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Quick question, has anyone actually trusted a tory?


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PB Devco: Tories won't rule out taking donations from firm hit by boss's drug scandal | The National

Not sure if this story is posted elsewhere but will be interesting to see if D Ross comments on receiving funding from a drug dealer  The Clarksons are really dodgy and it's pleasing to see one of their numbr come a cropper.

DOUGLAS Ross’s Scottish Conservatives won’t rule out taking further donations from an Aberdeen firm hit by a drugs scandal.

Hospitality company PB Devco’s operations director Paul Clarkson was recently convicted of dealing cocaine at one of their eight venues in the city.

The 42-year-old said in court he had not dealt drugs for his own financial gain, but to fund his own habit. His sentencing is due next month.

PB Devco, led by Paul’s dad Stuart, owns a number of venues throughout Aberdeen including the Draft Project and Soul. The company gave £20,000 to the Conservatives in 2017.


READ MORE: MP Andrew Bowie quits as vice-chair of Conservative Party

Following Clarkson’s conviction, Labour urged the party to stop taking money from the firm.

Meanwhile Audrey Nicoll (below, centre), SNP MSP for Aberdeen South and North Kincardine, called on Ross’s party to give back the £20k – as well as cash from a separate company, Unity Fishing, involved in a “blackfish” scandal.


“The cash the Scottish Tories have pocketed from both these companies is tainted – and in both cases they should now return the money,” she told the Press and Journal.

“If they don’t then people will be entitled to draw their own conclusions about the Tories and the kind of party they are becoming under Douglas Ross.

“This is now a test of leadership for Mr Ross. The only acceptable thing is for him to order that this cash is handed back.”


A spokesperson for the Scottish Tories said donations “will be considered on a case to case basis.”

The Sunday National reported last year that the Draft Project, one of PB Devco’s Aberdeen bars, had its application for a pop-up venue “fast-tracked” after Tory MSP Liam Kerr called for urgent action to be taken on the issue.

PB Devco was given an occasional license after Kerr wrote to Aberdeen Council’s licensing board urging them to make a decision “as soon as possible” and allow the venue to open that weekend – adding that other councils had granted applications within 24 hours.

The day after, the venue was given its license – in time for Aberdeen’s match against Rangers.

At the time a Scottish Tory spokesperson said: “Liam wrote to the council in good faith to consider fast-tracking all occasional licences, as per the SNP government’s own wishes and his role in standing up for the needs of local businesses. Liam also wasn’t aware of any donation being made.

“One pub was used as something of a case study to illustrate the strength of feeling among hospitality businesses in the city. But it is clear from the letter that the needs of all the city’s struggling bars and restaurants were at stake.”

The bar later came under scrutiny when football fans were filmed celebrating Scotland winning a match in an apparent breach of coronavirus rules.

The owners said they were “shocked” by the scenes, but the Draft Project was ordered by the council to temporarily remove its televisions.


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Here's a fun one, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59243206

In short Ben Wallace, the Defence Secretary has accused Labour and SNP MPs of being drunk while on a jolly to Gibraltar - although why you'd go there is beyond me, it's a fucking horrible place.

Wallace takes his information from a witness. Just to clarify this witness has; not been named, is the only person who has come forward and finally provided no evidence - just accusations. No complaints from those who had to deal direct with the MPs. The airlines, the airports, drivers, "meeters and greeters", none of them raised concerns, the very people who were face to face with the men.

Ben Wallace, it should be pointed out, was NOT on the trip, he had no first hand experience, and is merely taking the word, without any evidence, of an "unnamed source".

Now, considering the mess the tories have gotten into recently, this looks like a classic fake news tory bullshit. We've seen them do this before, and they'll do it again, it's the primary reason nobody should trust a tory, they simply cannot be trusted. However, the icing on the cake, and the statement that proves this comes straight from the FUD department is this line...

"risks undermining respect for Parliament"

That is part of Wallace's claims, funny isn't it? Just when his government is doing exactly that, he somehow equates being drunk on a plane (and that's if they were and as I say, no proof) with people like Geoffery Cox, no need for expansion on that, the previous post does that well.

So is there any caveat here? Sure, of course. It has to be said is that the Labour MP involved cannot be named for legal reasons, which suggests their may be more to this but considering the two SNP MPs have come out publicly and quickly to denounce the claims, it suggests, at least, that they are assured of their innocence.

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12 minutes ago, Ric said:

Here's a fun one, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59243206

In short Ben Wallace, the Defence Secretary has accused Labour and SNP MPs of being drunk while on a jolly to Gibraltar - although why you'd go there is beyond me, it's a fucking horrible place.

Wallace takes his information from a witness. Just to clarify this witness has; not been named, is the only person who has come forward and finally provided no evidence - just accusations. No complaints from those who had to deal direct with the MPs. The airlines, the airports, drivers, "meeters and greeters", none of them raised concerns, the very people who were face to face with the men.

Ben Wallace, it should be pointed out, was NOT on the trip, he had no first hand experience, and is merely taking the word, without any evidence, of an "unnamed source".

