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Arbroath vs ICT

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It’s not nice to start 2021 at the bottom of the league but with a pitiful return of only 5 goals from 10 matches we only have ourselves to blame. Hopefully we can get a run together starting with a win over Caley at Gayfield on Saturday. DC has been talking about getting players in during January but I imagine the 2nd will be too early for that.

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13 minutes ago, stan3600 said:

Anyone know why Hilson was missing last night? I’d go for Hilson and Ruth up front and a midfield of Craigen, Miko, Smith and McKenna. There’s goals in there somewhere. We hope.

No there isn't, sorry, to score goals we need spend time in the opposition box, we don't, any corner, free kick we get should be delivered to place where can win 2nd ball, to often they have been over or under hit, the notion of many that we will somehow play ourselves to safety, is deluded, this is going to be a scrap, and we need scrappers, not sure we have enough of them, unfortunately

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Defo want to see Ruth up front, Gold deserves to play after last night too, Miko hasn't been as good as last season but him and Craigen in the middle of the park, then you have a choice of Linn Hilson Smithand McKenna for the other 2 places,
Donnelly, Doolan were passengers last night and it just is not working for them at the moment,

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Our best performance this season was the win against Ayr a couple of weeks ago, if all fit and available it makes sense to play that same team. I feel sorry for Ruth, he’s never let us down or looked out his depth yet seems completely unable to break into the starting XI for whatever reason. I’m a fan of him but if we aren’t going to utilise him we’d be as well sending him back and signing someone else on loan.

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I'm not sure if Storey and Sutherland can play together in a 4-2-3-1.  They'd maybe work as a front two in a 4-4-2 but in doing that we'd probably lose something in central midfield.  Is a straight 4-3-3 an option?  Have Welsh sitting deeper in-front of the back four with Allardice and MacGregor either side going box to box with Storey, Kennedy and Sutherland as three out-and-out striker.  Something like this -


Duffy Devine Deas Harper

MacGregor Welsh Allardice

Storey Sutherland Kennedy

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Yeh he was good, but far to hot and cold, has he even scored yet? I realise it's hard if he doesn't get the service but as a striker his goals to game ratio is no where near good enough,

Hot and cold? In the Championship he’s had only 2 start both early on. He’s been played on the wing but he’s a striker. In the last 3 games he’s had 9 minutes in total. We’ve never played him in a front 2. He’s not getting a chance. If Dick doesn’t fancy him send him back. I bet he’s a regular in a Championship team or Prem squad next season.
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This was clearly about Donnelly, I've said for weeks that Ruth should get a chance up front

Hot and cold? In the Championship he’s had only 2 start both early on. He’s been played on the wing but he’s a striker. In the last 3 games he’s had 9 minutes in total. We’ve never played him in a front 2. He’s not getting a chance. If Dick doesn’t fancy him send him back. I bet he’s a regular in a Championship team or Prem squad next season.
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Yeh he was good, but far to hot and cold, has he even scored yet? I realise it's hard if he doesn't get the service but as a striker his goals to game ratio is no where near good enough,

Surely you can see watching Donnelly that his main asset is his link up play?
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Yeh, but it isn't consistent enough, Do you honestly think he has done enough since he has joined?? He has a good game or good flashes here and there then goes missing, Maybe I just expect to much from our players at time but we have set such high standard over the last few years,,

Surely you can see watching Donnelly that his main asset is his link up play?
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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Given the enthusiasm from the Arbroath fans on this fixture this must be their biggest game of the season. The Graham Bayne derby??

Should be an easy win for Arbroath at home here, they will be full of confidence over unwinning 3-1 against Hearts when teams higher up in the league have unwon by a lot less against Hearts. However given that we keep dropping points at grounds not near water (Tynecastle, Whateverit'scalledinAlloa and East End Park, we could be on for a good result here, just to contradict myself and confuse everything.

Arbroath wins over Inverness are like waiting for buses from the Black Isle, you don't see one for 19 years and then suddenly two turn up. Could be another 19 years before the next one, who knows?  I'm going for a 3-2 undefeat for the Lichties here.

Oh look!, some previous Gayfield encounters. -


Cheers for the footage of them old games, great to see the powerhouse performances from the late great Red Lichtie John McGlashan which was weird to see today as got told yesterday that his father Jake McGlashan sadly passed away yesterday and he was a regular at home and away games when his son played and then Managed the Red Lichties, R.I.P. Jake 36-0.

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Yeh, but it isn't consistent enough, Do you honestly think he has done enough since he has joined?? He has a good game or good flashes here and there then goes missing, Maybe I just expect to much from our players at time but we have set such high standard over the last few years,,

I think we are a much better team when he plays, and would only improve if he actually played every week rather than being in and out.
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3 hours ago, lichtiekev said:

Yeh he was good, but far to hot and cold, has he even scored yet? I realise it's hard if he doesn't get the service but as a striker his goals to game ratio is no where near good enough,

Now here is the thing

1. Go back to pre season, count the goals to games ratio from LD, now count his minutes to goals ratio this season, hes barely started any games, he was flying in pre season then randomly dropped, he then lacks fitness and when forced to play with no service, what else do you expect. Arbroath have 5 goals to their name in the league, so to blame LD for this is wrong IMO. People talk about his good control and link upplay, how about this scenario, we all know he isnt an out and out striker, he is being played up there to hold the ball up and link up play. 

How many chances does he get in a game realistically, any striker is going to struggle when there is no clear cut chances. The style of play and service isnt anywhere near good enough. What will also happen is when you start against a team like hearts and the team gets battered, LD will be on the bench for the inverness game, theres no consistency.

Bounce game last Monday, LD plays centre mid, scores a hat trick.

So id say its tactics, service and playing the guy out of position, while expecting him to be hot every game is just unrealistic expectation.

How can anyone be hot, when its a game of hit and hope, its down to pretty much sheer luck if arbroath get a clear cut chance. Nobody will be pinging n goals for fun in this team, its how they play.

Playing a big guy up top, who is better as a no10 or in the middle of the park really would make a lot more sense, but given we dont use a no10, we dont have a target man to hold up the ball LD has filled that gap.

Who does that blame lie with? Sure its the big guy running about upfront, 1 against 4 getting little to no service :D:D:D




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Can say that about a lot of the midfield/strikers. Lack of consistency in performances is a constant issue. In past seasons we may have become over reliant on the great Linnaldo to be the big creative force in the team.

Also, I don't know how much of a miss having Whatley possibly not fully fit. I've never been a big fan of his, but maybe his presence and leadership has an influence on how we play.

Certainly experiencing second season syndrome, need to pick some points up here to stay in touch with Alloa and QOS. Would like to see Stewart get a start & possibly one of the young lads. They must be chomping at the bit to play and I'm sure their parent clubs would like to see what they can offer at this level.

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