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Criminalizing Cat Calling/Wolf Whistling


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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Wow. This thread has really brought out some weirdos.

The following crackers are just the start:-

  1. Women should "simply" take aikido lessons to defend themselves (NotthePars).
  2. Grassing up sexual offenders is a bad thing (scottsdad).
  3. Women will lie about being harassed even if it all stopped tonight (Thorongil).
  4. It's not really that big a deal. Why do women allow themselves to be mentally affected by it (Thorongil)?
  5. Sexual harassment is just like burglary (GordonEF).
  6. Why bother with sexual harassment laws when we haven't fixed organised and violent crime (GordonEF).
  7. Male entitlement is a good thing (Thorongil).

Then that little lot was followed up by endless claims from several posters that they'd stand and watch sexual harassment against a woman and do absolutely f**k all about it - either at that time or retrospectively by making a formal complaint or offering help.

If anyone wanted to understand the barriers we need to overcome to make sexual harassment against women a thing of the past they only need a quick read of that list to see it in stark detail.

We've got some wrong 'uns on here and no doubt.

That'll do it for me on this thread. Even sharing a thread with these fucking weirdos makes my skin absolutely crawl.

Far be it from me to interrupt your absolute meltdown but...

  • It wasn't me who said number 6.
  • With number 5, I'd read up on what analogies are.
  • If you thought NotthePars was being sincere with number 1 then I'd seriously suggest a wee lie down and some Horlicks.
Edited by Gordon EF
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18 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

This is a slightly different scenario though, because theres little threat in telling your mate hes being an arsehole in harassing a female and in that scenaio, id agree, get him telt. 

All I mean is reaching the people you can. I.e you can tell your mates off if they do it, or if it’s someone who does it at work you are probably safe enough to say they shouldn’t do it (or have a very quiet/informal word with a manager).

 I’d never expect a guy to challenge someone if it would put them in danger and yes, that would be strangers or random situations  in the street. If it was bad enough though, I’d hope you’d call the police or someone who could do something about it.

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17 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Wow. This thread has really brought out some weirdos.

The following crackers are just the start:-

  1. Women should "simply" take aikido lessons to defend themselves (NotthePars).
  2. Grassing up sexual offenders is a bad thing (scottsdad).
  3. Women will lie about being harassed even if it all stopped tonight (Thorongil).
  4. It's not really that big a deal. Why do women allow themselves to be mentally affected by it (Thorongil)?
  5. Sexual harassment is just like burglary (GordonEF).
  6. Why bother with sexual harassment laws when we haven't fixed organised and violent crime (GordonEF).
  7. Male entitlement is a good thing (Thorongil).

Then that little lot was followed up by endless claims from several posters that they'd stand and watch sexual harassment against a woman and do absolutely f**k all about it - either at that time or retrospectively by making a formal complaint or offering help.

If anyone wanted to understand the barriers we need to overcome to make sexual harassment against women a thing of the past they only need a quick read of that list to see it in stark detail.

We've got some wrong 'uns on here and no doubt.

That'll do it for me on this thread. Even sharing a thread with these fucking weirdos makes my skin absolutely crawl.

An absolute beauty of a whoosh from @NotThePars

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3 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

All I mean is reaching the people you can. I.e you can tell your mates off if they do it, or if it’s someone who does it at work you are probably safe enough to say they shouldn’t do it (or have a very quiet/informal word with a manager).

 I’d never expect a guy to challenge someone if it would put them in danger and yes, that would be strangers or random situations  in the street. If it was bad enough though, I’d hope you’d call the police or someone who could do something about it.

Yep, we are in full agreement here

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16 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

No I sincerely believe women should wear dusters and shades and perform ocular patdowns when out and about

Maybe women wouldn't get cat called so much if they spent more time cultivating mass.

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37 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

What you're talking about is what I'd call a kind of vague civic responsibility. Just being a decent person and trying to do the right thing. I don't think that responsibility goes up or down depending on how many characteristics I share with the perpetrator or victim. 


