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The Gender Debate


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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

Disagreeing over the definition of what a male and a female is, isn't "putting trans individuals down".

When are people like you going to learn that?

I'm not sure what you're disagreeing about given you spent multiple pages trying to gotcha folks with 'what is a man' and 'what is a woman', offered no 'definition' yourself and then took the huff. I don't care though. And nobody's buying it. 

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Just now, oaksoft said:

You are joking right?

I've made it crystal clear what the definition of a woman and a man is several times. For the twenty-eighth time, It's all about chromosomes and not how you feel which matters.

So how did we define them before the discovery of chromosomes?

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I've no idea.

I wasn't alive then.

Sorry about that.

Not sure the relevance of that anyway.

Evolution was still a scientific fact long before it was discovered.

Gravity was still a fact before it was discovered.


Go on, think. Think a wee bit. 

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5 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Either debate like a functioning adult or I'll go back to ignoring you again.

Your choice bud.

Let’s not be silly, no you won’t; you’re absolutely desperate for any sort of attention. I only respond to you by way of correction in case anyone actually buys your shite. Much the same way as trans issues weren’t an issue 10 years ago but now because reactionaries need another target in the culture war because gay people don’t work anymore it’s now the hottest of buttons for the media, who give trans folks no right of reply. It’s disgusting. 

Edited by carpetmonster
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On 01/12/2022 at 08:53, Suspect Device said:

. In 2018, she was banned from having contact with children after sexually assaulting a ten-year-old girl in supermarket toilets in Kirkcaldy.


This man sexually assaulted  a child. A barbaric act. He needs to spend a very long time in prison and the idea that him and his penis should be in a female prison is utter mad. I dont care how he feels about it, he is a man who should serve his time in a male prison. 


Edited by dorlomin
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26 minutes ago, dorlomin said:


This man sexually assaulted  a child. A barbaric act. He needs to spend a very long time in prison and the idea that him and his penis should be in a female prison is utter mad. I dont care how he feels about it, he is a man who should serve his time in a male prison. 


Trans prisoners are evaluated by the prison system on a case by case basis. How the offender feels about where they should be placed is entirely irrelevant 

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On 01/12/2022 at 08:53, Suspect Device said:

As put in the article by Coleman - "This is all happening against the backdrop of the Gender Reform Act. The decision is outside the scope of the Bill"

Dangerous men and women who pose a threat to public safety ought to be in the care of the prison service, who are best informed to make decisions about which prisons the guilty are remanded in. 

Neither the protest nor the journalist has any idea about the contents of the risk assessment or the basis of the move.

It would be a dangerous precedent to set to say that trans people cannot go to a prison with inmates of the same gender, which appears to be what the protestors are seeking.

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48 minutes ago, 101 said:

As put in the article by Coleman - "This is all happening against the backdrop of the Gender Reform Act. The decision is outside the scope of the Bill"

Dangerous men and women who pose a threat to public safety ought to be in the care of the prison service, who are best informed to make decisions about which prisons the guilty are remanded in. 

Neither the protest nor the journalist has any idea about the contents of the risk assessment or the basis of the move.

It would be a dangerous precedent to set to say that trans people cannot go to a prison with inmates of the same gender, which appears to be what the protestors are seeking.

I'm not so bothered about the bill (apart from it being divisive in a time when the independence campaign needs unity). 

I'm more interested in situations like this where it seems crazy to put a dangerous sex offender in either a male or female prison. In a male prison, they'd be in danger and in a female prison the rest of the inmates may be in danger. If they get removed from the main population of either prison, then they would no doubt scream about their rights being infringed.


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1 hour ago, carpetmonster said:

Trans prisoners are evaluated by the prison system on a case by case basis. How the offender feels about where they should be placed is entirely irrelevant 

Except it's not irrelevant at all, when how they feel relates to their gender identity (or indeed any other characteristic that involves differentiation or protection). When the new starting assumption is that the feeling of the individual trumps all other evidence in society as a whole, it is implausible to believe that public bodies can evaluate on a truly dispassionate basis. Not least given the enormous bucket of shite that would get thrown over them by the hysterical wing of advocates. There's a growing body of evidence to suggest that they're unable to do so. 

The swing towards self-ID comes from a good place among most advocates for it, but there are also genuine issues that need ironed out. Pretending that it can be used only in certain circumstances but not influence others is wishful thinking. 

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10 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

I'm not sure what you're disagreeing about given you spent multiple pages trying to gotcha folks with 'what is a man' and 'what is a woman', offered no 'definition' yourself...

I thought it is the opposite?

A 'woman is a female human'. In general, to do with chromosomes, genitalia, reproduction, organ size, actual size, blah de blah.  

What is a struggle to get is a definition from the people with a  'what you identify as' opinion/side.

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3 hours ago, 101 said:

As put in the article by Coleman - "This is all happening against the backdrop of the Gender Reform Act. The decision is outside the scope of the Bill"

Dangerous men and women who pose a threat to public safety ought to be in the care of the prison service, who are best informed to make decisions about which prisons the guilty are remanded in. 

In what way is the prison service best informed to distinguish the appropriate gender for an inmate in a gendered prison system? Do they use one of those useless lie detector tests to sort it out for them? 

This claim also contradicts the entire premise of self-ID. 

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

More dangerous than sending a convicted male sex offender into a womens prison?


Yes, absolutely.

17 minutes ago, virginton said:

In what way is the prison service best informed to distinguish the appropriate gender for an inmate in a gendered prison system? Do they use one of those useless lie detector tests to sort it out for them? 

This claim also contradicts the entire premise of self-ID. 

They don't particularly need to be absolutely sure about a persons gender and why they have changed it, it seems to be about risk and dignity.

In the case of Cis people of course its very easy, but I'm sure there are trans people in the jails in which the majority of their fellow inmates are a different gender. In the small number of cases this happens in its absolutely right that the prison service makes the decision which jail they should be in.

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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Your post highlights exactly why it is vital that hardcore trans ideology is challenged.

To suggest that it is more dangerous to ignore someones feelings than it is to subject vulnerable female prisoners to a convicted male sex offender is genuinely shocking.

You putting 1 case ahead of the rest of an entire gender is what is sadly not shocking but completely ridiculous. 

Are you seriously suggesting that someone who is trans should be put into the jail which houses other people of their birth gender to protect people when there is in fact a very real need to protect trans people?

For instance it would be completely ridiculous to put a trans woman in a men's jail 40 years after she transitioned and committed say burglary as the trans woman would be at serious risk.

Everyone in a jail should be protected from violence and sexual assault regardless of gender which is why the prison service move people who meet the criteria they obviously have.

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You are joking right?
I've made it crystal clear what the definition of a woman and a man is several times. For the twenty-eighth time, It's all about chromosomes and not how you feel which matters.

You don’t have the intelligence, authority, nor expertise to be defining what a man or a woman is; sit down, you seething bigot.
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It's like white folk (always, always white guys) getting upset about footballers taking the knee. 

None of these utter c***s have any idea what it's like to be a person under threat of being targeted because of the colour of their skin. 


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