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22 minutes ago, Halfwit8 said:

Nearly every team we have played at home this season have had one of these cameras with them, not our fault your club does not  have one, entourage of 50, we had 18 player's and manager, assistant manager,  goalkeeping coach, physio and a kitman so by your reckoning we had 27 committee ?  Talking about bankrolled does Donald Findlay QC not bankroll your lot ?

No, and keep up he's a KC now.

Edited by cowdenbeath
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8 minutes ago, monthecoo said:

Nope at the moment, you are the only team to bring them to Central Park this season. I have seen them before at EOS Division 1 game.

It looked more than that not going to lie but maybe the supporters blended in the support staff. Seem to all be wearing the exact branded jackets and tracksuits.

To answer your question, no, I believe puts very little in financially. You will probably have one of the directors on my back again for saying that on that here but it is I see. Our squad is not very extravagant, is it? We are in tier 5 because we couldn't compete financially. The club is held up by volunteers where more competent clubs in Tier 4/5 pay individuals to do it.

We are reliant on Subsea and Collier for their support to basically operate. The total wage expenditure half of last season as you will see it's all young boys apart from Davidson and Black.

Someone else had the camera thing as well at CP, think it might have been Edinburgh Uni.  I was speaking to someone in Dundee who had one watching their 2008 team when my son was playing a game up there, the guy operating it said it had a monthly sub of IIRC 2K.

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22 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

Someone else had the camera thing as well at CP, think it might have been Edinburgh Uni.  I was speaking to someone in Dundee who had one watching their 2008 team when my son was playing a game up there, the guy operating it said it had a monthly sub of IIRC 2K.

It was the Uni.

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Tweet from club, Harry Osborne (contract cancelled by mutual agreement) and Layton Bisland (end of loan) leaving the club.

I know Bisland has had his critics, but thought he got well stuck in on Saturday and played well.  I suppose there are many factors with loans, both clubs and the player would have to be happy with any extension if he was to stay longer.

Is Dan Martins not fully fit or just a bit out of favour? I thought he was one of the stand outs until he got injured, yet has been mostly substitute since he came back.

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4 minutes ago, Cowdenleith said:

Tweet from club, Harry Osborne (contract cancelled by mutual agreement) and Layton Bisland (end of loan) leaving the club.

I know Bisland has had his critics, but thought he got well stuck in on Saturday and played well.  I suppose there are many factors with loans, both clubs and the player would have to be happy with any extension if he was to stay longer.

Is Dan Martins not fully fit or just a bit out of favour? I thought he was one of the stand outs until he got injured, yet has been mostly substitute since he came back.

Daniel is VERY raw. He was a mistake a game when he was in the side.

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54 minutes ago, monthecoo said:

Yes you are right, I remember the Uni setting up now. 2k a month?!

Some of the bigger youth teams/academies use VEO cameras, not sure if that is the same as what Tranent were using, but once you have bought the camera the monthly subscription cost is somewhere around £100 I think, though there are different tiers.


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Just now, The_Pit_Owns said:

Daniel is VERY raw. He was a mistake a game when he was in the side.

I thought he was mostly very reliable early season, I don’t recall him making mistakes that cost us too badly, though I was by no means at every game.

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7 minutes ago, Cowdenleith said:

Tweet from club, Harry Osborne (contract cancelled by mutual agreement) and Layton Bisland (end of loan) leaving the club.

I know Bisland has had his critics, but thought he got well stuck in on Saturday and played well.  I suppose there are many factors with loans, both clubs and the player would have to be happy with any extension if he was to stay longer.

Is Dan Martins not fully fit or just a bit out of favour? I thought he was one of the stand outs until he got injured, yet has been mostly substitute since he came back.

Not surprised about Harry he couldn't get off the bench at Inverkeithing in the league below. Maybe Leyton's loan spell ending will allow another loan to come in.

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I caught the first few of Bisland’s games and he looked nowhere near ready for this level. 

I’m sure Osborne was part of the early signings when we were announcing players every night. Was probably the worst of the bunch.

glad to see the club moving them on quickly, hope they have players lined up to replace and improve on the squad. 

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On 01/01/2023 at 10:20, beachboy said:

No sugar daddy at Tranent, just a well oiled committee who work their ar*e off to make us competitive on the park.

