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The Official Farewell to President Donald J Trump Thread


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6 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I think its not beyond the realms of possibility and would be entertaining to watch, but no i think hes just trying to wreck everything. He’d get taken out if he actually tried a coup. 

I dunno. Say he puts up the batshit signal and a few thousand crazies with automatic weapons surround the White House to protect him. They prevent the Electoral College from meeting and the Supreme Court from ruling on appeals of his stupid lawsuits. Who removes him?

The Director of the Secret Service was appointed by Trump last year, after he called the predecessor Dumbo and fired him.

I've been reassured that the Generals wouldn't do anything mental, refusing orders if it came to it. But I'm slightly freaked out by Trump firing and forcing out pretty much the entire leadership at Defense. Is this a precursor to replacing the Joint Chiefs?

Trump doesn't need to do a traditional coup, he's in power now. All he has to do is prevent them from removing him.

I think it's a very low risk but I wouldn't be ruling it our just yet. As time goes on and he digs in further, and as things look bleaker for Trump the more likely it becomes that he'll wildly overreact. 

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6 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I think its not beyond the realms of possibility and would be entertaining to watch, but no i think hes just trying to wreck everything. He’d get taken out if he actually tried a coup. 

I am quite surprised he hasn’t been taken out already to be honest. 

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11 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

Why would she divorce him now?

Presumably because he doesn't have as much money as was widely thought previously. She'll likely want to ensure a tidy pay-off in exchange for signing a NDA. 

6 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I think its not beyond the realms of possibility and would be entertaining to watch, but no i think hes just trying to wreck everything. He’d get taken out if he actually tried a coup. 

He would need the support of the military which doesn't seem likely. It doesn't help of course when he calls cemeteries "full of losers". Even in the wild scenario that his base crazies arm themselves and escape their mothers' basements for a few days to "protect him" any stand off between a bunch of impotent losers with AR-15s and a fairly well trained and well drilled military is going to end in either said losers quickly returning to their mothers' basements with soiled trousers, or with them being shot. I doubt it'll come to this tbh. 

Trump's game here is surely to try to persuade Biden to offer him a pardon in exchange for a smoother transition. If he doesn't Trump will continue to act like a tantrum-throwing toddler until he gets what he wants. Hopefully Biden doesn't cave - Trump, Trump's family and that oily fucker Giuliani are up to their necks in it. 

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7 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I think its not beyond the realms of possibility and would be entertaining to watch, but no i think hes just trying to wreck everything. He’d get taken out if he actually tried a coup. 

By whom though? The GOP seem to be backing him, presumably as they need his base rabid for the run-off in January. 

Legally it doesn't look like he has a leg to stand on but when has that ever mattered? I don't think it's likely he'll pull it off, but I think people are a bit too relaxed about it and tye longer it drags out the more dangerous it is. 

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7 hours ago, GordonS said:

I dunno. Say he puts up the batshit signal and a few thousand crazies with automatic weapons surround the White House to protect him. They prevent the Electoral College from meeting and the Supreme Court from ruling on appeals of his stupid lawsuits. Who removes him?

It doesn't matter. If Trump barricades himself within the white house surrounded by gun men, then he won't be able to run the country anyway. He won't be internationally recognized as president. Won't be able to meet other world leaders and do deals with them. He'll be completely and utterly ineffective.

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2 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:


He would need the support of the military which doesn't seem likely. It doesn't help of course when he calls cemeteries "full of losers". Even in the wild scenario that his base crazies arm themselves and escape their mothers' basements for a few days to "protect him" any stand off between a bunch of impotent losers with AR-15s and a fairly well trained and well drilled military is going to end in either said losers quickly returning to their mothers' basements with soiled trousers, or with them being shot. I doubt it'll come to this tbh. 

I thought this too, until he purged the leadership at the Pentagon. If they start replacing the Joint Chiefs then it's sell-your-shares-and-buy-canned-goods time.

1 hour ago, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) said:

It doesn't matter. If Trump barricades himself within the white house surrounded by gun men, then he won't be able to run the country anyway. He won't be internationally recognized as president. Won't be able to meet other world leaders and do deals with them. He'll be completely and utterly ineffective.

