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Cancel the season?

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2 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

With everything up in the air its hard to guess but in all honesty, any level that is allowed to continue training and playing this week

That’s a good point regarding training  ……… take it there is no indoor training and with parks frozen solid even the all weather one’s… where and what training are teams doing ?? 

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2 minutes ago, The Informer said:

When these “thousands” gallivant all over the country, what do you think they do? As far as I am aware they go to the opposition ground, play the game, back in their mode of transport and go home. They don’t go to the local town and mix and hang about with the locals. 

Not suggesting they do although I did spot quite a few players from an away team in the bookies in the Main St of a local town fairly recently.




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1 minute ago, Lobby Dossar said:

That’s a good point regarding training  ……… take it there is no indoor training and with parks frozen solid even the all weather one’s… where and what training are teams doing ?? 

suppose teams with a grass park have no chance of training unless access to an indoor training facility or an astro park.
Some astro parks might be useable with a little breakup, either a warm up session over half the park or the club buggy to run over the park brushing it.

only guessing on  my part though

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5 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

suppose teams with a grass park have no chance of training unless access to an indoor training facility or an astro park.
Some astro parks might be useable with a little breakup, either a warm up session over half the park or the club buggy to run over the park brushing it.

only guessing on  my part though

Surely indoor training is not permitted ??

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1 hour ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

With everything up in the air its hard to guess but in all honesty, any level that is allowed to continue training and playing this week

Just read that only levels 1-6 in England (down to National League North/South) will continue. Everything else suspended. Interesting to see what happens in Scotland. Would hope that the distinction will be made between senior and amateur and we can see LL etc. continue.

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This idea that those who feel the WoSFL should be halted under the current restrictions are in any way influenced by whether their team is playing is wrong. As is clinging on to the word "professional" in order to continue playing. As is thinking that 40 odd men meeting together in various locations to play or train under the current restrictions poses little or no threat. As is pointing out that it's outdoor so the risk is small. As is thinking that even though schools are closing it's still correct to continue. 

This is not a petty point scoring exercise or of competing clubs staying strong in the face of criticism. It's a question of common sense. Just take a break from it for a wee while until this lockdown is lifted. Not to give in but to do the right thing.

Edited by jimbaxters
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18 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

...As is thinking that 40 odd men meeting together in various locations to play or train under the current restrictions poses little or no threat...

This is where you lose contact with rationality and enter the realm of hysteria. It is happening outdoors which makes it lower risk than anything happening indoors and precautions are being rigidly applied to reduce the risk still further. 

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1 hour ago, jimbaxters said:

This idea that those who feel the WoSFL should be halted under the current restrictions are in any way influenced by whether their team is playing is wrong.

these ones in particular are like daft wee boys who can't bring themselves to see the bigger picture.. 


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The big picture is that Nicola Sturgeon has closed down most access to schools until February to keep the R0 number down until the vaccinations start to have an effect, because that is a genuine high risk source of mass community transmission that could no longer be ignored in the context of the new variant. If 900,000 vaccine doses are available by the end of this month we should (if there are no unexpected issues with vaccine efficacy) be turning the corner in a big way on hospitalisation and mortality numbers in about 6 weeks or so.

What happens with professional football is not likely to be in any way significant in big picture terms because it is a very low risk activity when the protocols are followed properly involving a tiny portion of the overall population at this point unlike schools which are much higher risk and involve a very significant portion of the population who can easily go on to spread it to their parents.

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10 hours ago, The Informer said:

When these “thousands” gallivant all over the country, what do you think they do? As far as I am aware they go to the opposition ground, play the game, back in their mode of transport and go home. They don’t go to the local town and mix and hang about with the locals. 

They come into repeated and close physical contact with each other for an hour and a half.

I imagine they also eat and use toilets. 

10 hours ago, Lobby Dossar said:

That’s a good point regarding training  ……… take it there is no indoor training and with parks frozen solid even the all weather one’s… where and what training are teams doing ?? 

There's no distinction between indoor and outdoor professional sport in the legislation. SFA rules might be different, I don't know.

