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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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6 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

My wife's family is Polish. The eastern half despise Russia, the western half hate Germany. Historically it's difficult to blame them. Brutal history. 

There's the joke about the Polish soldier with a rifle, one bullet, and a bayonet. There's a German coming from the West and a Russian coming from the East, what does he do? He shoots the German and then stabs the Russian...business before pleasure.

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My experience of working with lots of Poles over the years and having some relatives who are part Polish is that they have no problem harbouring animosity for more than one of their neighbours and that something you definitely would not want to be if you were living in Warsaw is a gay Jewish communist.

The people that live in present day western and northern Poland were mostly originally from Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania ancestrally and got moved there courtesy of Stalin's border changes at the end of WWII so if anything they are the ones that are more likely to be anti-Russian. The main football clubs in Szczecin and Gdansk have the same names as pre-war Polish clubs from Lviv in present day Ukraine because that's where a lot of their supporters wound up after the ethnic Germans that lived there previously got expelled.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

My experience of working with lots of Poles over the years and having some relatives who are part Polish is that they have no problem harbouring animosity for more than one of their neighbours and that something you definitely would not want to be if you were living in Warsaw is a gay Jewish communist.

The people that live in present day western and northern Poland were mostly originally from Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania ancestrally and got moved there courtesy of Stalin's border changes at the end of WWII so if anything they are the ones that are more likely to be anti-Russian. The main football clubs in Szczecin and Gdansk have the same names as pre-war Polish clubs from Lviv in present day Ukraine because that's where a lot of their supporters wound up after the ethnic Germans that lived there previously got expelled.

Gdańsk/Danzig has been “cleansed” of various ethnicities and groups multiple times. My paternal relatives were a mix of Poles and Germans that ended up in the Free City of Danzig between the wars. Even they had stories of how the Poles were developing Gydnia in the Polish Corridor to avoid the German prejudice within Danzig proper, leaving Danzig with less than 3% Polish residents. Then the Jews started fleeing as the Nazi’s came to power. Then at the end of WW2, many of the Germans left to flee west before the Russians and were replaced by displaced Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians and Lithuanians.

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Russia launched missile strikes against Odessa last night, severely damaging the Orthodox Cathedral. This is a UNESCO heritage site.

Worth noting when Russian goons and Western idiots spout on about Russi being in defence of Christian values as some of them are wont to do.

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Russia deliberately targets civilian targets, especially hospitals - https://www.bmj.com/content/380/bmj.p451



the report said there was a “reasonable basis to believe that attacks on Ukraine’s healthcare system constitute war crimes and comprise a course of conduct that could potentially constitute crimes against humanity.” It highlighted that across 10 regions, 48 hospitals were hit multiple times, suggesting they were being deliberately targeted.


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5 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

Russia deliberately targets civilian targets, especially hospitals - https://www.bmj.com/content/380/bmj.p451



Ukrainian healthcare is also hugely hampered by Russia's destruction of energy infrastructure. https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/12/06/ukraine-russian-attacks-energy-grid-threaten-civilians

"Maternity wards need incubators; blood banks need refrigerators; intensive care beds need ventilators; and all require energy".

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Reports that Russia has advanced in Luhansk around Svatove. Units in that area include some re equipped VDV.

Ukrainian advances in the South have slowed as they face difficulties with heavily mined areas. Ukrainian tactics have adapted to a slower advance behind foot based sappers. At the same time targeting of ammunition dumps has increased - several in Crimea were targeted with drones last night. There was also a drone attack on the headquarters of the GRU (Russian military intelligence) in Moscow, although Ukraine have denied doing it.

Russia has also allegedly boarded a ship in the Black Sea carrying Ukrainian grain and have claimed they found traces of explosives. The response of Turkey is the one to watch here.

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20 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:



With so many Russian families already directly affected by the Invasion through loss of loved ones and or friends it seems like a super idea to provide them with the training to strike back at the Mafia which runs the country.

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28 minutes ago, Herc said:

Get that guy on the next AUOB march.

Quite a few of the people involved in that organisation and that general part of Scottish have pretty strong pro-Russian views.  For example, Tommy Sheridan was employed by Sputnik I think right up until it was shut down.  There's a blogger who is pretty prominent as well, I think his name is Jeggit or something like that, who last time I could bring myself to look was posting "Bucha never happened, look at the Facebook posts" galaxy brain content, Sheridan amplified this.  Of course, Salmond himself was quoted as saying that he admired "aspects of Putins politics" and that Putin had "restored substantial Russian pride".  In his defence, Putin had only invaded Georgia and destroyed Chechnya at that point and it was prior to the invasion of Ukraine.  Considering Salmond hoofed his way right into a job with Russia Today after Russia invaded Ukraine, after they shot down civilian airliners killing British citizens and he only "temporarily suspended" the show after Russia invaded Ukraine maybe his views wouldn't have changed.

Edited by ICTChris
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