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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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12 minutes ago, Vimto90 said:

Putin has said Sanctions are the same as declaring war. Better stop eh, he has nukes.

I'd imagine flying in to Ukraine and taking out their army would be slightly more frowned upon than sanctions. You suggesting flying in the entire Nato and engage in taking out Russian forces?

Isn't just because he has nukes. He believes he's entirely right doing what he's doing and if someone with that psychopathic mentality has nukes it's clearly risky ground.

Edited by red23
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I'd imagine flying in to Ukraine and taking out their army would be slightly more frowned upon than sanctions. You suggesting flying in the entire Nato and engage in taking out Russian forces?
I am not suggesting anything. Just pointing out what he said and I added in a smart remark at the end.

FWIW though the only thing I believe about Putin is that he is very intelligent. He knows fine well he is "mad vlad" and this is what has people scared of what he is capable of doing. Of course he is capable, I just don't think he would use nuclear weapons, at least not as a first course of action, or even a second. He craves power, you can't have power if you are dead or your country is a barron wasteland. He doesn't strike me as the type happy to live in a bunker with tinned peaches.

That's not to say WW3 if that's the term we are using wouldn't be devastating, I just don't buy into the worlds f*cked if NATO done a NFZ or intervened. If I was wrong well then nobody could come on here and pull me up as we would be human soup, silver clouds.

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5 minutes ago, Vimto90 said:

I am not suggesting anything. Just pointing out what he said and I added in a smart remark at the end.

FWIW though the only thing I believe about Putin is that he is very intelligent. He knows fine well he is "mad vlad" and this is what has people scared of what he is capable of doing. Of course he is capable, I just don't think he would use nuclear weapons, at least not as a first course of action, or even a second. He craves power, you can't have power if you are dead or your country is a barron wasteland. He doesn't strike me as the type happy to live in a bunker with tinned peaches.

That's not to say WW3 if that's the term we are using wouldn't be devastating, I just don't buy into the worlds f*cked if NATO done a NFZ or intervened. If I was wrong well then nobody could come on here and pull me up as we would be human soup, silver clouds.


Some folk are so picky...

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21 minutes ago, Vimto90 said:

I just don't think he would use nuclear weapons, at least not as a first course of action, or even a second. He craves power, you can't have power if you are dead or your country is a barron wasteland.

I agree. But if WW3 kicks off it won't be those on the verge of "victory" that launch nuclear missiles first.

It would be the final, defiant act of someone on the verge of defeat and losing everything.

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I agree. But if WW3 kicks off it won't be those on the verge of "victory" that launch nuclear missiles first.
It would be the final, defiant act of someone on the verge of defeat and losing everything.
Potentially, but again I reckon if NATO or who ever got involved it would actually make negotiating easier as he knows he couldn't win. Let him keep the annexed regions (which is still a nonsense imo), even allow a victory declaration of some sort and he gets to keep having caviar licked from his micro penis, sanctions can be eased and we can all relax for 10 or so years, till he goes for Georgia.

No way that happens on current path.
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31 minutes ago, Vimto90 said:

Potentially, but again I reckon if NATO or who ever got involved it would actually make negotiating easier as he knows he couldn't win. Let him keep the annexed regions (which is still a nonsense imo), even allow a victory declaration of some sort and he gets to keep having caviar licked from his micro penis, sanctions can be eased and we can all relax for 10 or so years, till he goes for Georgia.

No way that happens on current path.

Even in a best case scenario for Putin, I'm giving him a close to 0% chance of being alive when he's pushing 80.

He's clearly not a well man.

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Even in a best case scenario for Putin, I'm giving him a close to 0% chance of being alive when he's pushing 80.
He's clearly not a well man.

That’s one of the main concerns - he’s acting like he’s got nothing left to lose and will happily take billions of others with him……
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4 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

See when there is major tension in the World, do the West not usually rock up close to the hot spot with their naval fleet? Where the f**k are they? Cher should be freezing her nips aff in the Baltic Sea.

 Why musicians can't make videos aboard Navy ships - We Are The Mighty

Sure she'd find the black sea-bordering where the war is-much more to her liking

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10 minutes ago, tarapoa said:

That’s one of the main concerns - he’s acting like he’s got nothing left to lose and will happily take billions of others with him……

He's not, though, is he?

Whether or not you agree with them, he has his reasons for invading Ukraine.

He's not interested in a war with anyone else, nevermind NATO. He just wants them not to get in the way.

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