Now, considering the mess the tories have gotten into recently, this looks like a classic fake news tory bullshit. We've seen them do this before, and they'll do it again, it's the primary reason nobody should trust a tory, they simply cannot be trusted. However, the icing on the cake, and the statement that proves this comes straight from the FUD department is this line...

"risks undermining respect for Parliament"

That is part of Wallace's claims, funny isn't it? Just when his government is doing exactly that, he somehow equates being drunk on a plane (and that's if they were and as I say, no proof) with people like Geoffery Cox, no need for expansion on that, the previous post does that well.

So is there any caveat here? Sure, of course. It has to be said is that the Labour MP involved cannot be named for legal reasons, which suggests their may be more to this but considering the two SNP MPs have come out publicly and quickly to denounce the claims, it suggests, at least, that they are assured of their innocence.

James Gray MP, "as I understand it, they took full advantage of the facilities at the BA Heathrow Lounge"

Gray who it has been revealed does £300 a day consultancy on top of his job as and MP, lost his role as head of a charity after mixing up Na***** Zahawi and Sajid Javid and claiming "well they all look the same" and recently had to apologise for joking about bombing the offices of a frontbench Labour MP.


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5 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

James Gray MP, "as I understand it, they took full advantage of the facilities at the BA Heathrow Lounge"

As I understand it.

It's funny how tories can be so vague when it's accusations "across the floor".


Edit: the edit button (on desktop) is now the top right of the post, not the bottom left, otherwise you quote yourself.. ;)

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2 minutes ago, Ric said:

As I understand it.

It's funny how tories can be so vague when it's accusations "across the floor".


Edit: the edit button (on desktop) is not the top right of the post, not the bottom right, otherwise you quote yourself.. ;)

Muchos. I was just trying to get poor Mr Zahawis name past the swear filter. 

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9 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Muchos. I was just trying to get poor Mr Zahawis name past the swear filter. 

Wait, Na***** Zahawi is blocked?



So it is, in what world does the term d-h-i-m offend people? Am I missing a recent outrage?


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I did like Anabelle Goldie and felt that her Conservative party in Hollywood were alright. There's something about having to work together and depend on each other that brings out the guid cvnt in a'body. She was a woman who acted with integrity and I was sorry to see her go.

Nowadays, as has been said, I can absolutely trust that party to act against the poor, disabled and immigrants. 


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29 minutes ago, velo army said:

I did like Anabelle Goldie and felt that her Conservative party in Hollywood were alright. There's something about having to work together and depend on each other that brings out the guid cvnt in a'body. She was a woman who acted with integrity and I was sorry to see her go.

Nowadays, as has been said, I can absolutely trust that party to act against the poor, disabled and immigrants. 


She never really had a Conservative party, and the integrity was shown up to be pretty flimsy when it came to shilling for her bosses down south.

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Anabelle Goldie was a bit of a c**t as Inverness rector, then became a larger c**t when in politics.

The very fact people hold her up as not being a complete shit, is telling, very telling.


On a side note, I see Paul Scully was on Radio Scotland this morning. When asked if Johnson should apologise about his recent actions, you can imagine the deflection. He doubled down with the "Natural Justice" claim, which tory head office has told their MPs to spin. Find any politician defending Paterson and you will get the term "Natural Justice". For those unsure, natural justice is a fairly nebulous legal term in English Law which roughly says those who are found guilty should have the right of appeal. It should be said that is a legal term not civil, it effectively has no relevance in a private employer finding an employee guilty of gross misconduct - the equivalent of the Paterson case.

What is interesting is that of those who seem to be claiming Paterson is innocent are also the ones most passionate regarding this Natural Justice concept, and did so just when Paterson was found guilty. From that, one might suggest that it's not that the person was unable to appeal, but that he was found guilty. The "reform" of the Standards Committee is not intended to provide a fairer system, that is clear, and no attempt to try and dismiss this as just an accidental conflation of two topics, Paterson and the Standards Committee, will hide the painfully transparent motivations by a government who regularly falls foul of the most basic "common decency" test.

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Could I also add in how much I'm loving the way in which lawyers who earn millions of pounds working a second job, yet somehow try to spin it that they need to keep their hand in at work so they "don't lose touch" with the lives their constituents live.

It is a fantastic piece of bullshit that contains such large flaws you could drive a horse and cart down the middle, however what is mirthful is the idea that Cox's constituents are all high powered lawyers dealing with foreign governments and doing so from their Common's office.

We have had Dominic Grieve, ex tory and no lover of Johnson and Co and who held the post before Cox, going on the radio claiming it's very hard life for MPs and that it's terrible that men in the 50s could be dumped at the ballot box and somehow have no way to live. The absolute irony of that claim coming from a tory, the sheer brassneck of trying to spin highly paid and highly connected people will somehow be struggling because they did their job badly is a problem is outstanding, quite incredible really.

