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SNP / Green and their Cooperation Agreement


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I haven't given any consideration to the political implications of this agreement, however it seems to have Tories and creepy boomers who have unhealthy fascination with Greta Thunberg absolutely fucking raging, so it's already worth its weight in gold. 


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18 hours ago, jamamafegan said:

It’s brilliant for Scotland, and comes at a crucial time given the escalating climate crisis. The SNP need a massive boot up the arse with regards to C02 emissions and ecological restoration. 

This is the level the empty-headed Natters operate at.  If Nippy says she has Green credentials then she is taken at her word without challenge.  There were, in fact, two announcements made yesterday.

The big announcement was from Scotrail who told us that, when it is taken in to public ownership in May next year, there will be more than 100,000 train services per annum not restored to the timetable.  This is a cut of 12,5% in real terms to Scotland's rail service and, of course, makes a material difference to achieving the net zero target - not withstanding the social cost for those who can't use/don't have access to a car.

The small announcement was in Edinburgh where a new carriage was added to the Holyrood gravy train whilst, without a hint of irony, Nippy was boasting about how good it would be for the environment.

Thus the scaling back of an important public service plus an extension to the Holyrood trough to accommodate two more snouts is greeted warmly  across the squalid Yes Favelas of Glasgow, Dundee and N Lanarkshire.

Nippy is turning Scotland into a midden and her supporters love her for it.

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20 hours ago, Ric said:

So much to say about this, much of which would be positive. However let's start out by laughing at Gypsy-hater Douglas Ross, as he spits feathers.

Poor ol' Dougy boy is right miffed, claiming it's all about independence and that the Greens shouldn't have this sort of representation. The Greens were all list MSPs, but we should just ignore that tories got >85% of their seats via the list system too - including the Dougster himself.  Rather interestingly, he completely glosses over his calls for tactical voting at the Scottish Elections in order to return a unionist majority. Now, apparently, such agreements is an outrage. Also side stepping his own paymasters South of the border ramming home the highly dubious mandate of Brexit by having to pay vast fortunes to the DUP. All this from a man who considered Holyrood to be so secondary he retains his Westminster seat. Always nice to have a second job to keep the bills paid, right?

Anyway, for anyone not yet aware, here is the agreement (in draft form): https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-government-and-scottish-green-party-cooperation-agreement/

And here is how the BBC are covering it: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-58272209



What "vast fortunes" did the DUP get?

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1 minute ago, GTG_03 said:

Where does it say in that piece the DUP got the money?

The money went to the NI Executive - "The £1bn is specific to the jurisdiction of Northern Ireland and is in addition to funding pledged as a result of the Stormont House Agreement and Fresh Start Agreement. An estimated £420m remains to be spent."

"This arrangement was formalised right away after the election in a Confidence and Supply Agreement between the DUP and the Conservative Party, on 26 June 2017. The Government agreed to provide the Northern Ireland Executive with additional financial support: £1 billion over five years."

So we can put the lie to bed that the DUP received "vast fortunes".

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10 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Where does it say in that piece the DUP got the money?

The money went to the NI Executive - "The £1bn is specific to the jurisdiction of Northern Ireland and is in addition to funding pledged as a result of the Stormont House Agreement and Fresh Start Agreement. An estimated £420m remains to be spent."

"This arrangement was formalised right away after the election in a Confidence and Supply Agreement between the DUP and the Conservative Party, on 26 June 2017. The Government agreed to provide the Northern Ireland Executive with additional financial support: £1 billion over five years."

So we can put the lie to bed that the DUP received "vast fortunes".

You're splitting hairs here. Northern Ireland got 1 billion then through Theresa Mays bribe to the DUP then. Does that sit better with you?

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1 hour ago, GTG_03 said:

You're splitting hairs here. Northern Ireland got 1 billion then through Theresa Mays bribe to the DUP then. Does that sit better with you?

Telling the truth is splitting hairs?

There is much to crticise the DUP for, without posting lies - lies disproved by your own link - about them receiving "vast fortunes".

I'm quite happy that the DUP used their (then) political clout to chisel out another billion pounds for NI.

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