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P&B Ranks: The Top 42 Video Games of All-Time

Miguel Sanchez

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I've only played the first Uncharted and it felt every bit like a shite Tomb Raider clone with lot's of repetition. I gather it's came on leaps and bounds since then though and possibly even surpassed the Tomb Raider franchise?


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52 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I've only played the first Uncharted and it felt every bit like a shite Tomb Raider clone with lot's of repetition. I gather it's came on leaps and bounds since then though and possibly even surpassed the Tomb Raider franchise?


The first one is definitely the weakest one but all of them from 2 onwards are absolutely brilliant.

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I had bought the collection of 1-3, then as I was playing them 4 came on PS+. I'm pretty sure I play more games than you and play them differently (that's not meant to be condescending or snide, I just play video games a lot) so it's not as much of an imposition as I've made it sound, even though Exophase seems to be telling me I put in ~150 hours across the four of them (doesn't sound right to me tbh)
You definitely play more often than me. My gaming time has been significantly lessened the last few years sadly. I've started games in the past and not enjoyed them so a stop playing. I just couldn't see myself putting so many hours into a franchise I found shit though regardless if I had purchased them. Each to their own though.
I've only played the first Uncharted and it felt every bit like a shite Tomb Raider clone with lot's of repetition. I gather it's came on leaps and bounds since then though and possibly even surpassed the Tomb Raider franchise?
The first one is as Gaz says the weakest. I played it a couple years after it came out and enjoyed it. It felt like a faster paced Tomb Raider. The gameplay improved drastically after the first. I just found the first 3 very fun games. I'm not sure what's not fun about scaling cliff sides with amazing scenery and some mental shoot em up action. The 4th focussed more on the story side (which I personally enjoy as well) but I can appreciate is folk knocked the 4th for putting more emphasis on the story rather than the action.
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I chose Baldur's Gate 2. The ultimate rpg and for me the first that really felt like I'd imagined DnD to be like in my head back in my geeky Primary days when I enjoyed a d20 or two and an afternoon alone with a copy of White Dwarf. 
The story-telling in it is fantastic, and it really felt like the choices you made had an effect throughout the game. Probably one of the first games where I properly became attached to, the characters. TBH, games like this, and the Civ franchise are the reason that even to this day I prefer PC Gaming over consoles. The depth and strategy available, especially back then, were just unachievable on a CD rom, or cartridge (altho I never owned a cartridge based console - playstation all the way). JRPGs have just never done it for me, although I did sink a good few hours into FFVII. Bard's Tale I think was my first RPG on computer, and tbh this type of game really requires tolkien-esque dwarves, elves, kobolds as opposed to that anime shit. 
Even now you can fire up BG2 and it has aged pretty well. I've got the early access of BG3 it def feels like it can carry the torch of the name. 
IRL I'm currently trying to get my kids into DnD, and my eldest definitely enjoys the story-telling. I wouldn't be fulfilling my duties as a father without introducing them to this shit, and the easy access to their hole that comes with it. 
I also really liked baldurs Gate back in the day but didn't play it enough for it to make my top 10. I would say it is the closest a game has come to replicating the DnD experience.

I also tried to get my kids into it but I think I failed.

I will out-geek you though with my weekly online sessions playing WHFR 1st edition with my friends.
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I've played the first three Uncharteds labouring under the impression that they get substantially better and they really don't. The core gameplay remains and that core gameplay is Bad. Have heard Lost Legacy is good but I can't do another game and a half to get there.

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29 minutes ago, Mr X said:

I also really liked baldurs Gate back in the day but didn't play it enough for it to make my top 10. I would say it is the closest a game has come to replicating the DnD experience.

I also tried to get my kids into it but I think I failed.

I will out-geek you though with my weekly online sessions playing WHFR 1st edition with my friends.

Ha you've definitely out geeked me - I had to look that up to check what it was. Not heard of that for years. 

BG3 is sticking rigidly to the most recent d&d rules and using the divinity 2 engine. Not touched the early access since a few patches ago as I want to be able to enjoy it on release as freshly as possible. Graphically, it looks fantastic. If they can pull it all together it's definitely going to be a modern classic

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12 hours ago, NotThePars said:


@Big Fifer was 4 your highest vote? Interested to know why it's your fave if it is. I


The 1 pointers were up first. They got 1 10th place vote each.

The last round got 1 9th place vote each.

The next round will have 1 8th place vote each.

12 hours ago, NotThePars said:

I dunno if it's stuff like The Last of Us 2 overdoing the "don't you feel bad??? Killing all these people???" narrative guilt-trip where you can't progress without doing murder but I really don't care for Spec Ops: The Line's "damn war really is bad, right? You should feel bad" plot device when again, you can't progress through the game without napalming civilians. MGS3, Death Stranding and Undertale all did that better by crucially making it a choice and more challenging of a game to just blow enemies away. It's cool for 2008 or whenever it came out tho, I suppose.

The Last of Us 2 wasn't released at a time when other games of its genre were as bloated and dominant of the industry as modern military shooters were. Not every game can have the narrative complexity of BioShock to be able to get around the notion of games being objective-driven experiences.

4 hours ago, Gaz said:

The Uncharted games not being fun is a wild take.

Jumpy shooty smarmy. Four straight games of the same thing. Meh.

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38 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Jumpy shooty smarmy. Four straight games of the same thing. Meh.

