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God Save The Queen


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1 minute ago, GordonD said:

Mine seems okay. Don't know why you need to rewind though as they're just repeating the same non-news over and over.

Hmm. Ok, ta. The news feed on my screen went black just as a white van pulled up at the Balmoral gates. I wanted to rewind to see if there was anything significant about it. 

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5 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Absolutely no fan of the monarchy and would love to see it disbanded, but the queen herself seems like a decent auld burd who would be game for a laugh so condolences and all that. But I really, really can't wait to see Nick Witchell crying live on air. He's a repulsive, odious little c**t.

The Queen is a vile tory c**t who has spent close to a century ripping off the public, both directly and indirectly (numerous special addendums in laws to keep her greedy mits on land, property and taxes that should have been in the public purse), and just recently spent a fortune of essentially public money to keep her paedo son out of jail. She wouldn't spit or piss on you if you were on fire.

Weird Nicky, if he gets close enough, will 100% try and dive in the grave after the coffin whilst bawling and crying. The weirdest guy on the island.

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  • Lex changed the title to God Save The Queen
I thought, even at this time, that the very first announcement of any royal news is still put up on the gates outside Buck House as a written notice.
Huw is wearing a very dark, though not black, suit.
That's the problem with buying suits from non priest shops.
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5 minutes ago, J_Stewart said:

The Queen is a vile tory c**t who has spent close to a century ripping off the public, both directly and indirectly (numerous special addendums in laws to keep her greedy mits on land, property and taxes that should have been in the public purse), and just recently spent a fortune of essentially public money to keep her paedo son out of jail. She wouldn't spit or piss on you if you were on fire.

Weird Nicky, if he gets close enough, will 100% try and dive in the grave after the coffin whilst bawling and crying. The weirdest guy on the island.

Have to agree - you won’t hear a breath of criticism from anyone in the next few days, weeks, and years. She’ll be across the board portrayed as an absolute saint. We’ll have wall to wall propaganda driving home how good, altruistic, and dedicated to the people she was.

She wasn’t, and it’s a dangerous road to go down to put one institution and its figurehead above all criticism and beyond all reproach.

Contrary to recently rewritten history, she has frequently put both feet wrong, has fought (usually underhandedly) to protect her own and her family’s financial interests, and has shamelessly hoarded wealth via dodgy tax arrangements.

A fair assessment of Elizabeth II will probably not be possible in our lifetimes, so widespread will be the cultish propaganda. It’s begun already, with historians - who are supposed to judge historical figures critically, via revision and scrutiny - on the Beeb parroting how this woman was simply a paragon, tireless, infallibly perfect and only ever benevolent.

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