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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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23 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

Aye but only within their legitimate sphere of influence and while they were doing that, America was ... zzzzzzzzzzz

Am I reading this wrong?

Are you saying the Mongols had a legitimate sphere of influence that included Austria and Turkmenistan?

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It's outrageous that we're criticising Russia for shelling Ukrainian cities, Genghis Khan did far worse.

Pretty shit picking on the guy when he’s not here to defend himself.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It's outrageous that we're criticising Russia for shelling Ukrainian cities, Genghis Khan did far worse.

And he used chemical weapons (allegedly) - 

"The Black Death was a plague which had been ravaging Central Asia since 1331, it was said to be caused by Yersinia Pestis and is present in fleas carried by rodents. It traveled along Silk Road as rodents migrated from Asia’s famine-ridden lands until it came to Crimea when the siege was ongoing.

While the Mongols laid siege to the city of Caffa, they were struck by the plague. According to an account of the events of Crimea, the Tartars (Mongols) were suddenly struck by the pandemic. Falling on all sides as though they had been struck by thunder, with lumps on their joints and dark marks on their faces, they developed a putrid fever and were beyond help, neither from doctors nor their god.

The spread of the plague through the ranks of the Mongols demoralized the army, and a large bulk of them lost interest in the siege. However, the Mongols would not back off, not without giving Caffa a piece of their own torment.

They put the corpses of their dead on their catapults and flung them over the defensive walls of Caffa.

The dwellers of Caffa watched as rotten bodies fell from the skies, crashing on their soil, spreading their putrid smell in all directions. The Christians could neither hide nor flee from the havoc that rained down upon them. They moved as many rotten bodies as they could, dumping them into the sea as quickly as they could. But by then, it was too late; the Black Death was already in Caffa."

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21 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

What, the death's head badge is Nazi?


Tell that to the Royal Lancers


The totenkopf is more scrunched up basically.  I'm no posting it but it looks totally different. 


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Biden’s advisers need to reign him in a bit.  Still struggling to believe that the Democrats couldn’t find a better option as a Presidential candidate.

There were undoubtedly better / brighter / less doddery options as candidate, however unless they are a white man with many rich friends donating to the cause, then they dont even reach the long list.

I realise this is slightly unfair as there are female / black / hispanic people in positions of power in US politics -  but if they had placed Harris (for example) against Trump, they would have lost as she was the wrong gender and colour.

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