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13 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I dont understand this ‘Am no a grass stuff’. Ive been at houses where someone’s had their loved one stabbed, looking like they’ll die etc and the people know exactly what’s happened but somehow think ‘bein a grass’ is the worst thing about it. Its beyond comprehension. I get that people cant be bothered being a witness to a petty crime, f**k even i’d struggle to see the trade off with some things. But there’s a few that I dont think people see the bigger picture of. 

Domestic abuse is a b*****d, there’s absolutely no shame in phoning the police if you think your neighbour is doing stuff to their partner etc. 

If you see someone carrying a knife and think ‘im no a grass im no phoning the polis’ then think if that person goes and stabs someone you care about because they hadn’t been caught then I hope ‘im no a grass’ is good enough to get you through. 

I cant abide racism and homophobia etc, so forgive me if i’d challenge that. 

Drink drivers, ive chapped peoples doors to tell them that a loved one has been killed by a drink driver, absolutely screw anyone who ignores this or does it, scum of the earth, happily report that. 

The guy grassing the fly tippers, fly tipping costs a fortune to clean up, which is paid up at tax payers expense, meaning it contributes to council tax increases, so again I suppose if you’re happy to pay for other people to commit crimes and again make yer local area look shit then fair enough. 

Drug dealing, i get that there are people who are liberal in their approach to drugs on here, in fact my own opinion is for regulation and proper control of drugs with some being legalised. But in the interim, someone’s neighbour starts punting, why shouldnt they want rid of them? Got the fact street valium is causing record numbers of deaths, cannabis cultivations are usually wired terribly causing pretty bad fire risks, consider that these are often in flats then it has the potential to cause harm. 

I’ll just not get my head around why letting arseholes away with serious crime is somehow ok because standing up to it is apparently worse. 

I get all that but let's be honest, the police do themselves no favours.  The road into my village is littered with cars that are sorned, have no insurance, tax or not and any combination of these.  The police drive in and out the village at least weekly and yet still the same vehicles sit their month after month, year after year.  

Is it down to Joe public to report things to the police that they can see with their own eyes? 


Time to put the on profit related pay and let them keep a slice of the class As that they sieze or road tax penalties.

Just for clarity, the last paragraph was intended as humour.

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15 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I dont understand this ‘Am no a grass stuff’. Ive been at houses where someone’s had their loved one stabbed, looking like they’ll die etc and the people know exactly what’s happened but somehow think ‘bein a grass’ is the worst thing about it. Its beyond comprehension. I get that people cant be bothered being a witness to a petty crime, f**k even i’d struggle to see the trade off with some things. But there’s a few that I dont think people see the bigger picture of. 

Domestic abuse is a b*****d, there’s absolutely no shame in phoning the police if you think your neighbour is doing stuff to their partner etc. 

If you see someone carrying a knife and think ‘im no a grass im no phoning the polis’ then think if that person goes and stabs someone you care about because they hadn’t been caught then I hope ‘im no a grass’ is good enough to get you through. 

I cant abide racism and homophobia etc, so forgive me if i’d challenge that. 

Drink drivers, ive chapped peoples doors to tell them that a loved one has been killed by a drink driver, absolutely screw anyone who ignores this or does it, scum of the earth, happily report that. 

The guy grassing the fly tippers, fly tipping costs a fortune to clean up, which is paid up at tax payers expense, meaning it contributes to council tax increases, so again I suppose if you’re happy to pay for other people to commit crimes and again make yer local area look shit then fair enough. 

Drug dealing, i get that there are people who are liberal in their approach to drugs on here, in fact my own opinion is for regulation and proper control of drugs with some being legalised. But in the interim, someone’s neighbour starts punting, why shouldnt they want rid of them? Got the fact street valium is causing record numbers of deaths, cannabis cultivations are usually wired terribly causing pretty bad fire risks, consider that these are often in flats then it has the potential to cause harm. 

I’ll just not get my head around why letting arseholes away with serious crime is somehow ok because standing up to it is apparently worse. 

I don’t think the whole not grassing on drug dealers is majority down to anyone’s liberal views on drugs . It’s down to the thought of is reporting this worth the hassle of potentially having my door visited or welfare put at risk by whoever you would be reporting or there numerous hangers on or there potentially even more dangerous and connected “bosses”, suppliers etc 

It’s not like you report someone and the police whisk them away there and then and they are never seen again none the wiser to your involvement 

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Folks go ‘oh ive no trust in the police’ but dont see how stretched police resources are, ive got an insight and unfortunately they spend more time plugging holes in NHS/Ambulance service provision dealing with suicidal/vulnerable people because it takes ten hours to get someone from mental health episode to a&e to being assessed by the CPN’s.

You could have in one small part of Glasgow for example an entire stations worth of response police officers spending 1/3 of their time at hospitals or waiting for ambulances. So yes, that in turn means you have to wait for a response when your car gets broken into. Its frustrating. I think the government or senior police officers don’t help matters any by pretending that everything is ok and things arent strained to breaking point.

