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Gran Turismo 7

Miguel Sanchez

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11 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

I'm an outsider to this franchise but it seems this release has been a bit of a disaster. 

Disaster is too strong, it's a brilliant game. Bugs after release is typical for any modern game these days and none of them on GT7 have made the game unplayable (for me anyway). They do need to sort the credits out though.

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Disaster is too strong, it's a brilliant game. Bugs after release is typical for any modern game these days and none of them on GT7 have made the game unplayable (for me anyway). They do need to sort the credits out though.

Seems a bit off hiding the prices of the micro transactions to early reviewers though. Game seems like it should be free to play with how much cars cost and the grind required to get even a modest amount of credits.
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1 hour ago, SweeperDee said:

Seems a bit off hiding the prices of the micro transactions to early reviewers though. Game seems like it should be free to play with how much cars cost and the grind required to get even a modest amount of credits.

A bit off aye and I agree on the credits but the game is brilliant. Buying cars isn't everything, you win plenty cars and probably just enough credits to tune them up. I've not played it as much as I would've liked but still making decent progress and I can still compete relatively well online despite not affording expensive cars. 

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There's a thread on Reddit about someone who's threatening Sony with legal action because the official description for GT7 says that you can "sell cars", which obviously you can't, so that's selling a product that doesn't meet its description under the UK Trades Description Act. Be interesting to see how it goes.

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1 hour ago, afc_36_0 said:

I opted against buying this until there’s some different cars and the bugs are sorted out. Restarted gts so plowing my way through that in the meantime

I'll be honest I haven't noticed any bugs. As far as I can tell the game works as intended. Whether or not that's a good thing is obviously up for debate!

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There are definitely some things wrong with it from a technical point of view, even leaving aside things like the progression bug some people had with the Menus or the licence tyre debacle. Playing with a G29 on PS4 with the feedback turned up full I get a slight rattle on about one in ten kerbs, and the wheelspin you get from lots of road cars is absolutely ludicrous. Lobbies are broken and Sport Mode has about the same level of functionality the GT Sport beta did in 2017. I don't know how much of this is because of the game being on PS4 which it probably shouldn't be (and almost certainly was never intended to be), but it does have some faults.

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On 23/03/2022 at 16:22, Gaz said:

There's a thread on Reddit about someone who's threatening Sony with legal action because the official description for GT7 says that you can "sell cars", which obviously you can't, so that's selling a product that doesn't meet its description under the UK Trades Description Act. Be interesting to see how it goes.


1 hour ago, Ron Aldo said:


At least they seem to have taken some criticism on board.

Confirmed here that selling cars will be added to the game. I don't think that legal action will go very far. I get some of the frustrations with the gaming industry but I can't help but think there is almost always a massive over reaction in the community when games come out now. Legal action because you can't sell a virtual car to a stranger for fake money. Bizarre. 

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6 hours ago, The Moonster said:


Confirmed here that selling cars will be added to the game. I don't think that legal action will go very far. I get some of the frustrations with the gaming industry but I can't help but think there is almost always a massive over reaction in the community when games come out now. Legal action because you can't sell a virtual car to a stranger for fake money. Bizarre. 

The extent people go to with the legal action and review bombing on metacritic is about as pointlessly hysterical as it gets, but you can't argue that it didn't work and didn't provide something genuinely necessary in this case. 

GT Sport was different from previous Gran Turismos because of the Sport Mode from the title, the matchmaking based online system of regular races against human opponents, rather than the traditional single player format. The game didn't have much single player content at launch, and when standard events were added these often paid out much higher sums than Sport Mode, which was intended to be the main point of the game. You could do a Gr.1 race at Monza against the AI in under 10 minutes and earn I think at least 200k. I think the most I ever saw anyone win from a Sport Mode race was one of the longer FIA races (themselves a rarity) which was about 38-40 minutes depending on what rank you were at, which got you just over 100k for the win. That was the same no matter what rank you were - you could be top split and beat the other 19 best drivers in your region and get the same as someone winning a race full of people playing for the first time. Both of which would still have been worth a lot less than a glorified sightseeing tour against the AI.

GT Sport's beta came out in I think October 2017. They maintained and worked on that for a long time, and learned absolutely no lessons at all from it in terms of the economy. Sport Mode itself barely even works, and it doesn't work cross-platform which wasn't and mentioned anywhere in-game or on the website (this is a much bigger problem imo than anything else people have been complaining about). These things should have been worked out before the game launched and at least a clear plan communicated to players - which would have included people who literally spent years of their lives playing GT Sport and benefitting GT, PlayStation and Sony by competing in live events, all the way down to some of the more casual people new or returning to the series - but it wasn't, and instead after two weeks we got a game with microtransactions and artificial scarcity nerfing its already meagre credit payouts. 

I've been much more sanguine about the state of the game as-is than a lot of people (and believe me, I've had much longer internet posts than this with people I know better and who know the game better than people here) but this news is absolutely essential, and it's something I doubt would have happened so suddenly or comprehensively if there wasn't as much of a fuss made as there has been. I knew that GT7 at launch wouldn't be GT7 in a year's time, and I could accept that, but there's no excuse for PD being as withdrawn and uncommunicative as they are. The world is a different place and has different expectations than when previous games launched.

That said, I'm honestly most thrilled about this part: 

- Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.

- Increase of rewards in Online Races.

If you want to learn to drive, do the Circuit Experiences. If you want to really learn to drive, play online. 

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On 20/03/2022 at 22:05, Miguel Sanchez said:

If none of you have ventured into Sport Mode yet, tomorrow marks the start of the Gran Turismo World Series test events: Opening of the 'Gran Turismo World Series' 2022 Nations Cup - Test Season 1 - gran-turismo.com

These are what made me love GT Sport so much. Rather than the Daily Races right now where you can practice as much as you want and qualify with your best time whenever you enter, these championship races are a one-off. You go into a lobby, you have a warm-up, then a qualifying session, then a race. The Feeling of practicing for one of these then competing is... well, it's amazing. The schedules for these two seasons are strange, I think they're condensed like that to get a lot of information as quickly as possible. Hopefully they'll go back to Wednesday/Saturday like GT Sport was but I would really, really recommend trying one of these races if you get the chance.


I actually got to do one of these for the first time today. Three laps of the Nurburgring which I went into with no practice or clue about strategy (I made the wrong choice). I've driven this track in games where the conditions change but there was something different about it today, going from this:


to this:


I'm reminded of the Top Gear episode where they did a 24 hour race at Silverstone and Hammond said something like "you just have to sort of aim at corners and hope they're still there." Hopefully when I get back up to speed and after they sort their shit out I can go back to feeling less horribly out of my depth in these online races. Maybe I'll win the lottery and get to do them on a PS5 and with a wheel with proper feedback.

In the meantime there are several races over the next week or so. Go into the Championship Races in the Sport Mode menu and have a look around.

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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