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King Chaz 3 has confirmed her funeral will be a national holiday.
If it's next Monday that's already the September weekend in Ayr (Gold cup weekend) so not only will I be sipping ice cold Effes on a Turkish beach I will be smug in the knowledge that I will be "earning" another days leave in lieu for doing so. God bless her maj after all.
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I knew the Queen dieing would lead to some weird stuff happening but this country has truly surpassed just how mental people are around this whole idea of monarchy, it's like they are attempting to brainwash us into sympathy with every electronic billboard displaying the Queen and the nonstop depressing music looping on every station to the 15 minute news bullitins confirming she's still dead. This country can never mock the weird shit that happens in North Korea and such countries again.

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I don't see why anyone is surprised about this, everyone knew this is what would happen.  I think people just like expressing exasperated outrage about things one way or another.

Also, in tragic news the story about Tony Cascarino throwing his Chinese in the bin is fake news.  I just don't know who to believe about anything any more.

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30 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Without a shadow of a doubt that is the most depressing newspaper headline I’ve seen since she popped her clogs.

What a fucked up country.

I think it's wonderful.

Is it really genuine?  The distinction between spoof and reality has melted away.

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I don't see why anyone is surprised about this, everyone knew this is what would happen.  I think people just like expressing exasperated outrage about things one way or another.
Also, in tragic news the story about Tony Cascarino throwing his Chinese in the bin is fake news.  I just don't know who to believe about anything any more.
Agree with this tbh. Like it or not the queen dying is a big fucking deal to a lot of people. Throw in the fact that this is the first monarch to die during 24hr news coverage and social media and the resulting shit show is kind of inevitable. Doesn't change the fact that the whole circus is completely mind numbing mind you
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4 minutes ago, Priti priti priti Patel said:

Some c**t has left a marmalade sandwich from the Angel of Death...



Generous explanation: it was left by a parent whose young child suggested the idea.

More likely explanation: one of Normal Island's perfectly normal adults left it off their own bat.

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31 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

More evidence if it was necessary that this guy, a backroom but very influential news producer previously at the BBC and now global, is one of the nations foremost cretins. 

Hear me out.

I actually don't think that's all that mental a take.

There's loads of instances of very ill people managing to hang on for a milestone or event, then dying very soon thereafter.

I don't imagine many would hang on to meet Liz Truss as such.  However, it's not beyond the realms that seeing in yet another PM might be regarded as something she'd have liked to be able to do.  The fact that the date for that had been in place since early July, does mean it could have been a target.

Among all the amusing drivel posted on here, that bit doesn't strike me as especially ridiculous.

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3 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Hear me out.

I actually don't think that's all that mental a take.

There's loads of instances of very ill people managing to hang on for a milestone or event, then dying very soon thereafter.

I don't imagine many would hang on to meet Liz Truss as such.  However, it's not beyond the realms that seeing in yet another PM might be regarded as something she'd have liked to be able to do.  The fact that the date for that had been in place since early July, does mean it could have been a target.

Among all the amusing drivel posted on here, that bit doesn't strike me as especially ridiculous.

They probably had to stop the old dear defenestrating herself before Truss and Johnson turned up.

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7 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

It's all so bizarre and actually quite sinister. It's not just "folk might feel sad", it's "you will feel sad!".

They're trying to engineer a mood. It's a level of conditioning/brainwashing. Only the saddest songs on the radio. TV schedules completely cleared. Not even, "Here's some the songs/music the queen liked"; nah, somehow has taken considerable time to sit down and compose a playlist of only the saddest songs designed to elicit a reaction.

Talking of conditioning/brainwashing, the crazies who aren't totally bemused by all of this and are demanding we 'respect' the queen all say the same pish, mainly the nonsense about her being 'a constant'. It was mentioned earlier in the thread, but an explanation of this total pish was not found. These folk all trot out garbage about how she 'served' the country, how she was a 'hard worker', how she 'did her duty'. These comical bits of propaganda fall from their mouths without thinking. Apparently she was apolitical; in that case the question is her flying around the world in unimaginable luxury was at the behest of who exactly? The government of the time? In which case she was jetting around doing the bidding of the Tories for most of her reign. Folk feel that this is somehow worthy of applause?