I had thought that if the Electoral College couldn't meet then legally there couldn't be a new President. But I checked and apparently in the absence of a legally recognised election winner, at noon on 20 January the Speaker of the House would become President.

Nancy Pelosi, the 46th President of the USA...

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Any coup that happens will happen through the courts and will occur independent of any minuscule street action that rises in favour of Trump. None of the hogs are driving to Washington to protect their big wet president, they hated it enough when they went to the inauguration and they're still consumed more with whether or not Facebook are hiding their posts and why their kids aren't returning their calls.

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Trump will try and get the Supreme Court to try to invalidate harvested votes. The Supreme Court will go 9-0 against him and all the justices will be American heroes and the system of governance redeemed.

Trump will hopefully bring up not being allowed to end the Afghanistan War at the inauguration.

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17 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Getting slightly worried that Trump's big farewell could be a bit more dramatic than we were hoping for. Removing his Secretary of Defence a few weeks before he gets kicked out of the White House, fair enough, but a whole load of resignations, voluntary or not, on the chain of command below is making me a bit paranoid. Why would he bother? He's supposed to be retiring to Mar-e-Lago in a few weeks. A tinfoil hatter might think he has dastardly plans, I don't, he probably just took the opportunity to sack someone on Presidential twitter while he still could. I hope.


This seems to be all about getting a few pals two months of CV-enhancing pay days.

4 hours ago, madwullie said:

By whom though? The GOP seem to be backing him, presumably as they need his base rabid for the run-off in January. 

Legally it doesn't look like he has a leg to stand on but when has that ever mattered? I don't think it's likely he'll pull it off, but I think people are a bit too relaxed about it and tye longer it drags out the more dangerous it is. 

It's extremely dangerous because people who should know better appear to be so invested in Trumpism that they're going along for the ride.  There's absolutely no basis for anything they are going to court over, and they're losing cases left, right and centre.   There will be permanently seething rubes in the rust belt, but those folk will go away soon enough once their insane ramblings get ignored.  The real concern is the people with influence - representatives and media spokespeople - who are paid up members of this insane club.

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He'll go through the courts and fail, before sneaking out the back door in the middle of the night.

He won't concede, will continue to claim a fix and the grift will continue as he rinses the chuds for the next few years, doing maga rallys, selling merch and possibly a talkshow.

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:

This seems to be all about getting a few pals two months of CV-enhancing pay days.

It's also shifting them from temporary political appointee status to permanent Government employee so it's harder for Biden to replace them when he takes over. A permanent cadre of trumpets in the heart of the deep state. A bit like what he did to the judiciary.

Edited by welshbairn
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5 hours ago, GordonS said:

I had thought that if the Electoral College couldn't meet then legally there couldn't be a new President. But I checked and apparently in the absence of a legally recognised election winner, at noon on 20 January the Speaker of the House would become President.

Nancy Pelosi, the 46th President of the USA...

Technically correct. Although I wouldn't be surprised if there was a process in place that would effectively hand the presidency over to Joe Biden, should that situation occur.

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On Twitter I have a second account which I use to enter RT To Win contests (never won) and I thought out of boredom I'd see if I could get Trump to retweet me.

Put 1 post up saying that Fox have been a disaster since election day and that Donald hasn't been given any chance by the corrupt media.

Less than 5 minutes later and he retweets it and it's currently had 1200 retweets and over 5000 likes :lol:  The world is crazy.

EDIT - 35 minutes later it's up to 2698 retweets and 13000 likes and been viewed a million times.  

Edited by The Minertaur
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59 minutes ago, The Minertaur said:

On Twitter I have a second account which I use to enter RT To Win contests (never won) and I thought out of boredom I'd see if I could get Trump to retweet me.

Put 1 post up saying that Fox have been a disaster since election day and that Donald hasn't been given any chance by the corrupt media.

Less than 5 minutes later and he retweets it and it's currently had 1200 retweets and over 5000 likes :lol:  The world is crazy.

EDIT - 35 minutes later it's up to 2698 retweets and 13000 likes and been viewed a million times.  

Was this you???


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