Surely you could apply that logic to just about any game, though?

Metal Gear Solid - sneaky shooty cutscene

Gran Turismo - steery brakey acceleratey

Stardew Valley - farmy miney tradey

EDIT: I'm not meaning to come across arsey, but games are literally about just pressing buttons. The same buttons that allow you to water crops in Stardew Valley are the same buttons that allow you to beat Ruby Weapon on FF7 or clear out the tunnels in COD:WAW. What makes games different is the setting, characters, pace, story and level of action.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion so if you don't like the Uncharted games that's fair enough, but saying they're not fun because all they are is jumpy shooty smarmy doesn't make much sense IMO. All games are repetitive.

Edited by Gaz
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15 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Surely you could apply that logic to just about any game, though?

Metal Gear Solid - sneaky shooty cutscene

Gran Turismo - steery brakey acceleratey

Stardew Valley - farmy miney tradey

Well, no. Metal Gear Solid (while not for me) has extremely intricate plot lines about complex issues comparable to the real world, and complex and relatable characters to explore them.

Gran Turismo is a pointless comparison because it's not a narrative driven game.

Stardew Valley isn't a good comparison either because it's... Farmville? I'm not sure. It's not a story-driven game either.

Uncharted has the exact same gameplay across all the games (save for 4 where you can swing from a rope), the same characters who are all loathsome, and the same plot. It's not even a case of whether you actually like the concept, the characters or the set-pieces, there's just no difference between any of them.

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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The Uncharted series and The Last of Us are the most overrated games I can remember playing.

Not terrible by any means, but the amount of adulation thrown their way baffles me.

Each to their own etc etc etc...
Gaming is subjective for the most part and thinking something is over-rated is fine. But to call these games shit is just wrong.

I've played many a shit game in my time and anything Naughty Dog has produced is nowhere near that category. Three games off the top if my head I found shit were Amy, Naughty Bear and Alice: Madness Returns. I thought they were awful. I think I gave them all a couple of hours and sent them back. I certainly couldn't have sat through hours on that title and given the sequels a go as well if I found them so awful.

There are games that are definitely over-rated but similarly there are people who love to hate popular games. I probably fit that category with regards to Fortnite tbh.
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TLoU2 deserved the shit thrown its way for massacring my boy and then forcing me to play as the c**t that done did it.

TLoU was perfection in storytelling and graphics, but the game play already feels a bit dated.

Already said my piece on Uncharted.

Crash Bandicoot was a top franchise when they were pumping out games for that.

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I liked both TLoU games, but never really saw what others seemed to when they talked about it amongst the best ever.  The first one had a very focused story and was enjoyable as a result, but the gameplay made it feel like they wanted to write a book, but were quite good at programming too.  Like they just built mechanics around a very strong story so they could call it a game rather than just a "narrative experience".  That's not to say the mechanics were bad at all, they were just...ok.  Solid even.  But not enough to push it towards being talked about as one of the best packages.  TLoU2 was exactly the same, but they took more risks with the story.  I really liked it, but can see why some did it.  But can also see that the mechanics just remained solid, nothing really revolutionary.  apart from the ropes.

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I do find it bizarre they are releasing a TLoU film. The game was a film in itself. I've no idea how they are going to do it but I fully expect the story in the game to be far more enjoyable.

As most game to film are tbh. Silent Hill was a decent attempt though.

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It's a shame that TLoU2 is so good at certain things because its struggles with the fundamentals of storytelling have probably put me off ever playing it again. I can understand why they were desperate to make their concept work as it was great in principle, but the execution made the whole thing a chore.

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2 hours ago, Gaz said:

Surely you could apply that logic to just about any game, though?

Metal Gear Solid - sneaky shooty cutscene

Gran Turismo - steery brakey acceleratey

Stardew Valley - farmy miney tradey

EDIT: I'm not meaning to come across arsey, but games are literally about just pressing buttons. The same buttons that allow you to water crops in Stardew Valley are the same buttons that allow you to beat Ruby Weapon on FF7 or clear out the tunnels in COD:WAW. What makes games different is the setting, characters, pace, story and level of action.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion so if you don't like the Uncharted games that's fair enough, but saying they're not fun because all they are is jumpy shooty smarmy doesn't make much sense IMO. All games are repetitive.

Leisure Suit Larry

Pumpy pumpy rapey

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2 hours ago, Gaz said:

Everyone's entitled to their opinion so if you don't like the Uncharted games that's fair enough, but saying they're not fun because all they are is jumpy shooty smarmy doesn't make much sense IMO. All games are repetitive.

My problem with them is that I can play far better platformers and far better third person cover shooters with much less annoying characters and more engaging stories. 

1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:

Gaming is subjective for the most part and thinking something is over-rated is fine. But to call these games shit is just wrong.

Okay, then they're overrated. I find the obsession with Sony's marquee exclusives bizarre enough but Uncharted is the series that I find the most confusing. I don't see what is so amazing about them for the reasons Miguel and I have given.

I don't know if it's gamers trying to elevate self-consciously prestige games in the hope that they can be taken as seriously as cinema, novels, or television. It's usually the ones which are trying the hardest to be another medium as well. 

3 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:


The 1 pointers were up first. They got 1 10th place vote each.

The last round got 1 9th place vote each.

The next round will have 1 8th place vote each.

I was asking whether MGS4 was his highest rated MGS game altho I realise that is not what I said.

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