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The Anabolic Steroid thread


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7 hours ago, ICTChris said:

How many P&B “heads gones” are due to roid rage?

Is one of the side effects comparing people to Hitler? It could be a logical way to explain Musk and his musings.

Also I guess he's not been cancelled because he's hench?

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  • 3 months later...

Not exactly related but

A geneticist working in HIV/AIDS research injected himself with a gene that increased his production of GHRH, a hormone that controls the release of growth hormone.  While this treatment is apparently very dangerous, the subject found his testosterone increased, he recovered from injuries faster, he felt euphoric, his blood cholesterol improved and his eyesight improved.


Apparently the euphoria he felt was so intense, he didn't try to stop himself falling off his bike while cycling, I assume because he was so happy.

Any P&Bers up for injecting themself with gene altering material?

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  • 3 months later...

Quite possible. He looks like a swollen frog. I think that Putin's on everything. He's 70 years old, and he looks good for his age. Still, I hope cancer stories are true, and he doesn't have much time left. I'm not like this usually, but this man deserves to die.
Anyway, you would be surprised how many people are using steroids. When I started working out, I didn't want to use anything, but that was stupid. I thought those supplements were bad for my health, but that's not true for all of them. I get supplements on purerawz.co, and I have much better gains with them.

Edited by Alfredolch
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  • 3 months later...

Kept meaning to bump this thread with the video exposing the Liver King as being roided out his wee nut.


Everyone seems to have known about this guy but one thing I found interesting was the calculation behind it all.  He emailed bodybuilding coaches and asked for tips as he wanted to hit 1m followers, very specific goal, clearly he exceeded it and showed exactly why fitness influencers do this.  The cost as well is heft - he was spending $10,000 a month on his drugs.

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I saw him trending for some scandal a few weeks and ago and when I saw people were exposing him as using steroids my mind was blown. It's the equivalent of revealing that Shane Magowan likes a drink. He's Scott Steiner level obviously roided up.

The videos of him forcing his family to eat testes and drink blood will always be funny though.

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On 23/02/2022 at 06:55, Aladdin said:

I wouldn't say a TRT prescription is the equivalent of anabolic steroid abuse.  It just pumps the test levels back up to where they would have been aged 18-21, a world away from the stacks pro bodybuilders and some athletes are on.

I do think the pushing of TRT has quite a bit to answer for. I used a TRT gel for a while in the early 2000’s, and stopped after a few months because I was clearly getting angrier and more short tempered.

On 23/02/2022 at 06:59, Slim Charles. said:

Do steroids not shrink your pee pee ?

Don’t know about steroids, but using a testosterone gel can cause your sperm count to flatline. It can interfere with maturity of the sperm cells, resulting in impotence…something you’d think a certified urologist would know and consider BEFORE doing a testicular biopsy to investigate said impotence…dumb f**ker, and just after the law changed so he couldn’t be sued for what was clearly malpractice.

Plus side, snipping the stitches out of your sac, using a mirror, while trying to remember which way to move those sharp scissors in the mirror will toughen you up!

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45 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

Like what? Adrenochrome? 😂 Where are these super-medicines stored?

What do you mean where are they stored? Labs and clinics in California and Switzerland and wherever else rich people are. Look into the drugs Trump was given when he caught Covid compared to the heehaw an average punter here got. It won't just be Covid.

Adrenochrome is an urban legend but it's a fact that the super rich are transfusing blood from teenagers to keep them healthy. 20 years ago loads of American athletes got busted using designer PEDS, there's obviously loads of that as well.

Azealia Banks also said that silicon valley types have designer recreational drugs that are only made in small quantities.



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