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Heads Gone - The Peppino Impastato Memorial Thread

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I switched off notifications a while back when a poster started dotting me all the time. It’s good not to have notifications all the time. It can be a bit annoying not to be able see when someone quotes you but that also helps you avoid getting into big ‘back and forths’ which I am too old for now.

I have also turned it off for DMs so there is no way to contact me. 

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Is this most recent dotting account the same as the 'new' poster on the politics forum who just so happens to have 'controversial' takes*?



*i.e. another one of their dull routines that they've done hundreds of times before.

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14 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

People take red dots way too seriously. 

100% but they're a good laugh when someone pops a vessel and starts going through all your posts and you get about 40 notifications in 5 minutes.

This is a perfectly acceptable moment to mention red dots. Probably the only one tbh.

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56 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

100% but they're a good laugh when someone pops a vessel and starts going through all your posts and you get about 40 notifications in 5 minutes.

This is a perfectly acceptable moment to mention red dots. Probably the only one tbh.

For some that's probably true, but for others I think there's a bit of pretending about it being a good laugh. I had a ghost account red dot spam me and another user do the same and I think I posted about it on here more to make them look silly to the community and essentially deter them from continuing to do it. That was a while back, if it happened now I'd just let it be as I don't give a shit. 


Edited by 2426255
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13 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I really think accounts created solely for dotting purposes should be discouraged. Mods?


I'd take a hard line approach, find out their IP Address and have them shot. Fair enough we may not always get the correct person but it will teach them a lesson 

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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9 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I'd take a hard line approach, find out their IP Address and have them shot. Fair enough we may not always get the correct person but it will reach them a lesson 

Bert Racoon for Mod.

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1 hour ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I'd take a hard line approach, find out their IP Address and have them shot. Fair enough we may not always get the correct person but it will teach them a lesson 

Ach, as long as you get the majority the odd bit of collateral damage is more than acceptable. 

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

I'm a bit pissed off that I didn't get any green dots on the joke I recently posted about a spine. 

Can you remember it?

It was about a week back.

that one must have slipped disc by me. was it a single spine looking for a lumbar? 

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38 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Oh gawd.. another punfest. My heart isn't in it because someone usually has to expleen them toe me. We should fight these tooth and fingernail.

That's a liliy-livered excuse...

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2 hours ago, GHF-23 said:

While it is probably a sign of the forum being less toxic I do miss the days when someone complaining about getting red dots would result in a barrage of red dots hitting that post 

There does seem to be, slightly, less vitriol these days.  Maybe it's there but in threads I don't read.

The forum has gone soft IMO.  Bring back hanging.

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7 hours ago, Swarley said:

Bert Racoon for Mod.

Mind when we used to fairly regularly have polls for this sort of thing?

Bring it back, IMO. The mods nowadays are pretty dull and fly under the radar. Need some spice, SlipperyP spice.

Also, best/worst posters needs a return. 

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5 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

Mind when we used to fairly regularly have polls for this sort of thing?

Bring it back, IMO. The mods nowadays are pretty dull and fly under the radar. Need some spice, SlipperyP spice.

Also, best/worst posters needs a return. 

Reminds me of an old joke (not mine).

"Mummy mummy, can I get pregnant through anal sex"?
"Of course you can darling....where do you think moderators come from?"

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5 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

Mind when we used to fairly regularly have polls for this sort of thing?

Bring it back, IMO. The mods nowadays are pretty dull and fly under the radar. Need some spice, SlipperyP spice.

Also, best/worst posters needs a return. 


Some people are coasting. Could bring it back for New Years to give everyone some festive cheer. 

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