Many will know I have worked in the past developing web apps, for some of the largest companies in the country too, if I did my job badly, I'd be sacked. The idea that MPs are somehow special is insulting to every other worker in the land. What's more, if that web app was, for example, about insurance, I wouldn't be allowed to work a second job as an insurance consultant in order for me to understand insurance - which is the root of the Grieve's claim. Aside from my contract most likely not allowing me a second job, the obvious answer would be to bring in an expert and discuss it with them, because that's how business works.

It's a fucking mess from top to bottom and the painfully transparent attempts to blame the system, blame society, blame low MPs wages (!), blame... oh, whoever the f**k they want because it's all deflection, mitigation, gaslighting and all round taking the piss, are, very transparent.

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On 04/11/2021 at 09:50, Ric said:

 The "never trust" claim seems to rank along with "don't eat shite", as it's so logical not to do that thing you don't "try it first" to make sure.


You nailed it with your original post. 

In what imaginable circumstance would you ever trust a Tory? Mendacity is their default quality.   The very idea of any of them doing something good, just for the sake of doing something good (without the prospect of being rewarded with money or favours) is so alien to them, it's just not on their radar. 

Actually, calling them mendacious or greedy or dishonest, or just c***s, doesn't really qualify as an insult, it's just a straight forward definition of who they are. 

I was in my 20's when Thatcherism was in its full out of control glory, and the contempt I had (and still have) for that woman was off the scale. Since then, I've restrained myself from getting so worked up, but the current crew in Westminster are pushing me to the edge. 

It's not just the glaring incompetence and cluelessness, it's the utter contempt with which we're being treated.

Paterson, found guilty of taking the piss 30 times and still claims he's innocent. No shame, no fucking shame or remorse whatsoever. The sense of entitlement is breathtaking. 

I'll hold myself back from a full on Tory rant, but in answer to your question, No, I've never trusted a Tory, and am unlikely ever to do so. 

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On 10/11/2021 at 10:39, oneteaminglasgow said:

I suppose my point is, trying to take a balanced view, that Tories won’t always do the wrong thing. Occasionally, they’ll do something good.

Aye, occasionally their wants and desires will match up with yours purely by coincidence. Like if WaffenThinMint just happened to track down and murder <insert unpopular poster here> - he didn't do it for your benefit, or for the greater good, but because that skinsuit isn't going to make itself.

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Thought I'd give a quick update on the drunken MP claim. Apparently the one who could not be named for legal reasons claims her meds reacted with the alcohol, which explains her actions. Now I've got to say, if you are on meds, don't drink it really is as simple as that, and to do so on a government jolly is just fucking stupid.

The SNP duo, though, have roundly rejected Ben Wallace's claims, and we now have a reason why Wallace was so keen to start throwing mud, turns out he was about to be named in the latest expenses scandal. I have absolutely no doubt he went on the attack the other day in some way to deflect from his own actions.

So, remember when Wallace, without any actual evidence, claimed that the actions of the SNP, and I quote, "risks undermining respect for Parliament".

One might ask if claiming over £100,000 pounds of public money to pay for rent, while at the same time renting out his own property, may "risk undermining respect for Parliament"?

Which is it benny boy, "stealing £100,000 pounds of public money" or "reporting second hand, incorrect reports of drunken behaviour", which carry the highest risk of undermining respect.

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In a low-level way o did as my former gym instructor turned out to also have been an ex Tory councillor. The reason he’s the ex gym instructor was that I moved gyms after he did something shady (though not illegal) with the membership fees.

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11 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

In a low-level way o did as my former gym instructor turned out to also have been an ex Tory councillor. The reason he’s the ex gym instructor was that I moved gyms after he did something shady (though not illegal) with the membership fees.


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7 hours ago, Ric said:

Thought I'd give a quick update on the drunken MP claim. Apparently the one who could not be named for legal reasons claims her meds reacted with the alcohol, which explains her actions. Now I've got to say, if you are on meds, don't drink it really is as simple as that, and to do so on a government jolly is just fucking stupid.

The SNP duo, though, have roundly rejected Ben Wallace's claims, and we now have a reason why Wallace was so keen to start throwing mud, turns out he was about to be named in the latest expenses scandal. I have absolutely no doubt he went on the attack the other day in some way to deflect from his own actions.

So, remember when Wallace, without any actual evidence, claimed that the actions of the SNP, and I quote, "risks undermining respect for Parliament".

One might ask if claiming over £100,000 pounds of public money to pay for rent, while at the same time renting out his own property, may "risk undermining respect for Parliament"?

Which is it benny boy, "stealing £100,000 pounds of public money" or "reporting second hand, incorrect reports of drunken behaviour", which carry the highest risk of undermining respect.

But the Daily Express paints it differently. Oh dear, is there an agenda I’m missing?

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14 hours ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

But the Daily Express paints it differently. Oh dear, is there an agenda I’m missing?

I presume the Express somehow shoehorns immigrants, house prices and some reference to woad amongst their interminably dull and xenophobic tome.

Edit: interestingly "three jobs" Ross is not mentioned in the Express today, when he has been featured regularly for apparently "owning the SNP".

Funny that, why would the Express make spurious claims one minute but not report actual facts the next?

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