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The Fantastic Excuses Thread

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12 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

I saw a vaguely woman-shaped creature a few weeks back that got knocked back from a local supermarket trying to use the time-honoured "S'm'assma" defence which would have probably been accepted had she not very visibly demolished a full fag in about three draws while walking from her car.

Mrs got asked to provide a letter for a patient to be excused from wearing a mask because of asthma, patient hadnt used an inhaler in over 10 years. 

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Not quite an excuse but close enough -

Again in my HR days I had to give a statement to the police as one of our employees was arrested and charged with GBH or something like that.  I had to confirm that all our employees had company-issued Stanley knives - the weapon that the employee had  used in the alleged attack.  He got off.  

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I work in the shipping industry and we can be randomly drug tested while at work. I never have been in 10 years, but they do pick people at random every month.
One of my colleagues likes the occasional joint whilst on leave and therefore was apprehensive about the possibility of failing a drugs test on his return to work. He decided to combat this by purchasing a fake penis and urine off the internet to use for any drugs test he might encounter. A few weeks into his contract we received a customs inspection where they searched everyone's cabins for drugs etc. During this he was called to his cabin to be confronted by both his boss and a woman from Border Force holding said fake penis and bottle of urine. He explained that his girlfriend was going to be coming on for a visit soon and she was into "golden showers" but that he found the practice embarrassing and therefore got "stage fright" and so he bought them for use in their weird sex games. Amazingly, they bought it and obviously given the nature of the story, it was never brought up again. The boss couldn't really look him in the eye after that though.
That surely is a 'lost script' from Inside No 9.
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Not quite an excuse but close enough -
Again in my HR days I had to give a statement to the police as one of our employees was arrested and charged with GBH or something like that.  I had to confirm that all our employees had company-issued Stanley knives - the weapon that the employee had  used in the alleged attack.  He got off.  
That's not an excuse, that's an injustice. If he used said knife what the f**k does it matter where he got it from?
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I was late the last person to finish my last degree exam. When I took my paper up to hand in, the invigilator told me that I was too late and therefore my exam would not count. I asked him in a loud voice “Do you know who I am?” and he replied with a smirk that he did not have a clue and couldn’t care less. I just smiled and said that was fine then put my finished paper in the middle of the pile on his desk..

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When I was in my teens, my Dad woke me up one morning between Christmas and new year to ask if I was going to work. I told him I wasn't in until Thursday when he pointed out that it was Thursday. I phoned my boss and got in asap. My boss then spent days shaking his head and chuckling about it and told me it's the best and funniest excuse he'd ever heard for being late. 

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One utter fandan I had the misfortune of hanging around with while growing up got so wound up whilst playing Cuppy one day that he slapped the smallest guy on the pitch before running away home. When quizzed at school the next day as to why he would slap someone rather than punch them, he said that he had thrown a punch, but that the wind blew his hand open. 

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2 hours ago, supermik said:

I was late the last person to finish my last degree exam. When I took my paper up to hand in, the invigilator told me that I was too late and therefore my exam would not count. I asked him in a loud voice “Do you know who I am?” and he replied with a smirk that he did not have a clue and couldn’t care less. I just smiled and said that was fine then put my finished paper in the middle of the pile on his desk..

Urban myth.

Next you'll be claiming you once stole somebody's cheese from a hostel...

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Worked at KFC when I was 16. Was a lassie a year above me and an absolute wid, but she knew she was a wid and guys would fawn over her. I thought she was a drama queen and couldn't really be fucked with drama though. The best example being her excuse for taking a fucking age to get my food prepped - "I've broken my back". I burst out laughing and asked wtf she was talking about - "The doctor said I've broke my back so have to walk slowly". Absolute crackpot.

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3 hours ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

What a waste of smoke. Hot knifes were maybe good up to the early 90s before people got wise. 

I'd imagine you must be around or over the 50yr old mark?

If you’re wasting smoke you’re doing it wrong.

f**k knows, I was off my tits for about 3 years.

Edited by Melanius Mullarkey
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5 hours ago, microdave said:

When I was in my teens, my Dad woke me up one morning between Christmas and new year to ask if I was going to work. I told him I wasn't in until Thursday when he pointed out that it was Thursday. I phoned my boss and got in asap. My boss then spent days shaking his head and chuckling about it and told me it's the best and funniest excuse he'd ever heard for being late. 

the best excuse he had ever heard for being late was that you saying you had forgot what day it was??

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