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9 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar Tier 3 said:

For someone who us craven to the Royals you will certainly have no compassion. If you give me the actual name you are referring to I will acknowledge who it may be.

Your first sentence has me stumped. But you know who salmundo is

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4 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I don't think the "extremists" on either side of the argument are coming out of this well. I wonder if either has ever persuaded anyone to change their view?

I doubt it, at least when strong hallucinogenics and a battery and electrode connectors aren't to hand....

Edited by jagfox
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1 minute ago, Highlandmagyar Tier 3 said:

But you can't bring yourself to use an actual name?

Why should I. I'm have such fun with you. I cast a hook with a little bait and you gulped at it. You will be telling me next you don't know who wee seaweed is.

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1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Off course they're not. Do you think people will be ranting like they do on here. It's just venting and a carry on.

The level of it just seems weird to me.

Venting and carrying on is fine, but I suspect something deeper at play here.  It doesn't particularly bother me, but I feel sorry for those who get so worked up.

The Unionists seem to be more laid back than the Nats too.

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5 minutes ago, WTF said:

Why should I. I'm have such fun with you. I cast a hook with a little bait and you gulped at it. You will be telling me next you don't know who wee seaweed is.

You brought that name up. Not me.

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1 hour ago, WTF said:

If only they would take the time to look at and examine the alternatives. But first they would have to relinquish their hate. And I do mean hate as it is worse than prejudice.

who would be the likely candidates? 

Would they all be politicians?

And if the nation was split? 4 different presidents. lol I can just imagine wee Sturgeon sitting around a big cauldron with crazy Drakeford and will you stand by O'Neill along side of Corbyn. Hilarious!

I wonder if they now know the value of a Monarch.


Very true about relinquishing their hate.  A very tough thing for any seasoned cultist to do.

Laughed out loud at the cauldron image there! :D 

Edited by Duries Air Freshener
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1 hour ago, WTF said:

If only they would take the time to look at and examine the alternatives. But first they would have to relinquish their hate. And I do mean hate as it is worse than prejudice.

who would be the likely candidates? 

Would they all be politicians?

And if the nation was split? 4 different presidents. lol I can just imagine wee Sturgeon sitting around a big cauldron with crazy Drakeford and will you stand by O'Neill along side of Corbyn. Hilarious!

I wonder if they now know the value of a Monarch.



Monarchist Celtic fan. That's unusual to say the least.

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20 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

"Reviewing all the troops she has led for 70 years"

Who could possibly forget the Scots Guards, low on ammo and nearing the summit of Mount Tumbledown being ordered to fix bayonets and press home the charge by someone's gran in pearls and a twinset. 


'Leading'/'leadership' is not infrequently used in relation to Queen Elizabeth II. It involves making decisions and taking responsibility for things.

No one has ever been able to show me an example of her 'leadership'.

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9 minutes ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

Very true about relinquishing their hate.  A very tough thing for any seasoned cultist to do.

Laughed out loud at the cauldron image there! :D 

Self awareness game is weak in this of all threads. 

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1 minute ago, milhouse said:

'Leading'/'leadership' is not infrequently used in relation to Queen Elizabeth II. It involves making decisions and taking responsibility for things.

No one has ever been able to show me an example of her 'leadership'.

She drove a truck during the war, apparently.

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1 hour ago, WTF said:

This was all about you pretending you didn't know who I was referring too when I mentioned salmundo. You started by asking who was salmundo.

Christians are supposed to forgive and have compassion. I have an abundance of compassion for you, as you need it.

Now tell me who salmundo is?

You should write your name at the end of your posts like Grimbo did m9. They’d actually read way better that way. 

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23 minutes ago, Clown Job said:


Walking out of some meaningless Parliament motion about the Queen while selling off huge chunks of rural Scotland to Anders Povlsen and his pals does sound a lot like the Scottish Greens right enough.

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19 minutes ago, Clown Job said:


I have no real problem with that. I had to attend a couple of full Council meetings in Edinburgh years ago. (Ok, didn't "have to" but there were items on local issues I was interested in!) 

I confess to being a bit surprised that the meeting started (not "was preceded by, but started") with a sermon and a prayer. When the representative of Heaven on Earth had finished, about a half to a third of the members came in. They presumably wanted to take no part in that superstitious rubbish.  Oddly, none of the other members even thought it worthy of comment. It happened both times I was there - don't know if it still happens now. 

If the folk in the Green party didn't fancy that particular item of business and felt so strongly about it, to have remained would have been hypocritical, IMO. 

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1 hour ago, milhouse said:

'Leading'/'leadership' is not infrequently used in relation to Queen Elizabeth II. It involves making decisions and taking responsibility for things.

No one has ever been able to show me an example of her 'leadership'.

Cultists generally trot out the line that she’s always been there. She’s done remarkably well in not dying. If not dying was a skill, though, and living at the same time as many other people, she’s still far from the best.

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