People have unrealistic expectations as to what they’ll get. TV doesnt help with it, folks expecting crime scene examinations for a vandalism etc. aye the polis get a lot of things wrong, absolutely, but f**k me theres decent people working their arses off to try and make things better who are swimming against the tide. 

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8 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

I don’t think the whole not grassing on drug dealers is majority down to anyone’s liberal views on drugs . It’s down to the thought of is reporting this worth the hassle of potentially having my door visited or welfare put at risk by whoever you would be reporting or there numerous hangers on or there potentially even more dangerous and connected “bosses”, suppliers etc 

It’s not like you report someone and the police whisk them away there and then and they are never seen again none the wiser to your involvement 

Crime stoppers, report it there, aye it takes longer because you need to build up a picture but you can report it to them and never have to even speak to a police officer. 

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3 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Crime stoppers, report it there, aye it takes longer because you need to build up a picture but you can report it to them and never have to even speak to a police officer. 

I’m curious. Why is this the case?  If someone phones CrimeStoppers and says “Jimmy on Bawbag St. is flogging drugs” or if they walk into a police station and say the same thing surely the police investigation is the same in either case no?

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1 hour ago, Left Back said:

I’m curious. Why is this the case?  If someone phones CrimeStoppers and says “Jimmy on Bawbag St. is flogging drugs” or if they walk into a police station and say the same thing surely the police investigation is the same in either case no?

The polis grade the intelligence along the lines of trusted source and age. 

So if Jimmy the Weasel gives them intelligence that Fat Tony was dealing grass yesterday that's top intelligence. Whereas if Tam the Bam*, a previously unknown source, gives them intelligence that Fat Tony was selling illegal Duff 6 months ago that's downgraded.


*f*cking grass

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4 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

The main witness from my old pal’s murder trial found dead the other day. In witness protection. 

He obviously forgot they'd renamed him "Homer Thompson"

7 hours ago, Detective Jimmy McNulty said:

Outside of Lee Wallace, the most famous grass in Edinburgh is McCabe.

f**k knows who he grassed and for what, but it used to be written everywhere.


Did McCabe ever go out with Marian Clarke fae the Jewel (a slag apparently)? 

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11 minutes ago, Left Back said:

I’m curious. Why is this the case?  If someone phones CrimeStoppers and says “Jimmy on Bawbag St. is flogging drugs” or if they walk into a police station and say the same thing surely the police investigation is the same in either case no?

If you walk in and give a statement then it would be much easier to get a warrant to search the house, crimestoppers anonymises it meaning they cant go to a sheriff and say ‘left back has provided a plausible statement’ etc so they’ll need to do more work to build up a picture.
When i was a PC I did that kind of work, it can be very frustrating.  

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2 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

The polis grade the intelligence along the lines of trusted source and age. 

So if Jimmy the Weasel gives them intelligence that Fat Tony was dealing grass yesterday that's top intelligence. Whereas if Tam the Bam*, a previously unknown source, gives them intelligence that Fat Tony was selling illegal Duff 6 months ago that's downgraded.


*f*cking grass

Proves my point then.  If I Lee Wallace someone to crimestoppers or P.C. Desk Jockey the net result is the same.  Both reports from an unknown source.

Btw I did grass someone up once years ago.  Someone I knew in passing (he was a fanny) burgled a shop where my mate was working.  My mate got his jotters as the owners suspected he did it.  Another pal of mine’s da was a copper so I told him what I’d heard.

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Domestic abusers and drink drivers get grassed. 
Anybody else you either pull up yourself or STFU. 

Funnily enough, I've phoned the police twice in my life and it was for one of each of these things.
Crime stoppers, report it there, aye it takes longer because you need to build up a picture but you can report it to them and never have to even speak to a police officer. 

That's what I'll do if need be in the future. Heading home after a nightshift years ago there was a domestic going on. He wasn't being physical with her but I did hear her say "You've just fucking hit me so why would I give you the wean?!". The wee one was distraught. If it hadn't been for the wee one I'd have left it but if something happened to the tot and I never reported it I'd have felt awful. Phoned the police, they came and took a statement and it was awful. This arsehole was trying to put words in my mouth:-

Police: So he hit her?

Me: No. I heard her say he hit her.

Police: Yeah. So he must have hit her?

Me: I don't know. I saw nothing, I'm telling you what she said.

This went on for ages. He then asked me to describe the guy which I couldn't do either. I told him his face was completely covered with a hoody. But again he was asking for details I couldn't provide. I told him categorically that I wouldn't know the guy if he walked by me in the street. It then went to court, I was just told to attend on the day and received f**k all briefing. The lassie ended up dropping the charges on the morning of the case but part of me wanted to go in to court just so I could be torn to pieces as a witness just so that fuckwit copper got hauled over the coals for it.

My faith in the process died completely and when I called to report the idiots in the car I did it via Crime Stoppers. When they asked for my details I said I would remain anonymous.
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14 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Funnily enough, I've phoned the police twice in my life and it was for one of each of these things.

