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11 minutes ago, Cowden Cowboy said:

But that is an issue as narrow narratives don’t properly address the wider perspective and the full range of issues that should be considered by any organisation.  

How many fans does Scottish football have in total?  500,000?  How many of those actually have clearly expressed a view?  How many of them have more than a cursory insight into the overall issue/s?  

It’s fine to be populist and pick up on a single issue that’s how Farage does it with the EU/Immigrants - but I prefer a balanced and rounded debate and perspective.  

Anyway Best Wishes for the Festive season for all and its encouraging to see how important CFC’s views are viewed on here!

I think that fans did express an opinion, unless you didn’t have social media during the Conference debacle? Did you ask your fans for a view on the latest vote?

I am here only to talk about the single most important issue, B teams, I’ve made that clear before, the other stuff you mention in your statement are separate issues, such as the make up of the board etc.

The reason CFC is getting it on here is down to their change in stance on the subject, and this is one of the few club threads that are really active.

Anyway, I’ve had my say now, things aren’t going to change, so time to get some more Xmas shopping done.

Best wishes for the festive season.


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1 minute ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Don't think the statement is the "slam dunk" some Cowdenbeath fans think it is. 16 teams v 18 (or 19) is a reasonable enough gripe but ultimately nothing to do with B Teams. It says that the SFA won't allow 18 clubs but the SFA is a members organisation - you need to lobby for it, you need to make your case (a lot of the previous arguments used by the SFA no longer apply, especially since the SLFL has run with 18 and 19 members in the previous 3 seasons). Movement between the EoSFL, SoSFL and WoSFL is nothing to do with B Teams. It's a reasonable gripe, but you need to lobby for it, within the Lowland League clubs and with the Tier 6 clubs. The Cups are pretty irrelevant, and again it boils down to cash.

Given the access to the League Cup this season, you can see why some supporters of other Lowland League clubs who voted against B Teams will be a bit peeved at Cowdenbeath pleading poverty yet again. There was an opportunity to listen to the local community, to the supporters who are against the B Teams and look to link up with other like minded clubs to try and enact change but instead the board went the other way and annoyed some of their own fans and fans of other clubs.

As for transparency and openness, again it was a message only communicated to some Cowdenbeath fans, not every Cowden supporter, and certainly not to supporters of other clubs and neutrals. Even when it was posted here some folk were of the opinion it should be taken down! You can see why folk aren't too impressed with the claims that everything is above board and open and transparent when this sort of thing happens. 

Anyway, what's done is done. Hopefully you can get some results between now and May and things will maybe look a bit brighter.

There is a lot of strange in there mate !

As for the communication, I’m happy it was communicated via real Cowden fans who put their hard earned into the  Club. What obligation is there to feed the unhinged frenzy on here ? How many other Clubs who voted yes have put out statements ?

And the Club are not pleading poverty, just stating facts for context in my view. 4k will not change anyone’s world but does make a difference to the LL itself as an organisation.

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7 minutes ago, To B or not B said:

I think that fans did express an opinion, unless you didn’t have social media during the Conference debacle? Did you ask your fans for a view on the latest vote?

I am here only to talk about the single most important issue, B teams, I’ve made that clear before, the other stuff you mention in your statement are separate issues, such as the make up of the board etc.

The reason CFC is getting it on here is down to their change in stance on the subject, and this is one of the few club threads that are really active.

Anyway, I’ve had my say now, things aren’t going to change, so time to get some more Xmas shopping done.

Best wishes for the festive season.


I will send you the details of how to post on the other Clubs forums that you seem to be having difficulty with !

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2 minutes ago, To B or not B said:

I think that fans did express an opinion, unless you didn’t have social media during the Conference debacle? Did you ask your fans for a view on the latest vote?

I am here only to talk about the single most important issue, B teams, I’ve made that clear before, the other stuff you mention in your statement are separate issues, such as the make up of the board etc.

The reason CFCis getting it on here is down to their change in stance on the subject,


Some fans did express an opinion - the vast majority of Scottish football fans probably haven’t.  

A football club should know its fans and take full account of their range of views - we always try to do that and do indeed have decent insight into that - the club is run by its fans in the first place.  

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8 minutes ago, Footballfirst said:

The cynic in me thinks that the SFA's decision to stick with a 16 team league was designed to encourage clubs like Cowdenbeath to vote for B teams in order to create more games.

Had they said 18 was Ok, then there would be no need to invite B teams.

Oh look. Another conspiracy theory !

How very dare the SFA.

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2 hours ago, To B or not B said:

I think that fans did express an opinion, unless you didn’t have social media during the Conference debacle? Did you ask your fans for a view on the latest vote?

I am here only to talk about the single most important issue, B teams, I’ve made that clear before, the other stuff you mention in your statement are separate issues, such as the make up of the board etc.

The reason CFC is getting it on here is down to their change in stance on the subject, and this is one of the few club threads that are really active.

Anyway, I’ve had my say now, things aren’t going to change, so time to get some more Xmas shopping done.

Best wishes for the festive season.


It might be the single most important issue in your opinion.  That's doesn't necessarily make it so.  Have you canvassed all football supporters in Scotland to determine this?

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21 minutes ago, Left Back said:

It might be the single most important issue in your opinion.  That's doesn't necessarily make it so.  Have you canvassed all football supporters in Scotland to determine this?

That was literally what the vote was based on? 😃😃

Did you see the outcry from fans groups last season during the conference debacle??

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27 minutes ago, To B or not B said:

That was literally what the vote was based on? 😃😃

Did you see the outcry from fans groups last season during the conference debacle??

Did you? Since you joined P& B just over a week ago you are just a single issue obsessive. Have you established which other LL teams voted yes and have you also trolled them ? How did your team vote ? Did you lobby them to change the system  to two up/two down ?

Edited by Blue Brazil Forever
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2 minutes ago, ronaldincoo said:

Great result. Well done to the team. Was listening to the commentary first half and it sounded like we should really have been out of sight by half time. 

I listened to the second half, commentary guys were very decent I thought, said at the end no complaints about the result.  Cowden famous fan and author Ron Ferguson was listening as well I noticed.

Really big win today, and now on to the double header with East Stirling there is the chance of building some good momentum.

Happy Christmas everyone. 😀🎄

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