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The Ayrshire derby

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Agree with everyone about the midfield. I thought we looked excellent. How many tackles did we win in the middle of the park? Lovely stuff. Felt for Tomi missing that chance. He deserved a goal,he was sensational after coming on.

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1 minute ago, AuAl said:

It really surprised me how rattled killie looked in the second half. Shelling it to Lafferty was very predictable.

It’s the exact same tactic we tried against Arbroath. The big hoof. Didn’t fucking work then either. 

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1 minute ago, AuAl said:

It really surprised me how rattled killie looked in the second half. Shelling it to Lafferty was very predictable.

He was embarrassing tonight, how much is he getting paid to do that? 
Going down like a sack of tatties when Muirhead turned around and having to listen to Barnes and Reilly's greeting pusses for the next 20 minutes was very reminiscent of the Dundee stream last year when we beat them. "Charlie, Charlie". 

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We deserve all the slaggings you can dish out tonight, to be honest. So deflated with this team. 

That’s your eight defeat of the season - a third of the games you’ve played. A quite amazing figure for a team who we were told had the same budget this season as they had in the Premiership last year and proceeded to spend even more in January. Surprising you’re still in the mix really.
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Wouldn’t be surprised if we missed out on the playoffs.

I thought last season was bad but holy f**k this season has been a clusterfuck.

Mcinnes changing to a back 3 absolutely ruined us. We don’t have a ball winner in the midfield. Campbell playing 180 mins so far is laughable, he has been atrocious.

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Cracking result for Ayr. Over and above it being a derby and the natural bragging rights until the next fixture, they three points could be massive towards safety.

Wonder if @Killiefanand @the west curvewill be spotted on the Ayr threads anytime soon. Two dreadful posters who seem more obsessed with their rivals than their own club. 

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Well got that completely wrong, after the first ten minutes Ayr controlled the game and apart from the keeper making a couple of cracking saves Killie never troubled them, on that showing there will be four derbies next season  cos Ayr will be safe and Killie certainly won’t be going up. Well done to Ayr, totally deserved and probably should have been more!!

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I’d honestly forgotten what a huge win felt like until Readings shot flew in and the away end was shaking below my feet. What a fucking result and it was so deserved.

Even forgetting the three points, that should be a massive boost to the players and can help them believe they can stay up.

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Unfortunately there’s no real stand out side in the Championship this season and although you’re really not very good, you might shitfest your way to automatic promotion. If that Kilmarnock side enters the playoffs you’ve got fucking no chance, despite the amount of money you’re spunking on the manager & playing staff. You’re a Frankenstein of a club.

McAdams was magic tonight when called upon and kept us in it. McInroy was quiet first but when he started imposing himself, he & Dempsey ran the show. Nice to see a motivated Adeloye back on the pitch.

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