That's what I'll do if need be in the future. Heading home after a nightshift years ago there was a domestic going on. He wasn't being physical with her but I did hear her say "You've just fucking hit me so why would I give you the wean?!". The wee one was distraught. If it hadn't been for the wee one I'd have left it but if something happened to the tot and I never reported it I'd have felt awful. Phoned the police, they came and took a statement and it was awful. This arsehole was trying to put words in my mouth:-

Police: So he hit her?

Me: No. I heard her say he hit her.

Police: Yeah. So he must have hit her?

Me: I don't know. I saw nothing, I'm telling you what she said.

This went on for ages. He then asked me to describe the guy which I couldn't do either. I told him his face was completely covered with a hoody. But again he was asking for details I couldn't provide. I told him categorically that I wouldn't know the guy if he walked by me in the street. It then went to court, I was just told to attend on the day and received f**k all briefing. The lassie ended up dropping the charges on the morning of the case but part of me wanted to go in to court just so I could be torn to pieces as a witness just so that fuckwit copper got hauled over the coals for it.

My faith in the process died completely and when I called to report the idiots in the car I did it via Crime Stoppers. When they asked for my details I said I would remain anonymous.

Identification is a massive part of a witness statement, its crucial, aye that doesnt seem like that guy has done a good job of explaining the processes or reasons, but there is a specific part of a statement which is ‘ i can (or cannot) identify … again’. Without knowing the ins and outs of your case its not easy to say what or why they asked these questions. As for the going to court, yeah you couldnt identify the guy, but you could speak to the fact there was a guy/the comments about the assault made by her, essentially corroborating that the incident happened, just not who did it, so you’d still have been an important witness. btw the police wont contact you to ‘brief you’ before a court appearance, the fiscal may precognise you but ive never ‘briefed’ a witness or ever seen it done. The fiscal will just lead you through your statement. 

You know though if you were unhappy with the way the guy acted you could have made a complaint? People go ‘oh nothing happens’, but having an insight into the process i know that it does. 

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Identification is a massive part of a witness statement, its crucial, aye that doesnt seem like that guy has done a good job of explaining the processes or reasons, but there is a specific part of a statement which is ‘ i can (or cannot) identify … again’. Without knowing the ins and outs of your case its not easy to say what or why they asked these questions. As for the going to court, yeah you couldnt identify the guy, but you could speak to the fact there was a guy/the comments about the assault made by her, essentially corroborating that the incident happened, just not who did it, so you’d still have been an important witness. btw the police wont contact you to ‘brief you’ before a court appearance, the fiscal may precognise you but ive never ‘briefed’ a witness or ever seen it done. The fiscal will just lead you through your statement. 

You know though if you were unhappy with the way the guy acted you could have made a complaint? People go ‘oh nothing happens’, but having an insight into the process i know that it does. 

Briefing was perhaps the wrong word. But you've genuinely been more informative in that post than anyone was with me throughout the case. If he had told me even half of that I'd have felt more at ease. Instead I went to court not knowing what the hell was coming.

I probably should have made a complaint with hindsight as the guy is probably doing more damage than good. Putting words in witnesses mouths must surely be illegal for a start.
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11 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Briefing was perhaps the wrong word. But you've genuinely been more informative in that post than anyone was with me throughout the case. If he had told me even half of that I'd have felt more at ease. Instead I went to court not knowing what the hell was coming.

I probably should have made a complaint with hindsight as the guy is probably doing more damage than good. Putting words in witnesses mouths must surely be illegal for a start.

Speaking purely hypothetically based on what you’ve said i just think its more bad statement taking technique and not any kind of sinister attempt to have you admitting to all sorts, hes trying to get information out of you and not gone about it great. You’re supposed to ask questions of people etc etc.

It can also be stressful, its stressful for you too, so sometimes they can be trying to get a statement knowing they’ve got to speak to several witnesses/watch cctv/get someone booked into custody (which takes hours now), prepare interview plans, wait for lawyers… etc etc. not excusing someone being bad at their job if you’re right (and ive no reason to doubt you), but sometimes taking a wee bit of time to explain things wouldn’t go a miss. I think the criminal justice system is absolutely shocking with the way it treats victims and witnesses but thats a whole other thread. The fiscal service really should write to people explaining what happens at court and what to expect, there are usually people in the court who sit down with you on the day but sometimes people can be quite nervous and have worked themselves up before hand. 

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I was a witness in an assault and attempted robbery with a knife case, female friend was the victim and I got a few scratches, a while back, and there was a split jury probably because I was so nervous in court that I let the defence lawyer lead me into basically talking nonsense. For the retrial a couple of cops took me down the pub for a quick half of Guinness, no mention of the case, just football chat and the like, just before I was due to go in. I was totally relaxed, knew what to expect and I ripped the defence lawyer to shreds, the same one, who didn't change his script. Jury took minutes to send him down.

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