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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:


I think it’s fair to say that Britain at some point lost its collective mind. Please share below any instances of how this manifests itself.


This is my personal favourite I come back to now and again:




This isn't the British Isles, its the British Peodophillles.

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18 minutes ago, Empty It said:

Once a week going to the front door to applaud lockdown heros and despising everyone who did not partake.

There is a twist to this in that far more people were berating the people despising the No-Clappers than were actually berating No-Clappers. 

Being reactionary by inventing reactionary people to react against is the cutting edge of crazy British pathology.

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Cant pin point it to one specific thing, but the outrage culture which emerges with what is in reflection quite minor things or social media man hunts after even relatively minor infractions or offences are committed. The idea that peoples lives are destroyed by one isolated incident for a second of momentary gratification of the person looking for social media clout. 

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Can't remember where i read it, but there was a good article a while back about how the country collectively lost its mind in the wake of Diana's death and has never really recovered from it. I was too young to know what was going on, but it does seem like it was the tipping point in terms of mass public hysteria. 

The Insulate Britain stuff is actually quite an interesting insight into the simmering anger that seems to be just under the surface in the UK. Can imagine it being infuriating if you're needing to go to hospital etc and i'd undoubtedly be a bit wound up myself, but it is a bit mental that for a sizeable chunk of folk, their immediate reaction to someone making them a bit late for work (with photographic evidence) is to want to run them over and kill them. Probably says as much about our attitude towards work than anything else. 



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16 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Britain's power and influence decreased sharply after WW1 and again after WW2.  Now it has decreased again after Brexit.

For some reason, all of these downturns are celebrated.

You say that like it's a bad thing

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3 hours ago, NotThePars said:


I think it’s fair to say that Britain at some point lost its collective mind. Please share below any instances of how this manifests itself.


This is my personal favourite I come back to now and again:



The “Made in China” Union Jack is just lovely. 



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I would say it goes back to the election of a certain PM in 1979 who went on to destroy the power of the unions and start the selling of all the publicly owned industries and services which though much maligned helped to connect and unify people on these islands. We all used BT for our telephones, traveled on British Rail, got our energy needs from the local electric board or British Gas. Stamps,pensions,benefits from the Post Office. Many also lived in homes owned and maintained by the local council.
I am not trying to pretend that everything was perfect or we were living in some kind of utopia back then but once all these services became privately owned (often by publicly owned companies from overseas ironically) and former council tenants ended up on the mortgage treadmill or tied to spending on credit, which was required to keep the economy going, the whole fabric of the nation seems to have changed.
We now appear to be in a situation where many in these islands hark further back to a perfect time that never actually existed and have a fixation with WW2, Spitfires, Vera Lynn songs and a lost Empire. All while willing to accept a Government and PM that constantly lie to them and are happy for shite to be dumped in the rivers and seas.
How did it come to this?
PS it wasn’t a penalty!

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Everything to do with the old bloke who was turfed into his garden by his fame hungry daughter to raise funds for an organisation being chronically underfunded by the very people using him as a poster boy. 

The denouement of this saga was pure perfection as well with his family taking him to Barbados to cause a local Covid spike and kill him off.
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