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The US Presidential election prediction thread


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4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Thick people.  People who believe in QAnon.  Fortunately not too many of them are judges.

His big issue is that his lawyers will be up against administrators who are as likely to be Republican as Democrat.  His lawyers will also need to explain why all these fake votes still supported Republicans for Senate and the House.


Yeah hes obviously playing to a certain demographic but unfortunately thats large...

Hes lost,  nothing is going to change that thankfully... it's just a case of casting a shadow over the result now...interesting to see where he goes after this.. cant see him fading into the background quietly...

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3 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

^^^playground level stuff, because he is unable to address the point being made and develop a rational counter-argument.

Not the case.  You are one of a small handful of posters who try to engage by being deliberately contrary, I don’t think that deserves to be responded to rationally.

Your head would burst if others started agreeing with you; thankfully not much chance of that happening.


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On the topic of Greta I believe that she personally is 100% genuine.

However she has been promoted by some big corporate actors  and believe it won't be long until a 'Green New Deal' is pushed forward that is basically just the mass privatisation of renewable energy. 

Edited by Detournement
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Its ok, im a sarcy b*****d too. I was in an italian restaurant in Orlando (in kinda upmarket mall which is popular with tourists call Millenia) and the waiter was quite taken with the fact we were Scottish, asking us loads of questions but eventually it became a bit insulting ‘do you guys get buffet restaurants?’ ‘Do you guys have wifi?’ I dead pan replied ‘whats wifi’ cue the fucker pulling his iphone out and explaining wifi for what seemed like ages (which to be fair made me suffer far more). 
Dunno why but the minute I read that I got the scene from Still Game Hootenanny where Jack and Victor show the barman a £20 note.

I hope you ended in a similar way with your ordeal by saying "Yes, of course we have wifi ya w****r".
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23 minutes ago, Bohemian said:

When hes punted from Twitter where is he going to vent? Next logical stop or illogical pending how you look at it is his own tv channel or network... Trump TV... hed probably get decent ratings

He'll be stuck in a Parler dungeon with poor Tommy and Kate Hopkins screaming at each other about how unfair everything is.

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41 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Do you see Greta as an appeal to rationality or to visceral level emotions in a similar sort of way to Pastor BillyJoeJimBob Burgerflipper, III on Fox? World leaders only really pay lip service to global warming as an issue based on the arguments that usually get trundled out based mainly on computer modelling and are not implementing the policies that the environmentalists want for the most part so enter a somewhat odd and very emotionally overwrought Swedish teenager stage left...

If she said we don't have to worry about global warming as we're past peak oil, you'd be singing her praises. Of course you need an emotional element in messaging, nobody's going to listen to some geek reading out from spreadsheets. The more people listen to the gawky awkward teenager the more difficult it is for the grownups to ignore it.

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30 minutes ago, Detournement said:

On the topic of Greta I believe that she personally is 100% genuine.

However she has been promoted by some big corporate actors  and believe it won't be long until a 'Green New Deal' is pushed forward that is basically just the mass privatisation of renewable energy. 

Have to wonder how many of her devotees on here plan to take a yacht the next time they visit the USA. She is taking the Green rhetoric to its logical conclusion but most people only want to pay lipservice by buying their coffee from a Nicaraguan organic-farming commune or something like that while still flying somewhere exotic for their holidays.

Michael Moore's film  Planet of the Humans did not go down well with many on the left and was a bit unfair/misleading about solar panels in places but definitely showed what happens when the environmentalist agenda loses touch with rationality and a lot of their campaigning is hijacked by people with a base profit motive agenda:

I'd be very dubious about any Green New Deal if it winds up with anything as environmentally-destructive as wood-pellet fired power stations to keep it all propped up. Doubt Biden will have much interest in doing anything too radical too quickly though. He was nothing like as anti-fracking as the progressive wing of the Democrats would have liked, because he knew what he had to do to win in Pennsylvania and he'll want to win a second term.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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15 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Fox seem to be holding back, but Hannity is ploughing his own track.  He will be gutted when Trump loses as it will diminish his ratings and relevance.


They just said his latest tweets alleging fraud are a pile of shite and quoted the "Trump friendly Wall St Journal" telling him to leave with some dignity. Murdoch's taken a huge dump on him.

Edited by welshbairn
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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

They just said his latest tweets alleging fraud are a pile of shite and quoted the "Trump friendly Wall St Journal" telling him to leave with some dignity. Murdoch's taken a huge dump on him.

I dont follow that closely but is there any argument about fraud in the senate or other races? Seems strange it is only happening in the presidential.

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1 minute ago, BillyAnchor said:

I dont follow that closely but is there any argument about fraud in the senate or other races? Seems strange it is only happening in the presidential.

Got to be hitting Trump hard the number of people who must have ticked Biden at the top and Republican all the way down the rest of the ballot. :lol:

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We are expecting updates from Pennsylvania soon. I was expecting it already. Its likely going to be called if we get a reasonable sized update on the count. 

For those who are not following every step of this, we think they need to clear the 0.5% lead for Biden in Pennsylvania to call the race as that clears an automatic recount. We are at about 0.45%. 

Edited by dorlomin
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37 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Do you see Greta as an appeal to rationality or to visceral level emotions in a similar sort of way to Pastor BillyJoeJimBob Burgerflipper, III on Fox? World leaders only really pay lip service to global warming as an issue based on the arguments that usually get trundled out based mainly on computer modelling and are not implementing the policies that the environmentalists want for the most part so enter a somewhat odd and very emotionally overwrought Swedish teenager stage left...

It's like you've never actually heard or read anything she's ever said.

Greta was invited to speak before a Congressional hearing in Washington. With the eyes of the US media on her, did she give a grandstanding speech? No, she spoke for 51 seconds.

"I have not come to offer any prepared remarks at this hearing. I am instead attaching my testimony. It is the IPCC Special Report on global warming of 1.5 degree celsius, the SR1.5, which was released on October 8th 2018. I am submitting this report as my testimony because I don't want you to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists. And I want you to unite behind the science. And then I want you to take real action. Thank you."

She offers absolutely no comfort to the world leaders paying lip service that you mention - did you miss her saying "how dare you?" to them?

All she ever says is 'listen to the science and act on it'. Comparing that to TV evangelists is taking false equivalence and stretching it way, way beyond the point of credulity.

Calling her odd and emotionally overwrought shows several things - you don't understand autism, you believe that the moments of public persona you see from someone constitutes their entire character, and you've absolutely no idea what a threat climate change is to young people, who will live to see the worst of it come true.

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55 minutes ago, Detournement said:

On the topic of Greta I believe that she personally is 100% genuine.

However she has been promoted by some big corporate actors  and believe it won't be long until a 'Green New Deal' is pushed forward that is basically just the mass privatisation of renewable energy. 

What do you mean by "promoted"?

In what way is renewable energy not already private?

Why would more renewable energy not be a good thing?

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