As I said you guys are third bottom of the league for a reason, I would also think that the playing/management budget at Tranent is less than the budget at Cowdenbeath. 

People seem to think we run on some bored Mr Moneybags that's the only answer we are where we are. Does a disservice to the graft and attention the people behind the scenes do for the club in helping it improve. 

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23 minutes ago, Cowden95 said:

I caught the first few of Bisland’s games and he looked nowhere near ready for this level. 

I’m sure Osborne was part of the early signings when we were announcing players every night. Was probably the worst of the bunch.

glad to see the club moving them on quickly, hope they have players lined up to replace and improve on the squad. 

Good luck to both of them. How Bisland is at Dundee United is a mystery. He is poor for Lowland League level. He should have been cruising at this level.

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10 hours ago, Omnishambles said:

People seem to think we run on some bored Mr Moneybags that's the only answer we are where we are. Does a disservice to the graft and attention the people behind the scenes do for the club in helping it improve. 

I’ve no idea about the financial situation at Tranent so I can’t comment. However if it was just hard graft and attention that was required then Cowdenbeath would not be where they are. Unfortunately you also need cash to compete. Our player budget is not what it needs to be to compete. That due to many reasons is the reality. 

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14 hours ago, monthecoo said:

Nope at the moment, you are the only team to bring them to Central Park this season. I have seen them before at EOS Division 1 game.

It looked more than that not going to lie but maybe the supporters blended in the support staff. Seem to all be wearing the exact branded jackets and tracksuits.

To answer your question, no, I believe puts very little in financially. You will probably have one of the directors on my back again for saying that on that here but it is I see. Our squad is not very extravagant, is it? We are in tier 5 because we couldn't compete financially. The club is held up by volunteers where more competent clubs in Tier 4/5 pay individuals to do it.

We are reliant on Subsea and Collier for their support to basically operate. The total wage expenditure half of last season as you will see it's all young boys apart from Davidson and Black.

This is always an interesting discussion. I've watched a lot of Highland League football over the last few years, & have started watching Lowland League this season. My observations of HL clubs, which I'm thinking will likely be similar in the LL, is that there's a few tiers / steps of clubs financially.

Firstly there are those that have good sponsorship income, get decent (for the level) crowds to their home fixtures to deliver a reasonable income stream that way, & have strong commercial activity (to raise further income beyond sponsorship) to deliver further funds, with this usually being allied to a good degree of success on the pitch, & generally speaking these clubs would seem to have the best 'quality' of volunteers in terms of their creativity & commercial nous in order to generate return on their investment in terms of volunteering time. Some of these volunteers will get some kind of financial recompense for their time, such as a commission on income generated; & some indeed will even be paid employees of a club, although don't believe that this is that common. 

The second level would be those that have strong sponsorship income & largely rely on this, topped up by achieving reasonable home gates, based on the success that the sponsorship income has effectively delivered over the years. These clubs don't seem on the face of it to work as hard on developing other revenue opportunities through events, so the seriously engaged community & fanbase would seem to be more limited, & could easily evaporate if the sponsorship cash & related level / success on the pitch were to dry up.

The third level would be those that do OK sponsorship-wise, but absolutely work their arses off to generate revenue through a lot of community / fan events, including having a strong social club. You get the sense that their fans are more 'in it for the long term', regardless of how relative levels of success may come & go over the years, & for the most part would stick with the club if / as / when the chips are down.

The fourth & final level would be those that don't do so well on the sponsorship front, don't do as much to build other commercial income, & don't necessarily enjoy good gates for matchday income, & their relative success on the pitch allies to this, with their volunteer base being no less hardworking, but very much based around the day-to-day operations of the club, rather than working in a hugely strategic manner in order to try & drive the club forward commercially off the pitch, & therefore give a chance to enhance the situation on the pitch. A small hardcore of fans of these type of clubs could be said to be the most long-suffering of any.

Wonder what thoughts would be regarding how this does or doesn't translate to the LL, which I'm observing overall seems to broadly be a step up from the HL?

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1 hour ago, monthecoo said:

Really interesting post.

