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21 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

It's good to see the brave Gervais bring those high and mighty Trans folk down a peg or two. Continuing his good work after hilariously mocking m**gs for years.

They've had their guard down for too long if you ask me.

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

The new Ricky Gervais special on Netflix "Super Nature" is taking a fair degree of heat from the perma-offended for his trans jokes.

It was only released yesterday and already some hilarious meltdowns over it.

Some of his jokes were a wee bit tired for me but a lot of it was genuinely hilarious.

The bit where he says something like the "I don't like those old type of women - you know the type....the ones with wombs. Dinosaurs. I prefer these new women....the ones with beards and cocks" seems to have caused a few heads gone moments. 😂

He also did a bit where he said something like "black people make up 5% of the population. Same with gay people. I'm a white middle-class millionaire and there's only 1% of us so I know all about being a minority" seems to have also triggered a few folk.

Maybe one day people will learn to stop taking themselves so seriously 24-7.

I'm not hopeful though.

We're seriously expected to believe that a Gervais stand up was, even in part, genuinely hilarious? 

You're at it. 

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Nothing wrong with not funding his humour funny but he's not actually attacking the minorities.

He was largely attacking the woke shite which has been built up around them by others and which treats those minorities as victims incapable of being able to laugh at themselves.

He tells a conversational joke about the many claims that trans women would use women's toilets to target normal women for rape which got that point across beautifully.

I'd say that going by the comments, he'd hit that target spectacularly TBH.

You have to actually watch it and think about what he's saying in the context of how he's saying it to get that though. Most people piling in simply haven't watched it. And that shows through in their arguments.

I' m not watching another gervais show, but his MO is to pretend he's poking fun at people's reactions as a fig leaf to come out with some nasty shit. Like sacha baron cohen but less successful at it. 

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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

He made a joke about that as well.

Someone had a go at him online and wrote "you are as funny as ..."

He was reading this out and then stopped reading and said "I thought they were going to go hardcore on me and say I was as funny as Miranda but he didnt. He said I was as funny as a fart at a baby's funeral."

Edgy stuff.

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8 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


He was largely attacking the woke shite which has been built up around them by others and which treats those minorities as victims incapable of being able to laugh at themselves.




2 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

It’s much easier to take yourself less seriously when you’ve got lots of money tho. You can afford to pay for lots of security for when someone starts shouting millionarephobic abuse at you.



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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

It wasn't Gervais who wrote that.

It was a Woke Warrior.

He was only reading out what someone said to him online.

You're not even making an attempt to listening now.

That'll do for me on this topic.

Been fun.

I'll leave you to your cloud shouting and outrage.

What a snowflake.

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8 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

He made a joke about that as well.

Someone had a go at him online and wrote "you are as funny as ..."

He was reading this out and then stopped reading and said "I thought they were going to go hardcore on me and say I was as funny as Miranda but he didnt. He said I was as funny as a fart at a baby's funeral."

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's class tbf

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9 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


More importantly, it's a word they invented and use themselves to describe their political philosophy..


It's not tho. It originated in the Black American community in the 1930s as a way of indicating one should be aware of social and political issues that affect that group. It resurfaced - again in the Black American community - in the 2000s and 2010s when Erykah Badu, and most headline-grabbingly, LeBron James resurrected the term, for much the same meaning. Since then the right, including Laura Ingraham who notoriously told LeBron - who came from less than nothing, will go to his grave a billionaire, is married to his childhood sweetheart and has set up a school in his hometown of Akron, OH where underprivileged kids are given college scholarships when they graduate - to 'shut up and dribble'  - have demeaned it to being 'this is a catch all word for something that we don't think we like the sound of'. 

Edited by carpetmonster
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It's not tho. It originated in the Black American community in the 1930s as a way of indicating one should be aware of social and political issues that affect that group. It resurfaced - again in the Black American community - in the 2000s and 2010s when Erykah Badu, and most headline-grabbingly, LeBron James resurrected the term, for much the same meaning. Since then the right, including Laura Ingraham who notoriously told LeBron - who came from less than nothing, will go to his grave a billionaire, is married to his childhood sweetheart and has set up a school in his hometown of Akron, OH where underprivileged kids are given college scholarships when they graduate - to 'shut up and dribble'  - have demeaned it to being 'this is a catch all word for something that we don't think we like the sound of'. 
Bang on. The word woke has been absolutely hijacked, it's meaning completely distorted and then used as an insult.

The original meaning of woke could never, to anyone with half a brain, be seen as a negative character trait.

Indeed, many of the right wing bedroom dwellers who "do their own research" and decry every source of news out there without ever actually revealing where they get their hot takes, might describe themselves as being woke by the original definition.... If they hadn't already completely lost their shit over it.
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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Bang on. The word woke has been absolutely hijacked, it's meaning completely distorted and then used as an insult.

The original meaning of woke could never, to anyone with half a brain, be seen as a negative character trait.

Indeed, many of the right wing bedroom dwellers who "do their own research" and decry every source of news out there without ever actually revealing where they get their hot takes, might describe themselves as being woke by the original definition.... If they hadn't already completely lost their shit over it.

They don't "do their own research" anymore, they're "just asking questions". 

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Gervais quoted as saying this in response to the criticism:

"I think that's what comedy is for, really - to get us through stuff, and I deal in taboo subjects because I want to take the audience to a place it hasn't been before, even for a split second".


Then here's a description of one of his jokes:

He then imagines a conversation with a woman who objects to sharing a bathroom with a trans woman: “They are ladies, look at their pronouns. What about this person isn’t a lady?” He then responds: “Well, his penis.”

So that's him "taking the audience to a place it hasn't been before"? Introducing to them the groundbreaking idea that transwomen may have biologically male anatomy? He thinks none of his audience have ever imagined that possibility before? 

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