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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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New reports that Ukraine has hit the Severomuyskiy railway tunnel, nearly 4,000 miles inside Russia. This could aid in interdicting Russian supplies from China/North Korea. The report is 4 explosive devices on a fuel train inside the tunnel on 30 November, closing the tunnel for an indeterminate period. Train traffic was rerouted to the nearby "new" tunnel bypass (1989), normally used by lower priority traffic, at which point another fuel train exploded while crossing the "Devil's Bridge" on 1 Dec, rendering the bypass also unusable for rail traffic. It is unclear if the "old" tunnel bypass was maintained in usable condition, but it was of a grade, quality and risk that made it unsuitable for continuous use. The location is north of the joint Mongolian/Chinese/Russian border point.

Edited by TxRover
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White House saying funding to Ukraine could run out by year's end.

Also €50B of EU funding and material support being held up too.

The forever war could be reaching a new phase...

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I thought the Moscow subway was effectively a massive shelter which could hold a huge chunk of the population? A lot of them are very deep underground and even have the occasional blast door.

Wouldn't be surprised if plenty of other shelters have been turned into nightclubs like elsewhere and could easily be repurposed.

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Some journey for this guy - he was a psychologist, gas engineer and teacher, became a local politician, was done for corruption then became a leader in the Right Sector.  He then made a u-turn joined the Socialist party that was set up as the Newco for the Communist Party, became a member of the pro-RUssian faction in Ukrainian politics, then fled pre-invasion and moved to Russia, where he appeared on those weird propaganda shows and advocated for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on his home country.

Now he's dead, shot by the Ukrainian SBU. Most of the politicians who were seen as pro-RUssian pre-war have renounced their ties following the invasion but maybe Kyva was one who'd been lined up for a job post-invasion if the Ukrainian government had been overthrown.

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2 hours ago, TxRover said:

The Republican Party has decided, in search of Twitter likes, to demand way too much in order to pass any support for Ukraine. Buckle up, because if they hold this line, China's gonna be in Taiwan shortly.

If failing to pass a funding bill jeapordises America's National Security - which is apparently now located now in eastern Ukraine and the China Sea but the US is definitely not a malevolent global empire honest - then why doesn't Sleepy Joe simply accept Republican demands to get the bill passed?

If it's critical national security funding for the US then the President should clearly accept the deal that's there to be done at the moment. If he won't accept the deal then it's clearly not a critical funding package at all. 

Only total moron apologists for neoliberalism would take the utterly pathetic but... but... Putin and Xi will win! mewling on display at the moment. You didn't disappoint. 

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2 hours ago, virginton said:

If failing to pass a funding bill jeapordises America's National Security - which is apparently now located now in eastern Ukraine and the China Sea but the US is definitely not a malevolent global empire honest - then why doesn't Sleepy Joe simply accept Republican demands to get the bill passed?

If it's critical national security funding for the US then the President should clearly accept the deal that's there to be done at the moment. If he won't accept the deal then it's clearly not a critical funding package at all. 

Only total moron apologists for neoliberalism would take the utterly pathetic but... but... Putin and Xi will win! mewling on display at the moment. You didn't disappoint. 

Please tell me if you would encourage the Labour party’s demands for Border Security be accepted by the Conservatives in order to pass a bill funding a National Security necessity? I think not. As for your clearly deficient understanding of the functioning of the political system in the United States, why you continue to highlight your ignorance is beyond understanding.

Let’s see, Europe sees, correctly, that Ukraine is important going forward as a European member or partner, as does the U.S. The reestablishment of a de facto Russian Empire would be objectively bad for business and security going forward. The Republicans have effectively moved into fawning support of Putin because he’s the “White, Christian strongman” they seem to desire, as he oppresses those nasty gay, transgender, and darker skinned individuals in Russia. They wish they could do the same, hence the push to block immigration in the U.S. (because of all those non-White people showing up at the border) and to restrict voting as well (all those uppity Liberal and ethnic types voting).

Now, those same Republicans cannot see that China is watching this particular fight with great interest…note the huge increase in Chinese Militia boats in the South China Sea…and simply know that Vlad is doing things they like. Hell, two of the people on the stage for the Republican debate openly advocate using the U.S. military in Mexico, without Mexico’s acceptance or approval.

