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Pitch Invasions

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Pitch invasions are only acceptable when your team team has won in the most hilarious circumstances imaginable, such as the 2016 cup final.

If you are stupid enough to run on the pitch and try and fight Patrick Viera, then you deserve the kicking he is going to give you.

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11 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Pitch invasions are only acceptable when your team team has won in the most hilarious circumstances imaginable, such as the 2016 cup final.

This. Any pitchy which results in loads of fat, bald ***s getting skelped and a seemingly endless run of hilariously raging club statements are totally fine. Also, without that glorious occasion we'd never have witnessed the magnificent many-armed Hibee windmilling ***s all over the place 

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I was on the pitch after both our promotions but I didn't attack anyone.  If we somehow manage to get promoted in the play offs I probably won't be on on Monday as I'm now in my 40s and would look like a statue defender invading the pitch at my age.

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The quick and obvious way of discouraging pitch invasions would be to have a set number of subsequent matches played behind closed doors. This would inevitably be deemed as too draconian by some, punishing the blameless club and the vast majority of innocent fans, but if the alternative is a lasting fear of injuries or even death on the pitch, then it's a no-brainer. Another understandably unpopular alternative would involve the reintroduction of perimeter fencing/barriers.

It'll never happen in Scotland though, because the bigger supported clubs in particular will never agree to strict liability, despite the fact that they already have to meet certain safety criteria in order to satisfy stadium licensing requirements. It's already an accepted convention that other licensed premises, such as pubs and nightclubs, can be temporarily or permanently closed down as a result of the behaviour of their clientele, and regardless of the licensee taking all necessary precautions.

There are claims that pitch invasions are simply spontaneous and uncontrollable outbursts of unbridled joy and passion, yet the spate of recent instances are clearly copy-cat in nature. Also, why only football matches? Why don't people feel the urge to rush the cinema screen, theatre or opera stage, athletics track, music venue?



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A couple of times in my early teens after the last game of the season so me and my pals could get a wee kicks out on the pitch. 

Probably the odd just over the barrier to celebrate with the players at a late goal as well. 

I eventually went on when we won the Play Off final for our first promotion in nearly 20 years. I was too shell shocked in the stand to head on.

When you see them running on with their phones in the air, like these football bloggers that now appear to be everywhere, automatically screams c**t. 

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The government could easily stop this by tweaking the law slightly.

Simply rule that the law does not apply on football pitches in senior football stadiums on the day of a game. Let fans know pitch invasions are fine, but the players are allowed to batter you. With the cloak of the law removed, these wee bams would soon tire of getting the f**k knocked out them by professional athletes and it would stop.

It would also provide a fun spectacle as boring games could be livened up by gang disputes being settled on the pitch.

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I recall it to be a regular occurrence at Easter Road in the early 70’s. Fans would run across the pitch at full time to exit the stadium at the stand side as it was closer to the Number 1 bus stop and helped beat the main terracing crowd to get a seat on the bus. 😎

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Running on the pitch always seemed to be more popular in the English leagues, I'm remember watching The Premiership Years on Sky and it seems fans were always celebrating with players or on the pitch at the end of the season.

I personally used to like timing a visit to my grandmothers in Dumfries with Carlisle's last game of the season, it seems for years they were either battling for promotion or to avoid relegation and a pitch invasion was always guaranteed.  I remember one game against Swansea where the only player people were having a go at was Lee Trundle but he was escorted off the pitch by two aggressive Welsh "Heddlu" officers with dogs.

I also remember Dunfermline beating Airdrie to win the league in 1996 and a pitch invasion happening that was booed, I debated with my brother during the game if we should go on if it happens, but I was too scared to join in case my dad gave me a skelp. People around me were moaning how it was going to delay the trophy presentation, in the end it took forever for the helicopter to arrive anyway. Helicopter Saturday, years before Scott McDonald 

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I get it for big occasions but it's the wee coked up dickheads who are more interested in targeting the opposition players/staff than actually celebrating with the players who've just given you that special moment. They're also becoming meaningless as these same c***s seem to be doing it for any reason.

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I was on after a defeat at Brechin, which was bad enough, but also went in the dressing room. No hostility, just drunken stupidity. Unfortunately, at work on Monday, Brian McKeown, who played for Airdrie started in my office. He was being introduced to the staff and said "do I know you from somewhere"?

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The season that followed showed that Aberdeen fans were quite right to invade the pitch at Livinston before the schools had even gone back. A vital 3 points in their relegation battle.

It's all coke and #awaydays and being performative instead of any genuine joy. I kind of get it after 2 years in the house.

Facing up players is shitbag behaviour though.


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I kind of get it after 2 years in the house.

Also don't know why this is being banded about as an excuse everytime someone acts like a twat.
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When I was watching the Forest/Sheffield United playoff highlights the other day they showed the pitch invasion and from the limited clips of that, just about every shot that was one or two people rather than a wide shot of the full crowd seemed to have people with their phones in front of them screaming the whole time. Colin Murray went on a decent rant about it which I agreed with.

I also agree with the earlier suggestion that should allow players/staff to leather anyone who comes near them. 

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Is cocaine use at games on the rise?  I know there was a conversation about it after the Euro 2020 final (you would have to be coked out of your skull to shoot fireworks out of your arse) but there hasn't been much more chatter about it since then.  

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2 hours ago, senorsoupe said:

Is cocaine use at games on the rise?  I know there was a conversation about it after the Euro 2020 final (you would have to be coked out of your skull to shoot fireworks out of your arse) but there hasn't been much more chatter about it since then.  

Everybody has been taking so much of it nobody is in a fit state to post about it, imho.

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1 hour ago, Empty It said:



Also don't know why this is being banded about as an excuse everytime someone acts like a twat.


It's not individuals acting like twats though is it? It's a phenomenon we are seeing across a period of months, involving tens of thousands of people from a non-diverse demographic in every part of the country therefore there's like to be societal and cultural factors at play beyond some individuals cant handle their beer.

I'm not condoning it but it seems perfectly obvious why it's happening.

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1 hour ago, senorsoupe said:

Is cocaine use at games on the rise?  I know there was a conversation about it after the Euro 2020 final (you would have to be coked out of your skull to shoot fireworks out of your arse) but there hasn't been much more chatter about it since then.  

I think it's on the rise in general, hear about pubs using a spray that coats toilets and sinks and even baby changing stations with this film which leaves any cocaine taken from that surface with a bitter taste. 

It's not a new thing, doing some googling shows pubs tried with the same thing in 2005 with WD40, lol, but yeah, i don't think it's a diminishing problem 


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