For me, I have always had the impression the top of LL and HL is of similar quality (Brechin, Buckie, Brora and Fraserburgh in HL and East Kilbride, Tranent,, The Spartans, Broomhill and Civil Service Strollers). But, it is the rest of the teams in HL where there is a greater difference in quality to LL - I think the other LL teams are stronger than HL teams. Don't get me wrong, I have had a cracking time Highland groundhopping with these teams.

I think you will see HL strengthen overall now relegation is opened up. But, I think to enhance the quality of both leagues, promotion and relegation needs opened up in both leagues. You are totally right, these former junior teams with stronger fanbases than most of league 2 (Linlithgow, Tranent, Darvel, Bo'ness, Pollock, Auckinleck) seem to be able to attract a greater amount of sponsorship.

The B teams seem to help lift attendances (slightly) at teams at the lower end of league. I don't disagree with the B teams inclusions but it is implemented wrongly in LL and needs addressing. You have commit and have fully embedded in the pyramid system where they can be promoted and relegation through the pyramid, or just do not have them at all. You have the situation where they can influence promotion and relegation chances on other teams depending on the variable teams that they put out on the day, the team selections vary massively. In my opinion, a £50,000 entrance fee is not enough for the burden that the B teams put on the rest of teams in LL league. It is £9,375 per team for the 3 B team being included. I wonder if Aberdeen, Inverness and RC B teams would lift attendances in the HL too?

Here at Cowden, we have seen our attendances halved within 5 years from around 450/400 to 200/250, sometimes 300+ if a strong away support turned up like Tranent. I do not know how you bring back these disillusioned fans back in the club's current state. 

We are like any other club fans will only return if we are winning on a regular basis.

No matter what league you are in folk come out to see a winning team.

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6 hours ago, monthecoo said:

Really interesting post.

For me, I have always had the impression the top of LL and HL is of similar quality (Brechin, Buckie, Brora and Fraserburgh in HL and East Kilbride, Tranent,, The Spartans, Broomhill and Civil Service Strollers). But, it is the rest of the teams in HL where there is a greater difference in quality to LL - I think the other LL teams are stronger than HL teams. Don't get me wrong, I have had a cracking time Highland groundhopping with these teams.

I think you will see HL strengthen overall now relegation is opened up. But, I think to enhance the quality of both leagues, promotion and relegation needs opened up in both leagues. You are totally right, these former junior teams with stronger fanbases than most of league 2 (Linlithgow, Tranent, Darvel, Bo'ness, Pollock, Auckinleck) seem to be able to attract a greater amount of sponsorship.

The B teams seem to help lift attendances (slightly) at teams at the lower end of league. I don't disagree with the B teams inclusions but it is implemented wrongly in LL and needs addressing. You have commit and have fully embedded in the pyramid system where they can be promoted and relegation through the pyramid, or just do not have them at all. You have the situation where they can influence promotion and relegation chances on other teams depending on the variable teams that they put out on the day, the team selections vary massively. In my opinion, a £50,000 entrance fee is not enough for the burden that the B teams put on the rest of teams in LL league. It is £9,375 per team for the 3 B team being included. I wonder if Aberdeen, Inverness and RC B teams would lift attendances in the HL too?

Here at Cowden, we have seen our attendances halved within 5 years from around 450/400 to 200/250, sometimes 300+ if a strong away support turned up like Tranent. I do not know how you bring back these disillusioned fans back in the club's current state. 

I see Celtic B had 8500 for game against Rangers B, played the game at Celtic Park and also ran hospitality so income should be around minimum 75k for one game ? and they paid 40k ? to participate in the league. 
Seems a great deal for Celtic and a huge own goal by the Lowland League.

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2 minutes ago, Brazilianlex said:

I see Celtic B had 8500 for game against Rangers B, played the game at Celtic Park and also ran hospitality so income should be around minimum 75k for one game ? and they paid 40k ? to participate in the league. 
Seems a great deal for Celtic and a huge own goal by the Lowland League.

And Rangers will do the same in the reverse fixture. Made mugs of the LL.

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2 hours ago, Brazilianlex said:

I see Celtic B had 8500 for game against Rangers B, played the game at Celtic Park and also ran hospitality so income should be around minimum 75k for one game ? and they paid 40k ? to participate in the league. 
Seems a great deal for Celtic and a huge own goal by the Lowland League.

Can you just change your home venue whenever you feel like it?

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