2 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

This idea that those who feel the WoSFL should be halted under the current restrictions are in any way influenced by whether their team is playing is wrong. As is clinging on to the word "professional" in order to continue playing. As is thinking that 40 odd men meeting together in various locations to play or train under the current restrictions poses little or no threat. As is pointing out that it's outdoor so the risk is small. As is thinking that even though schools are closing it's still correct to continue. 

This is not a petty point scoring exercise or of competing clubs staying strong in the face of criticism. It's a question of common sense. Just take a break from it for a wee while until this lockdown is lifted. Not to give in but to do the right thing.

Amen. The team I support has just knocked a league club out of the Scottish Cup and has been drawn against another than we beat in 2016. I love the Scottish Cup games and before this season had been at 29 of Linlithgow Rose's 31 matches in the competition. But I want football at this level to stop for as long as the current national lockdown lasts, and if that means the Scottish Cup gets scrapped, then fair enough. 

I wonder if those accusing others of being motivated by their club's position are saying this because they would be motivated by their own club's position. I hope not, because that would be pretty small.

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22 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The big picture is that Nicola Sturgeon has closed down most access to schools until February to keep the R0 number down until the vaccinations start to have an effect, because that is a genuine high risk source of mass community transmission that could no longer be ignored in the context of the new variant. If 900,000 vaccine doses are available by the end of this month we should (if there are no unexpected issues with vaccine efficacy) be turning the corner in a big way on hospitalisation and mortality numbers in about 6 weeks or so.

What happens with professional football is not likely to be in any way significant in big picture terms because it is a very low risk activity when the protocols are followed properly involving a tiny portion of the overall population at this point unlike schools which are much higher risk and involve a very significant portion of the population who can easily go on to spread it to their parents.

New restrictions have been placed on outdoor gatherings in level four areas, with only two people from separate households now permitted to meet up.

 Travel restrictions remain in place between local authority areas and in and out of Scotland, and people have been urged to stay as close to home as possible when going out for exercise.

There  are more than 90 patients in intensive care units in recent days, with new modelling suggesting that figure could more than double by early February. The modelling sets out different scenarios with the most pessimistic predicting hospitals admissions could soar to more than 8,000 with over 700 patients requiring intensive care.The document also revealed that Inverclyde - which a few weeks ago had relatively low levels of Covid - now has the highest case rate, almost 550 per 100,000 - East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, North Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire all now have case rates exceeding 300 per 100,000.

But hey ho the WoSFL are elite professional sportsmen so let’s just carry on regardless. Not saying they should  abandon the season but the management committee of the leagues should grow a pair and suspend the leagues until this current lockdown is over.

Most of the teams at this level (not all) are community based and rely on that community for their very existence and If they keep on playing through this lockdown it could come back to bite them in the future.

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27 minutes ago, Shanner said:

it's inexplicable then why there are so many other stringent rules in place about outdoor meetings if it's such a low and insignificant risk. 

This is a really good point. They've reduced the number of people (aged over 11) you can meet outdoors from 5 to just 1 - even though it's outside and you're keeping 2m apart. The idea there is no risk from football is obviously wrong.

Even in the cosseted, protected English Premier League with its massive resources there have been many outbreaks within clubs. Two Newcastle players have long covid. The idea coronavirus has not spread at Scottish semi-professional level is likely wishful thinking.

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53 minutes ago, Shanner said:

it's inexplicable then why there are so many other stringent rules in place about outdoor meetings if it's such a low and insignificant risk. 

It really isn't inexplicable if you apply logic to this issue. A tiny portion of the population is involved in professional sport and that tiny portion is following rigid protocols in that context and the conclusion has been that this does not create a significant issue on transmission. The argument from the SG would clearly be (not a fan of the Nicola Sturgeon nanny state approach personally) that having the entire population meeting freely outdoors with no rigid protocols being applied could cumulatively add up to something significant, because so many more people would be involved.

