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8 hours ago, pub car king said:

Free the P&B f**k, f**ks, f**king, f**ker, f**ked and any other version there off. 

For f**k sake it's a Scottish forum and if we can't express ourselves freely in our own language what's the f**king point.

You can liberate c**t as well.  

F**k the c**ts?

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On 02/08/2024 at 18:04, Ned Nederlander said:

I absolutely loved twitter for a good few years, so much so that my old phone had the symbols ghosted into it, but it's a f**king binfire now - folk being openly racist and hurtful with no apparent consequence - I still check it and post on it occasionally but nothing like I did before

I was on just now and rage quit at a f**king Judy Murray post!!!

Horrible place.

if the banal Judy Murray enrages you then best you avoid X or any social media, or even TV : )

in saying that, the equally banal yet insufferably beige Richard Osman, packaged and presented as a humorous personality, enrages me. Not so much his content as such, more about how everything he posts (which is of course embraced by thousands of followers who are no doubt churning through his books in between watching the latest "must see" TV British period drama "sweeping the nation") drips with the smugness and middle class entitlement that perfectly encapsulates what in my view is so awful about this country. Ha!


Edited by Pocketman
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The '#FarRightThugsUnite' Twitter trend has been a good laugh, because 99% of it is people posting stuff like: 'The Prime Minister says I'm a far-right thug, but I've only spat on two Asian people and set one Mosque on fire today!' and the accounts are invariably just endless RTs of Tommy Robinson and Britain First. 

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7 minutes ago, bennett said:





Everyone attending to turn up in brightly coloured hi-vis vests like the ones he wore for his community service? Maybe a knock off Rolex off the Looky Looky Man on their wrists to signify the one he stole*, and a bag of gear to do lines on the coffin lid, as a reminder of the stuff he was punting*?


A classy send off and true celebration of the fine young man he was..

#flyhighwiththeangelsbro #partyinthesky #onlythegooddieyoung

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