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Sarah Everard

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27 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You'd think a cop would sort out a better alibi than angry attention seeking mums put on facebook.

I said earlier, you’d also think he’d be far less fucking stupid if he wanted to get away with it. I hope that evil fucker spends every day until he dies absolutely tortured by what he has done. 

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Agree the phone stuff and paying by card was stupid, but you'd imagine he thought that driving so far away and switching cars would be enough for him and these would just look like normal things. Although I'd be suspicious of anyone buying a cherry bakewell.

I just can't believe he took his family on a wee trip to the woods where he killed her/disposed of her body days before.

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2 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

There is certainly a lot of work to do for the police to regain trust following incidents such as this. I think mandatory body cams would be a start, and protects both parties. 

I think one of the attitudes that needs to be left behind before the public start regaining trust in the police is the ‘us against the world’ attitude that a lot of coppers hold. Mistakes made by the police are almost always swept under the carpet, it’s usually only the most serious of offences where you will have police willing to speak out against a fellow officer. It’s an unspoken rule that they follow, and 95% of the time it’s an innocent member of the public that feels the ramifications of their incompetence/corruption. 

My cousins husband, now retired, was a PC in the Inverclyde area for many years. He has told me numerous stories about times he witnessed fellow officers either fabricate or embellish charges against someone. He used police assault charges as an example, where one of his colleagues would make an arrest for breach of the peace or for someone assaulting another member of the public. Depending on his colleagues mood they would add in a non-existent police assault charge and read that out to them as they were being arrested, which almost always resulted in the person becoming animated and aggressive at that charge being read out and they could then use the persons actions as evidence of the police assault. 


I did ask why on earth he would go along with a version of events that he knew to be false, and that if convicted, would give someone a charge on their criminal record that would make them extremely unemployable. He said if he had told either his sergeant or a higher authority that his colleagues had been lying, he would have been shunned by everyone he worked with, seen as the lowest of the low for grassing on a fellow officer, and basically would have been unable to show up at work without fear of some sort of retribution. Is it any wonder some bad apples fly under the radar when there is a culture like that amongst them? I wouldn’t trust a serving police officer to look after a 20 pence piece, never mind trust them to stand up in court and tell the truth. 

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2 hours ago, RawB93 said:

Agree the phone stuff and paying by card was stupid, but you'd imagine he thought that driving so far away and switching cars would be enough for him and these would just look like normal things. Although I'd be suspicious of anyone buying a cherry bakewell.

I just can't believe he took his family on a wee trip to the woods where he killed her/disposed of her body days before.

I was thinking maybe there was an element of him wanting to be caught. He was in shit load of debt and coming out with the Foreigner extortionist  fantasy story after a minute of questioning would suggest he wanted put out his misery. 

A power crazy sexual sociopath living out his last twisted desire. Throw away the key..

Edited by paddymcp
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The Met knew he was nicknamed the Rapist ans also knew he had a reputation for drug abuse and extreme pornography. 


call me old fashioned but people who are nicknamed Rapist, take drugs and are known for extreme pornography maybe shouldn’t be police officers. 🤷‍♂️ 

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I genuinely didn't know Piers Corbyn was a thing and when I saw folk mention him on here on other threads I thought it was some sort of joke I didn't get about folk confusing Piers Morgan and Jeremy Corbyn. Such a shame that there's actually a Piers Corbyn and this is the sort of shite he gets up to. 

It seems to have cut off your point about whether having a wife and kids means anything. I guess I just relate this to me which is wrong but I have a daughter (and son) and, when she was born, I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to protect her. Anyone with a daughter will hopefully understand. So I then I understand how other people with daughters feel and I can’t really comprehend anyone with a daughter then wanting to harm someone else’s daughter. However, there are various serial killers who have held normal lives with wife and kids. The whole thing is completely alien to me but that’s probably why I’m not killing people.

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7 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

I think one of the attitudes that needs to be left behind before the public start regaining trust in the police is the ‘us against the world’ attitude that a lot of coppers hold. Mistakes made by the police are almost always swept under the carpet, it’s usually only the most serious of offences where you will have police willing to speak out against a fellow officer. It’s an unspoken rule that they follow, and 95% of the time it’s an innocent member of the public that feels the ramifications of their incompetence/corruption. 

My cousins husband, now retired, was a PC in the Inverclyde area for many years. He has told me numerous stories about times he witnessed fellow officers either fabricate or embellish charges against someone. He used police assault charges as an example, where one of his colleagues would make an arrest for breach of the peace or for someone assaulting another member of the public. Depending on his colleagues mood they would add in a non-existent police assault charge and read that out to them as they were being arrested, which almost always resulted in the person becoming animated and aggressive at that charge being read out and they could then use the persons actions as evidence of the police assault. 


