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Back pain.

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I had terrible back pain for 17 years.  When I went for the x-rays, the pain was so bad I struggled to lay on my side so that they can take the x-rays.  I followed a program that cured my back pain completely.  Last year I did a 90kg marathon without any pain.
They are called Snickers now and they haven't been that size since 1973.
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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Has anyone gone ahead with back surgery? Ie what was done? And where results good and lasting?

My mum go an operation to do with crushed discs - then had to get a second operation soon after due to a leak of spinal fluid (or fluid of some sort) she's ticket boo now. Wear and tear, should be fine. 

Guy I work with, bodybuilder in his mid 40's, crushed discs and the operation has alleviated some of the pain but he will be on sticks by 60. The damage was done himself. 

Mate from the pub, mid 50's, paralysed down one side and forever consigned to a chair as a result of the operation. The surgeons fucked it. 

It's just your Donald Duck and if it was me personally, it's the one operation I'd never sign off on. 

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On 24/07/2020 at 08:21, Shandön Par said:

Maybe one for the YouTube thread..

Not sure if he’s a quack or there’s any real science behind this but what is for sure is the sheer range and quality of wids that turn up in either mini dresses and heels or skimpy sports gear to have themselves cracked back into shape. Example..



On 24/07/2020 at 08:34, Mr. Alli said:

Dr Joseph Cipriano is who you should be looking up. 

I love watching all this shit for some reason. I can zone in to it for 45 minutes totally zonked away from reality.

On 24/07/2020 at 11:47, ICTChris said:

Chiropracty is bullshit.  There is no evidence it works. 


I have heard this before but i put my back out playing football over 10 years ago. Had a few physio sessions and wasn’t getting anywhere. Was recommended a chiropractor and the difference was almost instant and I have had next to no issue since. The problem is its not well regulated and private so many will keep taking your money if they know they cant really fix it. I have recommended to others now at work with mixed results some said did f**k all, one guy had been popping pills for yonks waiting on a referral, half a dozen sessions later he couldn’t thank me enough. If its your back and causing you constant issue your going to try anything.

Edited by gannonball
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My mum go an operation to do with crushed discs - then had to get a second operation soon after due to a leak of spinal fluid (or fluid of some sort) she's ticket boo now. Wear and tear, should be fine. 

Guy I work with, bodybuilder in his mid 40's, crushed discs and the operation has alleviated some of the pain but he will be on sticks by 60. The damage was done himself. 

Mate from the pub, mid 50's, paralysed down one side and forever consigned to a chair as a result of the operation. The surgeons fucked it. 

It's just your Donald Duck and if it was me personally, it's the one operation I'd never sign off on. 

Yeh it's a tough choice. Apparently the spinal cord actually ends about L1 so if surgery is on lower lumbar, say L5 or S1 then there is less chance of paralysis but chance of nerve damage..

Think any surgery is a gamble, especially back surgery, but it's starting to seriously effect my life and now my sleep so we will see.


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My mate had an operation on a slipped disc years ago, and ended up with in an infection where the scar tissue wrapped itself around the spinal cord. If they hadn't caught it in time he would have been paralysed. 

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I had an op on my back due to disc problems back in 2007. For me was a great decision.

Had been on about a dozen pain killers a day for a year. Pain in back and leg was unbearable at times. Not had one painkiller since a week after the op. No real issues at all.

Left with a 2 inch scar at bottom of spine.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I personally have a herniated disc in my lower back. Sneezing used to cause it to seize up and I’d be stiff for a week. I started rock climbing again (5 years ago) and it really really helped. That said, a consistent core workout is the one thing that I recommend.
I’d try a simple 5 minute core workout every day or couple days. Lots of them on YouTube. Worked wonders for me. Sneeze with ease. Also physiotherapist helped here

Edited by tatf
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  • 2 months later...

Oh my f***ing God! The lack of any type of comfortable chair designed for sitting in for longer than half an hour in our house has left me utterly c**ted after a week of working from home again.

