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I don't know the ins and outs of the survey but surely most committees know their ground well enough to give an accurate maximum attendance figure for socially distanced games. Even standing outside your ground and going to your games every second week for many years you should be able to complete it unless wanting 100% accuracy?
There was much more to the survey than just ground capacities.
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12 hours ago, Andy groundhopper said:

Can we get to see the surveys questions anywhere ?  Guess the crowd thing, paint marks on the barriers 2m apart then use common sense. Can imagine how clubs use changing rooms, catering etc was a top question to be answered. Fingers crossed then.

take shorts and socks home on last week day of training... only need to swap a top on the day.

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22 hours ago, glensmad said:
22 hours ago, Sancho Panza said:
hear there are a good number of clubs have not completed the survey that had an end of July deadline.
There are some thoughts that this could delay the restart.

Some clubs have been unable to return the survey as they play at council-owned facilities which are currently still closed.

Limp excuse.

Hi Mr cooncil we need in for 10 mins.

nobother meet you there at etc.

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Decent EOS email stating the obvious, just part of society that can't obey anything,above the law etc. Watch the news and spot the idiots acting like normal, crap upbringing I'd guess. We are all looking forward to the season starting again, patience the key. Would be surprised to see a start this side of Christmas if people/clubs carry on regardless.

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The 'Aberdeen 8' have really put a massive dent in hopes because Nicola Sturgeon & Co weren't keen on football returning anyway and any repeat by a club could see the game shut down. As she said herself yesterday, in those circumstances 'all bets are off' re: action taken.

I have so many questions and doubts anyway about the viability of the 20-21 season outwith the full-time leagues as it is but my opinion counts for nothing - the powers that be are also skeptical. But I have yet to hear how we are going to get any games on in semi pro when the SPFL 42 aren't allowed crowds - and they have money to alleviate some of the pain. It's all very well saying people can spread out but what about toilets, human nature to want to gather etc... and how on earth of you apply any of that to the bigger crowds seen in the top flight of WOSFL? And if punters cannot do SPFL42 they'll in some cases gravitate to our sides in greater number. It's a nightmare unless you do things like membership schemes etc to limit numbers but limiting numbers limits revenue. Six figure wage bills in top flight (usually) don't pay themselves.

Edited by cmontheloknow
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30 minutes ago, cmontheloknow said:

The 'Aberdeen 8' have really put a massive dent in hopes because Nicola Sturgeon & Co weren't keen on football returning anyway and any repeat by a club could see the game shut down. As she said herself yesterday, in those circumstances 'all bets are off' re: action taken.

I have so many questions and doubts anyway about the viability of the 20-21 season outwith the full-time leagues as it is but my opinion counts for nothing - the powers that be are also skeptical. But I have yet to hear how we are going to get any games on in semi pro when the SPFL 42 aren't allowed crowds - and they have money to alleviate some of the pain. It's all very well saying people can spread out but what about toilets, human nature to want to gather etc... and how on earth of you apply any of that to the bigger crowds seen in the top flight of WOSFL? And if punters cannot do SPFL42 they'll in some cases gravitate to our sides in greater number. It's a nightmare unless you do things like membership schemes etc to limit numbers but limiting numbers limits revenue. Six figure wage bills in top flight (usually) don't pay themselves.

But the Aberdeen 8 got it from going to a pub and not playing football. If anything it should shut pubs down rather than football.

If sturgeon stops football when every other country in the world can get it on she should get to f**k. She has largely done a good job but is starting to make it all about her now. Get the fitba on.

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3 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

But the Aberdeen 8 got it from going to a pub and not playing football. If anything it should shut pubs down rather than football.

If sturgeon stops football when every other country in the world can get it on she should get to f**k. She has largely done a good job but is starting to make it all about her now. Get the fitba on.

Would the over 50s turn up to watch?

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1 hour ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

But the Aberdeen 8 got it from going to a pub and not playing football. If anything it should shut pubs down rather than football.

If sturgeon stops football when every other country in the world can get it on she should get to f**k. She has largely done a good job but is starting to make it all about her now. Get the fitba on.

Professional football is only back because of government dispensation. Footballers elsewhere in the world are living in sporting bubbles. It was understood that Scottish players were to do likewise but it does not appear to be the case. And what they are doing down south, well who knows? It's the last place I'd look to follow!

Football means close contact with others which is why there is so much tension about the relaxing of rules. The return to training programme for non top flight even now means small groups and no physical contact, not even picking up the ball or heading it.

Unless it is safe for the players to play, supporters getting in are miles away.

And if players break their sporting bubble to go to a busy bar (bordering on nightclub apparently?) that had no social distancing, they risk spreading it to their teammates who then go to a game and spread it to their opponents and on it goes.

And yes it raises a big issue about whether or not part-timers can play without this causing a resurgence. Lee the sparkie / centre half or whoever cannot stay on the couch inbetween training sessions as our full-time players are supposed to be doing as he has to work. As Neil Lennon put it 'train home train home play' or words to that effect.

Part-time football is fantasy right now for all manner of reasons. Most non-league grounds up here are dangerous crapholes for one reason or another. I was at one with actual plumbing a year or two ago but the floor was wet (with water rather than pish!) and I slipped, cartoon style. There was no light on so it was hard to see. I was a fit enough 40 year old then and only wounded pride - but an old boy would have broken something. I would be staggered if we can make these places 'legally watertight safe' over a few months.

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4 hours ago, Tutankhamen said:

Would the over 50s turn up to watch?

I am over 50, of course I would go to watch football. In the open air... Must be safer than going to a pub, a cafe, a restuarant, a bus, a train, Asda... 

We need to get some form of normality back in life

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I'm an unsteady 58,due to my postman's lot - yes I'd love to get back to football, but I can't see the non league changing rooms, the after match celebrations, social distancing, and even some fans' insistence on spending all the day in the pub and then going to the games ever being deemed safe even 75% Am hoping that the majority of fans are sensible , that a vaccine is found asap, and that we can give it a go. Games played around Bristol BCD and/or with crowds of 50+ yesterday.Bizarre.

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