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11 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

"Continuity across the centuries"(apart from the 3 days she pretended not to exist following the death of Diana, we're all supposed to have forgotten about).

The “continuity” line being trotted out everywhere gets on my balls. What is it exactly that’s being continued? Classism? Reverence for the aristocracy for no other reason than their bloodline? Nepotism? The hereditary principle? Distraction? What - and why is this a good thing? Is Kim Jong-un suddenly a good thing because continuity?

If the thing being continued is fucking rank, damaging, or pointless, why is the basic fact of it continuing good in itself?

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2 hours ago, doulikefish said:


I enjoyed the off camera "Aww, bless 'im" right at the end.

If ever there was a case for mandatory euthenasia at aged 70*, that's it right there.


* I used to say 65 but I'm 60 now and I've still got quite a bit of stuff to do.

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