Think I might have to invest in a decent chair. Don't suppose anyone has any suggestions?

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8 hours ago, Rizzo said:

Oh my f***ing God! The lack of any type of comfortable chair designed for sitting in for longer than half an hour in our house has left me utterly c**ted after a week of working from home again.

Think I might have to invest in a decent chair. Don't suppose anyone has any suggestions?

After starting a post like that it's a naughty step you're needing!

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On 28/10/2020 at 15:13, John Lambies Doos said:

Has anyone gone ahead with back surgery? Ie what was done? And where results good and lasting?

Yes 14 years ago now.  I had a terrible back and went through perhaps 18 months seeking help / relief from physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropracters and doctors.  Nothing made any difference at all - even got a steroid injection which provided pain relief for a good 2 hours !

The game changer for me was getting an MRI scan (at that time they were still not very common) That revealed that I had a degenerative disc that had pretty much disappeared - resulting in a gap between vertibrae and a great deal of inflamation in that area. 

I set up a pulley system in my kitchen to help with the process of putting socks on in the mornings - I bought several pairs of black socks all identical and would routinely put them on the lowered clothes pulley above my kitchen table before going to bed.  In the morning I would lift each leg up onto the kitchen table then reach for a sock - if I failed I would simply take another sock and try again...I would pick up those socks from the floor at night when my back had eased off a bit...then load up the pulley again. I would leave tieing laces until I was at work - usually around 10.30am - 11am when I could manage to bend down.  This was a nightmare - I did a lot of sport and that stopped completely as a result.  I had hoped to do an Ironman and the year previous took swimming lesson as that was easily my weakest sport - after a while I really struggled to get out of the pool and for some reason the swim always made my back worse and I really struggled to get changed.  It got so bad that once (not even making this up) I was in the gym changing rooms in my trunks and could not get changed into clothes for ages - one guy went for his workout, completed it then returned to the changing rooms only to find me still standing there in my trunks (surprised he never called the police)

Saw a surgeon who suggested fusing the vertibrae - would have meant a shorter spine and a real struggle to return to sport.  He then said a younger colleague had performed a disc replacement operation so may be worth speaking to him.  I did and was then booked in for my op (got it on private health through my work)  A couple of weeks before the operation I was made redundant and first thing that crossed my mind was that I may not get the op - thankfully my work were brilliant and kept me on the cover for another 6 months.

Had the operation on 14th November 2007 (I tried to delay it by a week so that I could go to the Italy game) and spent 5 days in hospital.  I was cut open from the front - sounds strange for a back op but they had to get into the spine and insert two chromium alloy plates onto the vertebrae and a polyethylne disc sandwiched between. Incidentally as I was in a private hospital I managed to watch the Italy game but to be honest the second half was a bit foggy as at half time the nurses came round with the suppositories - they were watching too - had a few dodgy half time pies but getting strong drugs suved up my arse is an experience I never ever hope to repeat at a game.

Recovery was a long process.....walking was still a little tricky more than a month after...so too was standing for any length of time. I suppose that was a lot to do with them cutting through my abdomen muscles......I returned to the gym maybe 3 months after the op and began with cycling and built up from there

Delighted to say that it was a huge success and five years ago I did eventually manage to complete an Ironman (very appropriate name) I wrote to my surgeon thanking him even though it was 8 years after the operation (found out he was struck off shortly after but thats another story that isnt related to his medical skills)

This is the operation and inplant I got - Charité Artificial Disc and Degenerative Disc Disease (spineuniverse.com)

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  • 5 months later...

I had back problems as a teenager and my son had the same when he was about 12. I think it was just a growth thing. 

The worst one for me wasn't back pain though - I hurt my hip a few years back. For a week it was the most uncomfortable, agonising time of my life (and I've been on tramadol for testicle pain). To me, everything else is second class.

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