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10 years since old rangers admin

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2 minutes ago, AJF said:

That is quite a large myth. To suggest there wasn't enough people worried enough to do something is disingenuous. The circumstances surrounding both clubs were vastly different and as your "run of the mill" fan, there is pretty much nothing I could've done that would've avoided anything that happened.

You could’ve shown liquidation the red card, maybe? 

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17 minutes ago, AJF said:

That is quite a large myth. To suggest there wasn't enough people worried enough to do something is disingenuous. The circumstances surrounding both clubs were vastly different and as your "run of the mill" fan, there is pretty much nothing I could've done that would've avoided anything that happened.


If someone could have simply bought Old Rangers out of the admin event for a smallish sum and dumped all the remaining debts, then its 100% certain that would have happened quickly.

While it was (highly) amusing to watch your club go through its death throes, any assumption that "the ordinary fans" could have done something here is the stuff of empty head fantasists.

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1 hour ago, AJF said:

That is quite a large myth. To suggest there wasn't enough people worried enough to do something is disingenuous. The circumstances surrounding both clubs were vastly different and as your "run of the mill" fan, there is pretty much nothing I could've done that would've avoided anything that happened.

I don't think it is though. You have a massive fanbase, both here and in places with a hefty Scots diaspora. If Rangers had went down the route of a model similar to the Foundation of Hearts, then they would have had hundreds of thousands of supporters there to pump money in. If people like King, Alastair Johnston, Park and others had offered to put up the money in advance, and let the massive supporter base pay them back, it would have worked. They were nowhere to be seen at that point though. Instead you ended up with carpet-baggers posing as well-intentioned saviours. 

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2 minutes ago, Kyle Reese said:

I don't think it is though. You have a massive fanbase, both here and in places with a hefty Scots diaspora. If Rangers had went down the route of a model similar to the Foundation of Hearts, then they would have had hundreds of thousands of supporters there to pump money in. If people like King, Alastair Johnston, Park and others had offered to put up the money in advance, and let the massive supporter base pay them back, it would have worked. They were nowhere to be seen at that point though. Instead you ended up with carpet-baggers posing as well-intentioned saviours. 

And therein the part I've highlighted in bold, lies the major difference. Rangers' main creditor was HMRC with a reported debt running up to almost £100M in respect of The Big Tax Case. You then add in the additional £9M owed from the Small Tax Case. Every single Rangers fan in Scotland could've pledged to pay back a wealthy individual or individuals over time, but if there was nobody willing to take on that level of debt in the first place, then it makes it a moot point.

Hearts' main creditors were, I believe, the Lithuanian Banks which, if I remember correctly, agreed to write off large portions of the debt and eventually did not oppose the CVA proposal. Therefore the level of finance required to bring Hearts out of administration was in no way comparable to Rangers. It's simply futile to suggest that the average fan can be held any way responsible for what happened.

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2 minutes ago, AJF said:

And therein the part I've highlighted in bold, lies the major difference. Rangers' main creditor was HMRC with a reported debt running up to almost £100M in respect of The Big Tax Case. You then add in the additional £9M owed from the Small Tax Case. Every single Rangers fan in Scotland could've pledged to pay back a wealthy individual or individuals over time, but if there was nobody willing to take on that level of debt in the first place, then it makes it a moot point.

Hearts' main creditors were, I believe, the Lithuanian Banks which, if I remember correctly, agreed to write off large portions of the debt and eventually did not oppose the CVA proposal. Therefore the level of finance required to bring Hearts out of administration was in no way comparable to Rangers. It's simply futile to suggest that the average fan can be held any way responsible for what happened.

Was it not the "small tax case" - £30 million, that saw the trigger pulled? If HMRC had been allowed to appoint the administrators, they would have taken a deal that meant they got something towards what they were due. The administrators have a responsibility towards the creditors to get them the best deal that they can. HMRC saw very little compared to what they would have, had a consortium offered to pay some money to take the club over. As secured priority creditors, HMRC would have received more of what they were due.

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Was there not a "Motherwell born billionaire" that bailed you guys out? Sure our trustworthy Glasgow media were trying to sell a few non investigated rainbows to the unwashed.

Partnerships with Dallas cowboys? Sure most of the cowboys weren't from Dallas though, Easdales and Green etc.


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