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God Save The Queen


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49 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

As I understand it Jesus said that he was there not to do away with the old laws, but to fulfil them. I admit that it's a bit difficult to understand the meaning of the words of creator of the universe who, of course is all good, unless he's not in which case he is moving in mysterious ways. Doesn't stop those who claim to understand them of course or even those who claim to know his/her/its nature telling fellow beings how to live their lives. 

Anyway, if being at Sunday School, the Cubs and having a father who was an Elder in the CofS couldn't impress me with religious BS, you may rest assured that you, most certainly, are not up to the task. I don't know what it would take to make me believe such nonsense, but presumably your all knowing and wise God does, but has chosen not to provide it.  

With all due respect, I'm not making any effort to convert you or impress you with anything :)

Feel free to mischaracterise that as me not being 'up to the task' if you want though.

Edited by Duries Air Freshener
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7 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Quite interesting to find that the Wee Free site is "closed" for the Sabbath and 

"There are aspects to using the internet that are not conducive to keeping the Sabbath." 

P&B OK, though.



Working fine for me.

Free Church of Scotland

Maybe you're mixing us up with the Free Presbyterian C of S?

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1 hour ago, Jacksgranda said:

Not really - his enemies got smoted (smitten?). That's fairly consistent from Genesis to Malachi. If you stepped out of line - KABOOM.

New Testament is a bit more nuanced.


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30 minutes ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

It may be verbatim, but it's still out of context, and as he explains many atheists have even said as much.

Unfortunately for you, your claim of the point of the quote being that there needs to be something more to become a Christian is also incorrect.  He actually said it to describe what he thinks is the current cultural milieu and the attitude of most Western intellectuals.

Please forgive me if I don't take your claim about John Lennox seriously, as you've not covered yourself in glory thus far.

You have no idea what you are talking about. .

Lennox is a buffoon and the creationist garbage he was peddling was thoroughly refuted.

William Lane Craig was sensible enough to couch his beliefs in more theosophic terms. He is not a stupid man.

His argument are still shit tho

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2 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:


Yes, I don't think He would have been too pleased with His chosen people being smitten with their enemies...

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4 minutes ago, Zern said:

You have no idea what you are talking about. .

Lennox is a buffoon and the creationist garbage he was peddling was thoroughly refuted.

William Lane Craig was sensible enough to couch his beliefs in more theosophic terms. He is not a stupid man.

His argument are still shit tho

Well if you want to counter my arguments then go ahead.

As it stands, my points remain unanswered.

P.S. Intelligent Design and Creationism are two different things.

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45 minutes ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

Well if you want to counter my arguments then go ahead.

As it stands, my points remain unanswered.

P.S. Intelligent Design and Creationism are two different things.

Have you ever seen the Richard Dawkins Giraffe video about intelligent design? 



Edited by Albus Bulbasaur
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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I know quite a few good people who are Christians, Catholics who aren't anti abortion or contraception and Free Presbyterians who will say goodbye to a friend at a Catholic funeral. It's treating religion like science, literal truth that fucks people up. There's nothing wrong with listening to the good stuff and ignoring the medieval.

Serious question.  Do you know many Free Presbyterians?  They are very rare and very much a cult within a cult.

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52 minutes ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

Well if you want to counter my arguments then go ahead.

As it stands, my points remain unanswered.

P.S. Intelligent Design and Creationism are two different things.

You've presented no argument, just blown William Lane Craig's horn.

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6 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Serious question.  Do you know many Free Presbyterians?  They are very rare and very much a cult within a cult.

I know a few, including one who was embarrassed yesterday by a huge union flag with the Queen's portrait on it before a football game on Lewis, and another who my Mother is better acquainted with who was forced to leave his particular branch of the Frees after going to his friend's funeral in a Catholic church. 

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25 minutes ago, Albus Bulbasaur said:

Have you ever seen the Richard Dawkins Giraffe video about intelligent design? 



I'd never seen that until now, Albus.

Although I don't agree with Dawkins' atheism, I'm still a fan of his.  His knowledge of biology is second to none!  I've even read The God Delusion and have it on my bookshelf.

I watched him on 'Unbelievable' on Premier Christian Radio recently, and couldn't help but think that he'd softened his views on Christianity a great deal.

I also believe in evolution but, unlike Dawkins I believe the process to be created by a designer.  For example, I believe the random(sic) mutations aspect suggests a guiding hand, as well as others.

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1 minute ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

If you fancy countering my points then feel free.  They remain unanswered.


Sure buddy. And Jesus is magic too.

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18 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I know a few, including one who was embarrassed yesterday by a huge union flag with the Queen's portrait on it before a football game on Lewis, and another who my Mother is better acquainted with who was forced to leave his particular branch of the Frees after going to his friend's funeral in a Catholic church. 

This whole 'Free Presbyterian' 'Catholic funeral' is so 1980's Lord Mackay shite.  Same with, "his particular branch of the Frees" as if they are all the same.

My take?  You have never met a paid-up Free Presbyterian.  Not surprising.  They are very rare - as I said.

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

£1.2 billion spent on this shit.

What the f**k did they spend it on?

The artists' ridiculous performance fees, expenses and staging costs for last night's shite concert for a start. Plus the fancy parties for the subsidised freeloaders such as politicians, quangocrats and ageing celebrities who got underserved gongs from Brenda.

The cost of the war-mongering military parades, fly pasts and "pageant" will be included too. Then there's the costs of "policing and security" too. London's lazy Plod loves an easy freebie rather than tackling serious crime like muggings, knifings and shootings.

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27 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

£1.2 billion spent on this shit.

That it's shit is beyond doubt.  That it cost £1,2Bn is hysterical nonsense.  £28 million is more realistic.  

Still, at least we got some good tunes played:


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