Poet of the Macabre
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2 hours ago, virginton said:

If they wanted a steady living then they should have become an engineer, or a plumber, or even (God help us) a school teacher. Indeed they could still do so while still playing at a respectable level for the part time clubs in this league. Instead these mercenaries choose to waste everybody's time by playing professional football to a mediocre standard before then dropping several levels to play for some souped-up Gretna 4.0 outfit for the sake of their bedraggled 'family'. It isn't about their family at all though: it's about milking as much as they can out of the 'professional' game. We know this because as soon as the playing career comes to an end they inevitably get their coaching badges and try to walk straight into a management post at an SPFL club: at which point job security for their precious family has suddenly plummeted to the bottom of their list of priorities again. 

And btw, if you interviewed for a job in this fabled 'real world' of yours and in response to the 'where do you see yourself in five years' time question' gave even the slightest hint of 'chasing the most money I can get from one of your market competitors' in your answer then your application would be filed immediately in the bin. I similarly have zero respect for the warped priorities of this type of 'professional footballer' and it is only regrettable that clubs aren't similarly filtering them out of the recruitment process at the first possible stage. Morton and any similar sized clubs will get absolutely nowhere by continuing to employ these ambitionless wasters.


A post full of the usual breathtaking arrogance, total lack of empathy and stunning generalities that you so specialise in. Do you actually believe any of that, or are you just posing for effect as usual? If you believe in such a jaundiced viewpoint, why do you even bother with Scottish fitba’?

Maybe - but it's only maybe - your views might change a little if - and its a very big "IF" - you ever manage to somehow end up in a relationship with someone, and have that person plus his or her guide dog to take care of. 


PS  -  Have you ever considered getting into teaching, vt? I reckon you've the makings of an absolutely memorable careers officer. 


Edited by Rudolph Hucker
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12 minutes ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

If there is a Scottish urban dictionary online then I vote the term ‘birthday caird pish’ links directly to this post.

 👍    Thank you. Noted, and filed in the round file, where it belongs.

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The real question is why muppets like you bother with Scottish league football when you're willing to applaud players for joining the Dog and Duck FC for an extra year's contract. You might as well stop wasting your own time as well as this forum's bandwidth and just become a fanboy for 'the richest league in the world'. Spend your days fantasising about Mesut Ozil's P60 instead of white knighting for the serial losers plummeting through the depths of the Scottish lower leagues.

Edited by vikingTON
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"Applauding??"  "White Knighting??"  Honestly, where do you dream up this guff? 

Back in the real world, let's take Bob McHugh as an example. A guy who will never make his fortune out of football, but a decent player by our standards who served us pretty well, and having met him a few times I can confirm that he seems to be a thoroughly decent bloke. As a result of all that, I don't blame him in the least for taking a longer deal for more money than we offered and I wish him all the best. As I expect most decent and realistic Morton fans will. The guy will be earning more and still gets to enjoy his football - nothing remotely wrong about that. 

BTW, does your disdain for those who move for money - as most of us outwith football would - extend to your hero David Irons, who did much the same when Gretna came calling?  Classic case of journeyman footballer taking the money/getting his coaching badges/getting a management gig. And still rattling about the lower regions of the game and taking what money he can get. Just what you were sneering at a couple of posts back. 😆😆😆

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I really don’t see the big deal. Players can do what they like tbh and if they want to go and play for the likes of Darvel or EK or Queens Park just for a bit more money then they are welcome to do so.

The only gripe I’ve got is teams thinking they are being “ambitious” just for spunking thousands of pounds up the wall to try and reach some sort of promised land when it’s shown that such ventures never end well. It’s not ambitious it’s just stupidity.

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You're right. Anyone who decides to pile cash into  a Scottish football club should know that it can turn into a bottomless pit, that their money could be wasted and maybe lost forever. Without effective, experienced management that can happen even at the top level - look at the mess than Ann Budge and Craig Levein have made at Hearts - and at our level Falkirk and Partick are just the most recent examples. While I wish my own club well with the forthcoming community buyout, I have some concerns about what the quality and experience of those put in place to run the club will be. From what I've seen this last year I hope that Dave McKinnon will remain in post alongside them. 

For players offered lucrative contracts by such clubs, though, it can be a no-brainer. So long as the regime rains in place for the duration of their contract they'll be paid more than before to enjoy their football; if and when it all goes tits up they go back to the sort of club and wage level they were at before. 

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