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Quick question, has anyone actually trusted a tory?


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It's an oft proffered slogan, never trust a tory, and we all know the reasons for that. They are not to be trusted, it's as simple as that. However, has anyone actually ever trusted a tory? The "never trust" claim seems to rank along with "don't eat shite", as it's so logical not to do that thing you don't "try it first" to make sure.

As shown by the Patterson disgrace - a cross party body ruling on a man who broke the rules 30 times and doubled his salary by doing so, which is then overruled in parliament by others who have been brought in front of the same committee - the tories are not to be trusted... but have you ever done so? Have you trusted the tories to do something and they did, competently?

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I trusted Kirstene Hair to make a complete c**t of her re-election campaign in 2019 and tbf, she did it magnificently, turning a 3K+ majority into a 4K deficit in a constituency packed with Tory farmers and pensioners. A thoroughly useless cuntress. 

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15 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

I trusted Kirstene Hair to make a complete c**t of her re-election campaign in 2019 and tbf, she did it magnificently, turning a 3K+ majority into a 4K deficit in a constituency packed with Tory farmers and pensioners. A thoroughly useless cuntress. 

Sure, we can all trust tories to be fucking useless b*****ds with a penchant for dog-whistle phraseology and an inability to realise their policies are ruining lives, while benefiting those in society who need the least assistance.

I'm interested in whether anyone has trusted a tory to "do a good thing" and they have, against all odds, done that "good thing".

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24 minutes ago, Ric said:

Sure, we can all trust tories to be fucking useless b*****ds with a penchant for dog-whistle phraseology and an inability to realise their policies are ruining lives, while benefiting those in society who need the least assistance.

I'm interested in whether anyone has trusted a tory to "do a good thing" and they have, against all odds, done that "good thing".

In that case, no 😂

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4 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

In that case, no 😂

I feel that may be the recurring theme here.


Maybe Douglas Ross would like to come on and shill for them. He's in hiding btw, if you are wondering, can't think of why, today, he would refuse to speak to any live broadcast journalist.

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You can ALWAYS trust a Tory to be a Tory - to act purely and simply in their own self-interest without the slightest empathy for anyone else, including fellow Tories.

Trust them, when elected, to suddenly act in the interest of the electorate who put them into a position of power, absolutely fucking not.

Occasionally, tory voters can be reasoned with and shown the error of their ways*. The cúnts who actually join the party and seek advancement in that organisation could only improve society by doing a Jonestown. Oxygen thieves, one and all, without exception.

*A rare event, worthy of celebration.

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31 minutes ago, G51 said:

Yeah, I trusted Susan Aitken to indulge in union busting and general scab behaviour. Looks like she’s gonna come good!

A true #girlboss 

I'm sure Aitken will be thrilled to think she is a tory. ;)


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There was a Tory in the street where I grew up. He was always running for office and losing. In the first Scottish parliament elections, for the local region the party placed him 8th out of 8 on their list. he would stand for councillor and MP anywhere where there was no chance of actual success. 

One year we went on holiday and we asked him to put our bins out while we were away.

He did.

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Reminded of Spitting Image's old "I've never met a nice South African" song.

Genuinely can't think of any out-and-proud Tories I've known who'd I'd trust alone with...well, anything of value to me. However, statistics will tell you that, what, about 20-25% of registered Scottish voters are Conservatives, so they can't all be rubbing their balls on our food/money/women as soon as our backs are turned. Can they?

1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

There was a Tory in the street where I grew up. He was always running for office and losing. In the first Scottish parliament elections, for the local region the party placed him 8th out of 8 on their list. he would stand for councillor and MP anywhere where there was no chance of actual success. 

One year we went on holiday and we asked him to put our bins out while we were away.

He did.

I think we have a winner. Nobody's beating that tale of selflessness.

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Anyone who trusts ANY politician of any hue needs their head checked.
The idea that just the Tories are corrupt is simply laughable.
Have people forgotten the expenses scandal so quickly?
A bit like teachers and police officers, these people are in politics because they can't get jobs in the real world.
None of them can be trusted. None.
Yep because all those"Labour" MPs raped the public purse in an equally brazen manner. Straw, Bliar et al were as much Tories as their predecessors in government, as anyone with half a brain could see before they even took power. The mendacity, corruption and grand larceny of my (and your) money, rights and freedoms by this current crew surpasses anything the collective fantasies of Thatcher and her mob could have dreamt up, or would have dared to attempt. The most shameful government it's ever been my misfortune to witness, and to pretend this is unexceptional is frankly risible.
At least we can trust you to be a fucking idiot.
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