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Jobs you couldn't do


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4 hours ago, Fullerene said:

While I enjoy watching films like Goodfellas and The Godfather, I have to say the criminal underworld definitely  looks pretty scary.  Not for me.

This. I get the heebie jeebies watching these kinds of films and imaging what life would be like as part of the mafia. I'd be constantly sweating like a pig. Not that I dont these days tbf.

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4 hours ago, Michael W said:

I probably couldn't do most jobs other than the ones that I have done, for a number of reasons. There's a few in particular I certainly couldn't do:

Dentist - I don't like going there and having to see some of the dental messes that they will on a daily basis would give me the boak. The money would be good, but just not worth it. 

Those high building window cleaning jobs posted earlier in this thread - I'm not afraid of heights, but that video put me on edge. No thank you. Again, the money just isn't worth it. 

Cabin crew - I have seen the mess that some manky b*****ds manage to leave on even a 2hr flight. Don't want to deal with that and certainly don't want to have to clean up anyone's puke, which is the stuff of nightmares. Can't even hide behind the money here. 

Surgeon - Whilst teeth give me the boak, other medical gore does not. However, I am useless at most practical tasks requiring decent handiwork, so I'll do the right thing for the patient and stay well away. 

You could become the Harold Shipman of the surgical fraternity.

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I worked the old buscuit line in Walkers of Aberlour for a summer (see Famous Persons thread). Picking up oaty biscuits and putting them in wee piles whilst listing to some 60 year old alky wifie from Rothes drone on about her husband being a c**t wasnt for me.  Zoned out a lot but if you missed a pile then got shouted at by a 60 year old alky wifie from Rothes so, you know. 

My biggest gripe though was having to stick wee "Made in England" stickers on the bottom of boxes of Duchy Original biscuits which the production line was churning out.  To this day I regret not mentioning "yer brother's a fucking fraud" to Princess Anne when we had our wee chat.

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5 hours ago, Michael W said:

Dentist - I don't like going there and having to see some of the dental messes that they will on a daily basis would give me the boak. The money would be good, but just not worth it. 

Worst thing about being a dentist and hating it would be knowing that you'll likely never earn nearly as much again if you jack it in.

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21 minutes ago, BFTD said:

I got halfway down the page. Nope, nope, nope nope nope.

I've never considered myself to be a claustrophobe, but the thought of squeezing through impossibly tight rock tunnels with no way of escape starts something screaming in my brain. The worst part is how happy and smiley they all look in the pictures they take. Lunatics.


That makes me feel ill probably worse than heights

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5 hours ago, eez-eh said:

Goes without saying but working in an abattoir would be awful. I’d be sick.

Absolutely. One of the most frightening people I ever met was a guy who worked in a slaughterhouse and seemed to enjoy it. A very creepy guy, who I imagine would slit your throat for a shilling if he thought he'd get away with it.

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A streamer I watch told a story once about when he worked in a call centre for people phoning up to claim on insurance. I couldn't do that. He had a girl on the phone once whose dad had had a heart attack while driving, so the insurance company wouldn't cover the cost of the crash because he was considered dead at the moment of impact. There was also someone he worked with who apparently bragged about making people cry when they phoned up, so there's two reasons I could never do that.

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1 hour ago, G_&_T said:

Absolutely. One of the most frightening people I ever met was a guy who worked in a slaughterhouse and seemed to enjoy it. A very creepy guy, who I imagine would slit your throat for a shilling if he thought he'd get away with it.

Do you have his contact details?

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3 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

This. I get the heebie jeebies watching these kinds of films and imaging what life would be like as part of the mafia. I'd be constantly sweating like a pig. Not that I dont these days tbf.

Seems like lots of them are bullshit, since this popped up in my youtube suggestions:


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On 02/09/2021 at 19:43, 101 said:

The folk that look after the Queensferry crossing posted this video of folk cleaning the cables. It got me thinking there is no chance I could do that.

What job could you never do?

And did you learn you couldn't do it after you started doing it?

They were causing traffic jams in both directions today as folk slow right down to watch the folk dangling upside down polishing the bridge. 

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10 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

They were causing traffic jams in both directions today as folk slow right down to watch the folk dangling upside down polishing the bridge. 

They should have taken lumps on concrete to throw at rubber necking b*****ds

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9 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I’ve been building/clambering about on these this week. Not quite the same drop but would still be a decent splat.


Have you got a ladder propped on the top of that platform if so, I hope there will be hot sausage rolls at your funeral.

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