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An absolute beauty of a whoosh from [mention=25417]NotThePars[/mention]

I genuinely want to know more from the brain who thinks I believe that women should study Steven Seagal to defend themselves against cat callers
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Just now, NotThePars said:


I genuinely want to know more from the brain who thinks I believe that women should study Steven Seagal to defend themselves against cat callers


Honestly couldn't believe I just read that 😂 I doff my cap to you sir.

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56 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Yes, agree broadly with the bold bit. I just think the ongoing problems we see in the world we all have in common (football) with racial and sectarian abuse, aswell as various other forms, even of the type this thread is about, from the terraces, would tell you that in general terms, even the majority that know the line has been crossed are hesitant to confront a person who has shown themselves willing to participate in such behaviour.... And IMO, thats for good reason. I spoke recently about a junky w****r who came into a phone shop I was in and started getting a bit wide with the lassie working there, and the thoughts I was having re what I would have to do about it if he kicked off. In that scenario I wouldnt have let him get abusive or physical without stepping in, but in my head is 1) I could get hurt. 2) he could get hurt. 3) In every possible explanation, the Police are going to be at my door with the potential for a court appearance, and less likely but possible, recriminations from my employer etc. 

Im a 35 year old father. I don't want any shit in my life and as such, would judge every situation very very carefully and it would have to be pretty extreme before I get involved, and if I did, it wouldn't be because I have perceived some shared responsibility for an arseholes behaviour

It is a bit of a risky one. You can end up getting a hiding like this Dundee man:


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On 22/07/2021 at 11:58, Scary Bear said:

Has anyone on here ever wolf-whistled anyone?

I’m just wondering what percentage of people do this. Is it exclusively confined to tradesmen and white-van-man types?

I can’t recall the last time I heard anyone wolf-whistling someone. This is possibly because I am not a woman and I haven’t worked on a building site since the ‘90s. 

Who are these people?

Not guilty, I can't whistle.

12 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

We need the gay lads to be stepping up here TBH - stroking straight guys hair and  whispering in their ears in bars, feeling their arses and pervy dancing in nightclubs, shouting at lone straight males in the street about their cock size in front of groups of other gay guys etc give it a month and see where we are 


They already do. If I'm ever in a gay bar I'm beating them off with a stick. (Which may, or may not be helpful on some occasions)

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:


I appreciate that you are just playing to the gallery to get some greenies here but you should just stop now really.

Any greenies received have been cancelled out by the red dots you have handed me.

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Wow. This thread has really brought out some weirdos.

The following crackers are just the start:-

  1. Women should "simply" take aikido lessons to defend themselves (NotthePars).
  2. Grassing up sexual offenders is a bad thing (scottsdad).
  3. Women will lie about being harassed even if it all stopped tonight (Thorongil).
  4. It's not really that big a deal. Why do women allow themselves to be mentally affected by it (Thorongil)?
  5. Sexual harassment is just like burglary (GordonEF).
  6. Why bother with sexual harassment laws when we haven't fixed organised and violent crime (GordonEF).
  7. Male entitlement is a good thing (Thorongil).

Then that little lot was followed up by endless claims from several posters that they'd stand and watch sexual harassment against a woman and do absolutely f**k all about it - either at that time or retrospectively by making a formal complaint or offering help.

If anyone wanted to understand the barriers we need to overcome to make sexual harassment against women a thing of the past they only need a quick read of that list to see it in stark detail.

We've got some wrong 'uns on here and no doubt.

That'll do it for me on this thread. Even sharing a thread with these fucking weirdos makes my skin absolutely crawl.

I did not say that. 

I said that I find it unbelievable that you would, if you were on a building site. 

Wrong again. 

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Heavy Banana vibes from Thorongil, and Oaksoft making a slight return to form after successfully imitating a human being for a while. Lovely.

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