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British Summer Time


Clocks Going Back  

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39 minutes ago, throbber said:

I work in construction and just now it’s too dark to properly start work at 730 and in a months time, even when the clocks go back it’s long after 8 am when you can properly see everything you need to get your work done. 

Stick a head torch on then.

With that problem solved, the main constituency that would stand to lose out are snippy parents doing the school run: which given their insistence on keeping school buildings open in the middle of a global pandemic strikes me as a cost that we should be more than willing to impose on them. 

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I work in construction and just now it’s too dark to properly start work at 730 and in a months time, even when the clocks go back it’s long after 8 am when you can properly see everything you need to get your work done. Something seems pretty in natural about it still being pretty much pitch black at 9 am so I’m up for keeping things as they are. 
Use a light m90
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1 minute ago, virginton said:

Stick a head torch on then.

With that problem solved, the main constituency that would stand to lose out are snippy parents doing the school run: which given their insistence on keeping school buildings open in the middle of a global pandemic strikes me as a cost that we should be more than willing to impose on them. 

^^^ more concerned about his "Crimbo bevvy" than the future of our cherubs 

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There is a fairly well-known urban myth that prior to the clocks changing to make it lighter in the mornings accident statistics involving kids getting hit while going to school in the dark were much, much higher. Obviously this isn't borne out by any actual, you know, evidence of it actually happening, but there are still quite a few folk who will swear blind it happened 'the next town over from me'.
It's always been used as reason in the past - "cannae have bairns walking to school in the dark".

Never quite got that as they walk home in the dark instead - by midwinter it does not really matter - it's dark going and returning from school.
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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's always been used as reason in the past - "cannae have bairns walking to school in the dark".

Never quite got that as they walk home in the dark instead - by midwinter it does not really matter - it's dark going and returning from school.

The logic seems to be that drivers are less likely to cause accidents in the dark at 4pm as they won't be as tired as they are at 8am.

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11 minutes ago, H Wragg said:
16 minutes ago, highlandcowden said:
ive worked a fair few nightshifts on the end of BST weekend. never seemed to be on nights the start of BST weekend. its fucking shite

Unpaid for the extra hour worked into the bargain?

my employers did indeed try to tell me it wasnt company policy to pay us for that hour.i explained to them it wasnt my policy to work for nothing and if i didnt get it id recoup it in my own way later on with bells on.got paid

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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's always been used as reason in the past - "cannae have bairns walking to school in the dark".

Never quite got that as they walk home in the dark instead - by midwinter it does not really matter - it's dark going and returning from school.

I  do actually think there's an argument based on the conditions at either end of a school day.  Whether more accidents result or not, I don't know, but the way we currently do things, it gets dark in most of Scotland in the depths of winter at around 4, having become light a bit after 8.  

Move things forward an hour and it's definitely pitch black first thing.  As it stands just now, daylight sort of prevails immediately before and after school.  With BST, that would only be the case after school.

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14 minutes ago, throbber said:

A head torch isn’t going to work of course and only people who have never got their hands dirty at work would come out with such nonsense.


Uh huh, because your current system of grubbing around in the Scottish twilight at 7am and 4pm every day without the necessary PPE is the hallmark of common-sense efficiency!


Surely people who are working from home have the flexibility to plan their daily activities according to the conditions outside. Why does it matter what the actual time is as opposed to it being “nearly dark” when arranging their evening stroll when they work a matter of feet away from their wanking chariots all day?

Well no they don't actually because there's still this concept called 'time' that regulates a working day at home as much as on your beloved construction site. It is much easier for someone WFH to justify taking some time for outdoor activity at 4:30pm than at 9:00am because the tasks for the day are essentially complete by the former time slot and not the latter. Except that as of tomorrow it will be getting pitch black by then so yeah, not much point in doing that actually.

Edited by vikingTON
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21 minutes ago, throbber said:

Most work places are flexible with hours though, I don’t know anyone working from home who can’t start work an hour earlier if they wanted to go for a stroll at 4 o clock for example.

Well anyone who has ever had a meeting scheduled between 3:30-4:30 quite clearly can't do that.

Instead of asking the majority of workers to reschedule their time with employers we could simply move the time zone to automatically provide that utility instead. 


The only way you could make your idea work for the building trade would be for operatives to work 9-5 on site during winter months as opposed to 7/8-4 as there isn’t a feasible solution to provide adequate lighting for that 1-1.5 hours in the morning that it would be too dark to work.

Well yes: I'm still not seeing a single problem here other than a bizarre sense of injustice among brickies that we can safely file in the bin.


The rest of what you have talked about comes down to preferences, some people prefer it bright in the morning and some prefer it brighter at night time. There is no right or wrong answer

There quite clearly is though.

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In retrospect, what we really should be doing is aligning permanently with our European counterparts through the whole year: moving two hours ahead of our useless time zone in summer instead of one. The warmest part of the day would then be when people finish work at 4-5pm so they can go straight to the beer gardens, which could be enjoyed in daylight until midnight at the height of summer. We'd have a Spanish-style, al fresco culture in no time and the tourists would love it as well as the midge hours would be punted back in the evening.

There is absolutely no point in having an hour of pointless daylight between 4-5am instead when people are trying to sleep: let's shift the timezones to create the most benefit for the most people. The right solution for a better Scotland.


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40 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Thanks for reminding me that it's that time of year again when Peter Hitchens goes on his crusade against time



Screenshot 2020-10-24 at 22.17.36.png

Hitchens' case of course isn't that we should have BST all year round; instead he wants GMT locked into position.

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12 minutes ago, throbber said:

It’s still surely not that difficult for someone working from home to manage to arrange a half hour walk in the daylight though and they can always try to aim to finish their work for 4 pm even if they can’t do it every day. It’s no reason to change the system we have yet it seems to be your only argument here.


The majority of dayshift work is on a roughly 9-5 basis so we should have a timezone that reflects this reality. That is the reason to change it and it is a compelling one for physical and mental health reasons. Why don't they just arrange to finish early is a ridiculous counter-point.


You seem happy to shit all over the entire construction work force who are used to working hours 7am - 4 on and make them either work the entire year round 9-5 or change their hours they work according to the time of year just so you can enjoy an evening stroll with a bit of visible sunlight once a week for 12 weeks of the year. You are clearly a very selfish person.

Well yes I am because you are in fact a tiny minority of the population, whose bizarre attachment to a 7am pitch black anyway start is irrelevant to the country's overall needs.


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