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G'Day! Ange's Gap Year Celtic Euro Backpacking Tour 2021/22.

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26 minutes ago, willywastecoat said:

You have a small country small mentality mindset M8, the Scottish league is sitting 10th out of 55 countries not bad for a small country in the street.

Does your club not have it as well? For years they have had money to try and progress in Europe but always keep money in the bank to assure they stay above Rangers.

I have seen a lot of comments like that made by Celtic fans as they would know better about their ambitions than me.

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18 hours ago, willywastecoat said:

The problem here is the Celtic fans remember what Ange said last season,eash time we play at this level the squad should get better.
As much as we come up short in these games it doesn't get any easier,St Brendan doesn't have that experience with this squad even thou he works with them every day.
Now hes talking about the same thing Ange did last season,this is where the dissappointment comes from the fans.
You could clearly see we missed Jota but also the tempo of the game is more passive, PLEASE STOP PASSING IT BACK.

The other problem for you is that if any players in your team show they are at this level then they will then move on. You need the likes of Jota to hang around to get the benefit of these experiences but the ambitious players in your team see Celtic as a stepping stone.

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3 minutes ago, ahemps said:

Does your club not have it as well? For years they have had money to try and progress in Europe but always keep money in the bank to assure they stay above Rangers.

I have seen a lot of comments like that made by Celtic fans as they would know better about their ambitions than me.

The change in manager hasn't helped this season plus you made the point above with the signing policy Celtic have in place,it's a strategy Celtic actively encourage which has a detriment effect but it's also how things are in the modern game with players being mercenaries.

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20 hours ago, willywastecoat said:

The question isn't about style it's getting results at this level,Celtic haven't replaced Jota which leads to the signing policy Celtic have in place,St Brendan was brought back to improve our results in Europe so far he has regressed the squad.
As much as I enjoy having dominance at domestic level it's time we did better in Europe.

Yes, we haven’t yet replaced Jota who was a big game changer. But I think regressed is probably too harsh a word at this early stage. Both Strachan & Lennon got their big scalps in Europe and all things in perspective I’m confident Rodgers will as well. 
Our recruitment model is one thing that concerns me also, there has to be assurances that apart from making a profit and keeping us sustainable we have to invest short-term, obviously within our budget. 

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20 minutes ago, Greenlantern said:

But I think regressed is probably too harsh a word at this early stage

Using Jota to say we're regressing is harsh but it's hard to see where we've improved,so a glass ceiling to take this squad to a better level either comes from the manager or you get players to take us there,
This was my point at the start of the season the squad was built by Ange where are we going?
If we can't break through this glass ceiling we will get stale and regress M8.

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  • 3 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Molotov said:

I see Atletico Madrid are going to wear replica strips of that 1974 game tomorrow. 

Will we see a similar outcome?

What is Spanish for “8 men you cannae beat 8 men!”?

Should be a cracking match - best atmosphere in Europe by all accounts. 


I’m quite looking forward to it.

I’m a huge fan of Simeone, he’s one of the highest paid managers on the planet for a reason and I fully believe he’s the best in the world.

To knock Barca and Real off the top spot is no easy matter.

The lack of a press in La Liga is probably our only advantage going in tonight, but I think Atleti’s counter attack will be too much as when they get the ball it’ll be getting sent deep in to our half within 2-3 passes.

Their nickname is the Matress Makers, which is just signalling a pumping for us.

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8 hours ago, stressball said:


I’m a huge fan of Simeone, he’s one of the highest paid managers on the planet for a reason and I fully believe he’s the best in the world.

If Simeone was the manager of my team, I’d most likely love having him as our guy. Simeone isn’t St Mirren manager though, so while I have absolutely nothing against Athletico Madrid as a club, Simeone is someone who I would never tire of seeing punched in the puss. An absolute arsepiece. Just love seeing his greetin’-faced coupon when something goes against his side. Clearly, I am no Celtic lover (even though their shop at our stadium was a thing of beauty), but I’ll say this. If Simeone starts bounding down the touchline tonight, black tie flapping in the wind, waving imaginary yellow cards towards the referee… I hope Brendan Rodgers kicks the kunt square in the baws’. 😎

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9 minutes ago, atfccfc said:

Don't suppose you can copy and paste article so I don't have to click on the Sun website, thanks.?


THE Green Brigade fans group will be REFUSED early access to Celtic Park for tonight's match against Atletico Madrid.

Both the club and the supporters' group have been embroiled in a bitter row over the past couple of weeks, with the Green Brigade now banned from attending away matches.

The Parkhead club were hit with a £23,000 fine for use of pyro at the Champions League clash in Rotterdam last month and a fortnight later fans spilled onto the pitch at Fir Park.

Until now, the Green Brigade were still expected to have access to the Euro clash against Atleti as normal.

Members of the North Curve section often arrive early to matches to set up banners and flag displays

But in the latest shock development, the club have now hit back at the outspoken fans' group by taking away those privileges.

It's understood Celtic chiefs have taken action after fans BROKE INTO the stadium through fire doors before the game against Lazio and also because of threatening behaviour towards club staff.

The club is also increasingly worried about fans taking pictures of police officers in and around the ground, before sharing them on social media in an act known as 'pig watch'.

These issues have prompted club bosses to take further action

It all comes after the Green Brigade blasted the Celtic board earlier tonight, saying they had been subject to "disingenuous claims" regarding their support for Palestine amidst an escalation in the conflict in the Middle East over the Gaza Strip.

The Green Brigade sparked outrage with a banner display reading 'Free Palestine, Victory to the Resistance' at Celtic Park in the wake of a Hamas attack on Israel that killed hundreds of civilians.

Celtic chiefs issued a really strong statement condemning the banner in the aftermath, distancing the club from the display.

In a statement of their own, the Green Brigade doubled down on their stance of urging Hoops fans to fly the Palestine flag against Atletico Madrid this week and reiterated their desire to hand out thousands of them before the game


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