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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Do you really think you could inject enough GHB, say, into someone to knock them out without them noticing? And using the back of the hand? And how come nobody has ever been caught in the act?

You'd also expect there to be an online footprint of this - kits being available for sale on the dark web, weirdo forums posting guides on how to do it etc - in the modern world. Either no one reporting it has thought to investigate this or they do not exist. 

Also when did believing women go from believing women have suffered sexual violence (which we should of course do) to accepting the exact method by which they believe they were forcibly intoxicated despite there being no evidence to support it. As detournement says for now it's the 2016 clown scare all over again

Edited by Genuine Hibs Fan
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18 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Do you really think you could inject enough GHB, say, into someone to knock them out without them noticing? And using the back of the hand?

It's certainly not the most discrete of methods.


Edited by Hedgecutter
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11 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

You'd also expect there to be an online footprint of this - kits being available for sale on the dark web, weirdo forums posting guides on how to do it etc - in the modern world.

Give it time

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As with anything that seems to be based on unverified reports spreading like wildfire on social media, I don't think you are contributing to the problem by having a degree of scepticism.

It seems like there has been limited number of these incidents likely coupled with an increase in traditional spiking of drinks.  Throw in a conservative home secretary demanding urgent answers and you have your moral panic.


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2 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

It seems like there has been limited number of these incidents likely coupled with an increase in traditional spiking of drinks.  Throw in a conservative home secretary demanding urgent answers and you have your moral panic.

An Aberdeen uni student was reported having been spiked recently and the uni were fairly quick in firing out a blanket email about it on Monday (can't remember the last time I saw one about it anyway).  Thankfully the uni managed it in a decently worded way, unlike Durham uni  who got it spectacularly wrong in a (now) high profile way.  

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46 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The logic on this thread has taken a wild turn. 

Women are stating that they are having drinks spiked and in a few cases a small injection mark. This is neither new or original but has been going on for years and years. As much as we try to stamp it out, it still goes on. It is difficult to prove as these drugs get metabolised relatively quickly and the victim has no memory of the incident or what happens afterwards.  

But hey, they posted on social media so it must all be lies to get attention, right?


Come on man, you're better than this obtuse rubbish.

Nobody is saying that spiking doesn't happen (although I'd wager it happens far less than is reported tbqhwy) but they're calling into question the idea that people are cutting about clubs injecting people, and quite right too given the unlikelihood of it all.

Taking people seriously and compassionately is one thing, taking what they say at face value without scrutiny, and ignoring the wisdom of your own experience is irresponsible. 

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1 minute ago, velo army said:

Come on man, you're better than this obtuse rubbish.

Nobody is saying that spiking doesn't happen (although I'd wager it happens far less than is reported tbqhwy) but they're calling into question the idea that people are cutting about clubs injecting people, and quite right too given the unlikelihood of it all.

Taking people seriously and compassionately is one thing, taking what they say at face value without scrutiny, and ignoring the wisdom of your own experience is irresponsible. 

I just remember a story about it when I was in Wales, that it had been happening at a student union somewhere in England. We discussed it in the department at the time as it was a student safety issue and (as you would expect) people were worried that it would happen at our Uni. I cannot for the life of me remember where I read about it otherwise I'd search for it. But the term used was "microinjection". It was seen as a step on from drinks spiking and was what worried folk. 

Never heard of it again until this news.

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

Both - spiking drinks which is far more common that folk realise, and microinjections. I recall a cluster of cases in the mid-2000s that hit the news somewhere down south. Students getting targeted on nights out at the union. 

As we're literally establishing right now with this story, just because something makes the news does not mean it is an authentic event. What are the police estimates for 'microinjections' as a source of spiking incidents? How many people have been charged and convicted of this act over the past 20 years? 

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15 hours ago, Detournement said:

Because it's not credible and there is no evidence for it. The girl doing the interviews has a pin p***k size mark on her arm and didn't bother to get a urine or blood test done. 

This is only being taken more seriously than clowns or razor blades on flumes because it fits an existing narrative. There was a similar urban legend about 'Seagulling' at halls of residences a few years ago that got traction in the media for the same reasons. 

Not exactly similar (as consensual rather than abuse) but the origin of sex myths and the hysteria surrounding them is quite an interesting phenomenon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_party_(sexuality)

In both the UK and the US teen pregnancy is the lowest it has ever been since records began (and likely the lowest it has ever been full stop). Teens these days take far less drugs and consume less alcohol than their parents.

Yet the hysteria remains. As for the spiking - no real comment, like anything else any credible reports need to be investigated as it is a criminal offence. For various reasons stated above, injecting people in nightclubs does not seem credible (although I saw someone injection heroin in the bathroom of the Jockey Club in Rio once).

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14 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I just remember a story about it when I was in Wales, that it had been happening at a student union somewhere in England. We discussed it in the department at the time as it was a student safety issue and (as you would expect) people were worried that it would happen at our Uni. I cannot for the life of me remember where I read about it otherwise I'd search for it. But the term used was "microinjection". It was seen as a step on from drinks spiking and was what worried folk. 

Never heard of it again until this news.

Did your university have a similar, gibbering meltdown about the new drug cake being legally imported from Czechoslovakia? 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

My friend is unimpressed and sticking with his tried and tested Bulgarian umbrella, thank you very much.

I'd have needed a Daktari gun to bring some of my conquests down. Getting them out the building while they could walk was bad enough, never mind unconscious.

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There was hysteria about folk getting spiked years ago when I was in first year at uni. It felt like every other person had some story about getting spiked, or knew someone who thought they'd been spiked. I'm not doubting for a second it happens and I don't doubt most of the folk claiming it's happened to them genuinely believe that but I think there's more than a reasonable chance a lot of it is teenagers who can't really handle drink too well blacking out from drink and then trying to rationalise that in the context of hysteria and urban myths floating around about spiking.

It doesn't lend too much credibility to the theory of hoards of micro-injecting spikers cutting about that most of the stories are coming from freshers a few weeks into uni.

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31 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

What do victims of rape, domestic abuse, sexual assault, upskirting, sexual harassment, child abuse and drinks spiking/nijections in nightclubs all have in common?

There's plenty evidence of their attacks being real?

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44 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

What do victims of rape, domestic abuse, sexual assault, upskirting, sexual harassment, child abuse and drinks spiking/nijections in nightclubs all have in common?

They have to suffer the default response to them going public about their ordeal, responders who are almost exclusively men, of derision, doubt, attacks on their character and accusations of attention seeking.

You can spot a c**t a mile off by their attitudes to other people and unsurprisingly, most of them have dicks.

^^^ Facebook for this virtue-signalling pish

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2 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

There was hysteria about folk getting spiked years ago when I was in first year at uni. It felt like every other person had some story about getting spiked, or knew someone who thought they'd been spiked. I'm not doubting for a second it happens and I don't doubt most of the folk claiming it's happened to them genuinely believe that but I think there's more than a reasonable chance a lot of it is teenagers who can't really handle drink too well blacking out from drink and then trying to rationalise that in the context of hysteria and urban myths floating around about spiking.

It doesn't lend too much credibility to the theory of hoards of micro-injecting spikers cutting about that most of the stories are coming from freshers a few weeks into uni.

"Inspector? We've got a lead on those cold cases..."

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