So you do you, and continue your infantile support of Russia’s aggression because they didn’t land at Stranraer. As for your judgement that anyone who expresses anything but admiration for your idiotic takes is a clown or moron, sounds like projection to me.

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19 hours ago, TxRover said:

Please tell me if you would encourage the Labour party’s demands for Border Security be accepted by the Conservatives in order to pass a bill funding a National Security necessity? I think not. As for your clearly deficient understanding of the functioning of the political system in the United States, why you continue to highlight your ignorance is beyond understanding.

If the Labour Party controlled one of the two chambers then yes, that's absolutely what should happen. It's called politics and no amount of temper tantrums will fix the partisan binfire of a country you have chosen to live in.

No amount of 'but... but... Putin' justifies an obviously bogus, jeapordising our national security claim. The national security of Pittsburgh does not in fact hinge on the Donbass or Taiwan.


Let’s see, Europe sees, correctly, that Ukraine is important going forward as a European member or partner, as does the U.S. The reestablishment of a de facto Russian Empire would be objectively bad for business and security going forward. The Republicans have effectively moved into fawning support of Putin because he’s the “White, Christian strongman” they seem to desire, as he oppresses those nasty gay, transgender, and darker skinned individuals in Russia. They wish they could do the same, hence the push to block immigration in the U.S. (because of all those non-White people showing up at the border) and to restrict voting as well (all those uppity Liberal and ethnic types voting).

1) 'Europe is significantly closer to Ukraine and has a direct stake in the security of the EU's eastern frontier. The US, objectively, does not.

Quite what your temper tantrum is in aid of is a complete mystery then. 

2) Europe is not a hive mind and support is nowhere near as uncontested as you are portraying. Even Poland is attaching its terms and conditions on the provision of ongoing aid to Ukraine. Is the government in Warsaw another stooge of the Kremlin?  🤡


Now, those same Republicans cannot see that China is watching this particular fight with great interest…note the huge increase in Chinese Militia boats in the South China Sea…and simply know that Vlad is doing things they like. Hell, two of the people on the stage for the Republican debate openly advocate using the U.S. military in Mexico, without Mexico’s acceptance or approval.

Erm yes, I'm sure that the Chinese are just thrilled by the massive success of Russia's campaign before. The amphibious landings will start tomorrow unless the military-industrial complex and corrupt foreign governments junkets get their latest handouts at the citizen's expense!

Not even Americans are thick enough to buy that argument for long. 


So you do you, and continue your infantile support of Russia’s aggression because they didn’t land at Stranraer. As for your judgement that anyone who expresses anything but admiration for your idiotic takes is a clown or moron, sounds like projection to me.

^^^ unhinged, neoliberal apologist for empire


Edited by vikingTON
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18 minutes ago, virginton said:

If the Labour Party controlled one of the two chambers then yes, that's absolutely what should happen. It's called politics and no amount of temper tantrums will fix the partisan binfire of a country you have chosen to live in.

No amount of 'but... but... Putin' justifies an obviously bogus, jeapordising our national security claim. The national security of Pittsburgh does not in fact hinge on the Donbass or Taiwan.

1) 'Europe is significantly closer to Ukraine and has a direct stake in the security of the EU's eastern frontier. The US, objectively, does not.

Quite what your temper tantrum is in aid of is a complete mystery then. 

2) Europe is not a hive mind and support is nowhere near as uncontested as you are portraying. Even Poland is attaching its terms and conditions on the provision of ongoing aid to Ukraine. Is the government in Warsaw another stooge of the Kremlin?  🤡


Erm yes, I'm sure that the Chinese are just thrilled by the massive success of Russia's campaign before. The amphibious landings will start tomorrow unless the military-industrial complex and corrupt foreign governments junkets get their latest handouts at the citizen's expense!

Not even Americans are thick enough to buy that argument for long. 

^^^ unhinged, neoliberal apologist for empire


^^^Word salad, closing with favorite wanking material.

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What were the chances that such a plucky little, rule of law abiding, neoliberal imperial power could possibly find a fag packet to underwrite acts of genocide with? 

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