Also, she was a mother and grandmother. So fucking what?! What is the relevance there, unless you're actually in her family?

I tuned in to the radio earlier. Wall to wall propaganda. Across numerous stations I didn't hear a single dissenting voice. Apparently she was the greatest person ever and everything she did was 'remarkable'. Did you know she even once put a cushion in a room all on her own?! She also used to drive herself on occasion!!! Remarkable!!!!! Everything about her was great seemingly. Not a single flaw. Not even the tiniest of things was not perfect. Zero dissention allowed. Not a single person on any station I heard even said something as bland as not agreeing with something she did at some point, or not being a fan of something she might have done. The BBC still have the cheek to claim 'impartiality' too. Also, I'm not sure anyone would want to disagree or put forward an opposing view of even the smallest aspect of the queen or what she has done, as the backlash would be immense and they'd surely be sacked. That's not a country I want a part of. 

It's just extraordinary bootlicking propaganda. Blatant lies and blatant invention of history, whitewashing of events, incredible exaggeration and terrifyingly cheered through by servile, pathetic children. It's so dishonest, immature and pathetic.

Yeah, that's about the size of it.

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7 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

It's all so bizarre and actually quite sinister. It's not just "folk might feel sad", it's "you will feel sad!".

They're trying to engineer a mood. It's a level of conditioning/brainwashing. Only the saddest songs on the radio. TV schedules completely cleared. Not even, "Here's some the songs/music the queen liked"; nah, somehow has taken considerable time to sit down and compose a playlist of only the saddest songs designed to elicit a reaction.

Talking of conditioning/brainwashing, the crazies who aren't totally bemused by all of this and are demanding we 'respect' the queen all say the same pish, mainly the nonsense about her being 'a constant'. It was mentioned earlier in the thread, but an explanation of this total pish was not found. These folk all trot out garbage about how she 'served' the country, how she was a 'hard worker', how she 'did her duty'. These comical bits of propaganda fall from their mouths without thinking. Apparently she was apolitical; in that case the question is her flying around the world in unimaginable luxury was at the behest of who exactly? The government of the time? In which case she was jetting around doing the bidding of the Tories for most of her reign. Folk feel that this is somehow worthy of applause?

Also, she was a mother and grandmother. So fucking what?! What is the relevance there, unless you're actually in her family?

I tuned in to the radio earlier. Wall to wall propaganda. Across numerous stations I didn't hear a single dissenting voice. Apparently she was the greatest person ever and everything she did was 'remarkable'. Did you know she even once put a cushion in a room all on her own?! She also used to drive herself on occasion!!! Remarkable!!!!! Everything about her was great seemingly. Not a single flaw. Not even the tiniest of things was not perfect. Zero dissention allowed. Not a single person on any station I heard even said something as bland as not agreeing with something she did at some point, or not being a fan of something she might have done. The BBC still have the cheek to claim 'impartiality' too. Also, I'm not sure anyone would want to disagree or put forward an opposing view of even the smallest aspect of the queen or what she has done, as the backlash would be immense and they'd surely be sacked. That's not a country I want a part of. 

It's just extraordinary bootlicking propaganda. Blatant lies and blatant invention of history, whitewashing of events, incredible exaggeration and terrifyingly cheered through by servile, pathetic children. It's so dishonest, immature and pathetic.

This post and one of @Monkey Tennis's above describe things perfectly. Thank f**k there's still P&B at a time like this.

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I live in England and have done for 25 years and people are for the most part absolutly normal and there are loads of good c***s. 

But with shit like this some of them lose their minds, even normal cynical fuckers kind of melt into some weird puddle of world ending around them. 

I think the English have a bit of an identity crisis they don't understand the difference between English and British (or that being British isn't really a thing) so they don't have anything to celebrate or call culture and they lose their minds about world cups, the royal family and poppies.

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48 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

How? Did he do a fucking dance? How does the "I hate to tell you this lads, but the Queen has snuffed it" dance go? And how do you differentiate between their Queen the bee, and the Queen the not a bee in dance form? 

And how is the performance of a "the Queen is dead" dance not likely to result in imprisonment? 

She talked softly and sweetly to them but there was a sting in the tale

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