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FFS, yes this is a forum and we all make our point but guess what none of you and me can make decisions on this but our views on this are interesting and reasons why.
Is there people on here who are against the pyrmaid, yes, I there people on here who are for it, yes, is there people who are scunnered that west junior teams left the juniors yeah there is but trying to be objective for all sides, I'd say is hard on this for a few minority either way.  Me personally, yes I'm pyramid way inclined hell yeah, but I was the same when I played in the junior ranks for years and I loved the junior level.   

What's my views on all of this. yeah I am bit inclined to stop the season but am happy to go on that the government sports group in consultation with the SFA are happy for our level to continue as they know more detail on this matter, or should do.

The government make the rules and then some government sports group sit down with the SFA and go through all levels and what they can and cannot do.
Teams are given protocols and criteria to stick too, have some teams went over this yes, have the association taken action in different ways yes.
Is there stats on teams, player who are covid, I'm sure there is. Is this information supplied to the meeting group that preside to decide on who can and cannot play, then I'm unsure. No matter, the government sports group and the SFA have decided who can and cannot play, and they are not caring what the guys/gals who like to point score on here, via pyramid way inclined or junior way inclined.  Just a reminder after reading posts above, its not just WOSFL on this matter, its the same for the LL, HL, EOSFL, SOSFL and all divisions within the association

Edited by Bestsinceslicebread
adding last sentence
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27 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

FFS, yes this is a forum and we all make our point but guess what none of you and me can make decisions on this.
Is there people on here who are against the pyrmaid, yes, i there people on here who are for it, yes, is there people who are scunnered that west junior team left the juniors yeah there is but trying to be objective for all sides, id say is hard on this.  Me personally, yes I'm pyramid way inclined hell yeah, but I was the same when I played in the junior ranks for years and I loved the junior level.   

What's my views on all of this. yeah I am bit inclined to stop the season but am happy to go on that the government sports group in consultation with the SFA are happy for our level to continue

The government make the rules and then some government body sit down with the SFA and go through all levels and what they can and cannot do.
Teams are given protocols and criteria to stick too, have some teams went over this yes, have the association taken action in different ways yes.
Is there stats on teams, player who are covid, I'm sure there is. Is this information supplied to the meeting group that preside to decide on who can and cannot play, then I'm unsure. No matter, the government sports group and the SFA have decided who can and cannot play, and they are not caring what the guys/gals who like to point score on here, via pyramid way inclined or junior way inclined

That’s not only a rant but it’s also dragging up old news. This is nothing to do with junior football. It’s the WoSFL now. Away out for an hours exercise and calm down.

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Many national and regional forms of government decided that, with the original form of Covid-19, the risk of professional sport continuing was reasonable. More importantly it was considered that the education of children and student at schools, colleges and universities should go ahead even though the risk was known to be significant.

Now there's a situation where the virus has mutated in a way which makes it easier to catch it. This means that the schools, colleges and universities, which were high risk areas for spreading the original covid-19 have become the driving force behind the spread of the new variant covid. That is a severe problem which is being faced up to. It's about time that the families of youngsters admitted that there is a real issue. Some education can be switched to on-line (and that is probably a long-term way forward for some areas of education) but kids will lose out in so many ways until covid is brought under control. The sooner it is the sooner that youngsters go back to schools, colleges and universities. Short term pain for them in order to help the elderly, the unwell, the NHS, Care-Home  and Education Staff who have been saints during all of this.

In other words stop feeling sorry for the young who are being hurt but not being killed and maimed by the disease and its' consequences. Thankfully youngsters will recover from this severe interruption. More than that they are not being penalised in the sense that only some are affected so that those unaffected would gain a long term advantage. They're all in the same situation.

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18 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Good to hear. It's a low risk activity happening outdoors so no obvious reason why they shouldn't continue if track and trace has not been identifying professional football as a significant issue on transmission. Schools were always a large part of what was causing transmission through the community because it happens indoors with prolonged contact in confined spaces between individuals from a large number of different households. Given the higher R0 value with the new variant the fiction that schools were not a factor is no longer sustainable in the weeks between now and the effect of mass vaccination kicking in.

I don't disagree with this statement yet the schools have been shut for 2 weeks and we are now at the highest ever level of cases. 

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