I did ask why on earth he would go along with a version of events that he knew to be false, and that if convicted, would give someone a charge on their criminal record that would make them extremely unemployable. He said if he had told either his sergeant or a higher authority that his colleagues had been lying, he would have been shunned by everyone he worked with, seen as the lowest of the low for grassing on a fellow officer, and basically would have been unable to show up at work without fear of some sort of retribution. Is it any wonder some bad apples fly under the radar when there is a culture like that amongst them? I wouldn’t trust a serving police officer to look after a 20 pence piece, never mind trust them to stand up in court and tell the truth. 

I have far less trust in the police now, having seen some of the practice than I did before joining. Ultimately, it is the “bad apples” but the issue the general public have is that we have no idea who they are when dealing with the police. 

Body cam footage would of course help with all of this, it may also encourage the public to make complaints when dealing with the power hungry arseholes as they may be believed. 

I was actually discussing this with my partner last night, and she said if pulled over by the police she would refuse to go into their car by herself. This is something which should be being considered by the police right now, and a statement released - they shouldn’t be putting people in a position where they feel vulnerable. 

6 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

Why did you leave?

I hated it.

The attitude described above was definitely prevalent at times, and the only interest on my shift was attempting to give out traffic tickets all day - which was incredibly boring. To be perfectly honest, I joined as I didn’t know what else I could do that would earn me decent money - I quickly realised i could do something else. I could count on one hand the amount of times I actually helped someone over that two year period. 

I still deal with the police quite regularly in my current role, there has definitely been progress in terms of some of the trauma aware stuff for children and some are very good. On the other hand though, I still often hear horror stories. 

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10 hours ago, pub car king said:

This is hopefully a one off situation that won't be repeated. 

That said there are huge problems within policing currently. In England there is what is called a national uplift of recruitment. What this means in practice is that numerous police forces are rushing through applicants and getting them on the streets. Other wise in true tory style if they don't meet the quota they don't get the government money and the individual force is liable for the costs. In any pressurised situation mistakes will be made and the wrong people will be put into post a fair percentage of whom will be wholly unsuitable or incapable hopefully none are predatory sexual offenders.

The other massive issue is that policing has and continues to promote complete fucking idiots to ranks and responsibilities that are well above their capabilities. As such these morons will be overseeing this shambles. 

there are thousands of service police officers who's application would've been in the bin after the 1st round back when they could afford to be more selective.

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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The Met knew he was nicknamed the Rapist ans also knew he had a reputation for drug abuse and extreme pornography. 


call me old fashioned but people who are nicknamed Rapist, take drugs and are known for extreme pornography maybe shouldn’t be police officers. 🤷‍♂️ 

I’m intrigued to know how his work colleagues knew he liked extreme porn anyway.

He also phoned up a vet in the hours after he killed her to book his dog in for an appointment as it had separation anxiety issues. 

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So if he didn't intend to murder the lassie, he wouldve abducted her raped her and let her go,

To report to police about what happened she saw his face , his id , the car .

There was only one way that was going to end .

Poor  Sarah and her family and friends.

I'm pretty sure that in jail the guards will maybe go to their teabreak whist he is in amongst other, folk, 


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21 minutes ago, throbber said:

I’m intrigued to know how his work colleagues knew he liked extreme porn anyway.

He also phoned up a vet in the hours after he killed her to book his dog in for an appointment as it had separation anxiety issues. 

They supplied it.

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I’m intrigued to know how his work colleagues knew he liked extreme porn anyway.

He also phoned up a vet in the hours after he killed her to book his dog in for an appointment as it had separation anxiety issues. 

He probably told them, I suppose cops chat about the same sort of shit that normal people do.  

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In all my dealings with the police they've been extremely helpful and pleasant.

Though once I was watching a Scotland match in Porters near Jock's Lodge and after a customer said something a bit rude about a dark skinned player, another regular shouted over at him "Shut the f**k up Tam you racist old b*****d, no wonder you got kicked out the polis."

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3 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

Body cam footage would of course help with all of this, it may also encourage the public to make complaints when dealing with the power hungry arseholes as they may be believed. 

In principle it would, but then so should CCTV. The issue is when the footage is the property of those committing the crimes then it quite conveniently goes missing or wasn't recording at the time. Have had two incidents where this happened to me.

If there's a way of using their power to get away with it, they will.

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Just now, RawB93 said:

In principle it would, but then so should CCTV. The issue is when the footage is the property of those committing the crimes then it quite conveniently goes missing or wasn't recording at the time. Have had two incidents where this happened to me.

If there's a way of using their power to get away with it, they will.

Yeah - it would need to be set up in a way to avoid those issues. Basically, if you are out on the street your body cam is on and this is checked by bosses each shift. If it isn’t on, you are in the shit. 

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1 hour ago, DiegoDiego said:

In all my dealings with the police they've been extremely helpful and pleasant.

Though once I was watching a Scotland match in Porters near Jock's Lodge and after a customer said something a bit rude about a dark skinned player, another regular shouted over at him "Shut the f**k up Tam you racist old b*****d, no wonder you got kicked out the polis."

Same with me.

Although I've been hearing some stories about my b-i-l, ex Superintendent (I think) RUC, apparently he wasn't very nice to his subordinates.

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