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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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2 minutes ago, The Other Foot said:

Wonder which side Kadyrov will pick 🤔

Friends, the night turned out to be difficult and the flights did not give time to voice here my position on this vile betrayal!

Everything that happens is a KNIFE IN THE BACK and a real military mutiny!

I have repeatedly warned that war is not the time to voice personal grievances and resolve disputes in our rear. The rear must always be calm and reliable. Imagine how the guys in the trenches feel now, in the face of which there is an enemy, and behind their backs a treacherous adventure. We are talking about stability, about the cohesion of the state, about the security of citizens.

History shows that such actions can lead to bloody consequences. We have few losses in the NWO? We still have to create problems within the country?

We have a Supreme Commander-in-Chief, elected by the people, who knows the whole situation to the smallest detail better than any strategist, and even more so a businessman, calls the commanders "on the ground" himself and fully controls the course of the NWO. And the decisions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief are taken in a balanced and scrupulous manner. Each of us sees only one part of the map, and he sees everything at once! And Vladimir Vladimirovich quite rightly noted in his address to the nation - this is a military rebellion! There is no excuse for such actions!
I fully support every word of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin!

I appeal to the fighters - patriots of our Motherland. Do not fall for provocations. No matter what goals you are given, no matter what promises you are told, the security of the state and the cohesion of Russian society are above all at such a moment! See how our enemies in the West are taking advantage of this situation. How many stuffing, how many lies, how many false appeals that frighten our citizens, create the danger of a destabilizing situation. And these are the expected consequences of Prigozhin's treacherous march.

What is happening is not an ultimatum to the Ministry of Defense. This is a challenge to the state, and against this challenge it is necessary to rally around the national leader: the military, security forces, governors, and the civilian population.

The fighters of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Guard in the Chechen Republic have already left for the zones of tension. We will do everything to preserve the unity of Russia and protect its statehood!

The rebellion must be crushed, and if this requires harsh measures, then we are ready!

Cue more videos of beardy men firing machine guns miles away from the front lines.

Edited by welshbairn
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2 minutes ago, The Other Foot said:

Wonder which side Kadyrov will pick 🤔

Kadyrov and Prigozhin are arch-enemies so that's a foregone conclusion. Interesting angle though is that if Wagner take Volgograd and Krasnodar, Chechnya will be cut off from Moscow and their troops in Ukraine.

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3 minutes ago, The Other Foot said:

Ok so if Kadyrov is vehemently anti-Prigozhin, is there any semblance of an anti-Kadyrov movement within Chechnya? I mean, apart from the ones who are currently fighting alongside Ukrainians 

They're aw deid.

Edited by welshbairn
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6 minutes ago, The Other Foot said:

Hmm as I feared. Any other potential new fronts then? Georgia up for a bit of take-backsy? Some of the Asiatic autonomous regions?

The main regime propped up by Putin, is Belarus and Lukashenko has already fucked off to Turkey, with his family, last night.

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1 hour ago, Karpaty Lviv said:


It’s good news for the current counter offensive but when the Kremlin falls, Ukraine will be up against a much better force, with much better fire power and with the same ambition.


Folk were saying this sort of shit in February 2022. 

Bakhmut might suggest there's limitations to what Wagner can do. And Prigozhin is likely to find himself even more isolated internationally if he finds himself president than Putin does currently. A big problem when Russia has suffered supply problems of, for example, ammunition.

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7 minutes ago, jagfox said:

The main regime propped up by Putin, is Belarus and Lukashenko has already fucked off to Turkey, with his family, last night.

No reports on who was on that flight so most probably untrue 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Maybe he thinks robbing gold in Africa would be more profitable than wasting time in Ukraine though. I don't get the impression he's hugely ideological over Novorossiya.

Interesting point as they run the Russian ops in Africa...who gets the loot now ?

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10 minutes ago, jagfox said:

The main regime propped up by Putin, is Belarus and Lukashenko has already fucked off to Turkey, with his family, last night.

That might be fake news, his plane was spotted but nobody seems to know who was on it.

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