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The Big Queen's Park FC Thread

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18 minutes ago, GM1867 said:

We don't need any resignations. 

I don't think we do either. We've all made big mistakes and what would it achieve?  It's a massive mistake, no two ways about it, but a resignation won't get us back into the cup and you lose someone who puts a stack into the running of the place.

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8 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

We had the AGM a few weeks ago and while some people did make good points re what's happening (or not happening), it was a fairly easy ride for the Club. Surprisingly so.  That was the perfect opportunity to raise concerns.

Anyone with points to make can email them to the Supporters' Association contact and we can pull them together.

Could these points, once collated, be circulated to QPSA members?

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44 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

We had the AGM a few weeks ago and while some people did make good points re what's happening (or not happening), it was a fairly easy ride for the Club. Surprisingly so.  That was the perfect opportunity to raise concerns.

Anyone with points to make can email them to the Supporters' Association contact and we can pull them together.

Yes, that famously convenient time between Christmas and New Year when they scheduled it. Also before another delay in getting into lesser, the selling of our club captain and top goal scorer and being thrown out of the Scottish Cup for incompetence.

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40 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

I don't think we do either. We've all made big mistakes and what would it achieve?  It's a massive mistake, no two ways about it, but a resignation won't get us back into the cup and you lose someone who puts a stack into the running of the place.

I've never made a mistake so big that its cost my employer potentially hundreds of thousands of pounds and got us thrown out of a competition. If I had I would be sacked, and rightly so. 

Since when was incompetence and negligence just allowed to slide? The person responsible should have some self respect and resign, then maybe we can start to "move on".

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7 minutes ago, QP Steamer said:

I've never made a mistake so big that its cost my employer potentially hundreds of thousands of pounds and got us thrown out of a competition. If I had I would be sacked, and rightly so. 

Since when was incompetence and negligence just allowed to slide? The person responsible should have some self respect and resign, then maybe we can start to "move on".

Correct me if I'm wrong but we have no idea whose responsibility it was too check the eligibility of the match day squad, or whether it was the failure of an individual or a failure of the club to put the right processes in place.

All of which makes the calls for head/s to roll rather bizarre.

We tend to assume that there is limitless money available to the club in all areas. It looks increasingly likely to me that the Haughey money 💰 is targeted to certain areas, clearly youth development, squad wages & the appointments of the likes of Beuker, Coyle & Dempster.

It looks as if funds may not be available for building a half decent stadium or giving the office staff the resources to keep pace with everything that is going on.


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56 minutes ago, QP Steamer said:

I've never made a mistake so big that its cost my employer potentially hundreds of thousands of pounds and got us thrown out of a competition. If I had I would be sacked, and rightly so. 

Since when was incompetence and negligence just allowed to slide? The person responsible should have some self respect and resign, then maybe we can start to "move on".

If it’s the same person that was responsible for the Cowden then what will stop it happening again? Either that person is incompetent, and should step down, or his employer didn’t react properly and give appropriate training. In which case the line manager is at fault. As with all these incidents, it’s never clear who is doing what and who has final responsibility. It’s very evident this is purposeful given how long it’s been like this.

This event is a prime example. The preparation for matches has always been a function of the club Secretary. That role is part of the company’s executive roles and as such sits in Leeann Dempster’s department. However, the person I believe who is doing that role is also an unpaid Director. Sorry HD but this “guys doing a great job” stuff isn’t fit-for-purpose. We shouldn’t be allowing volunteers to fulfil their dreams at the expense of the club.

We voted to be professional. As a club, not just pitchside. You’re very right about the AGM, HD. Not enough was said.. And that just convinces them they’re doing good enough. One or two speaking up isn’t enough. The behaviour of the Treasurer was appalling and for the President to shrug his shoulders when the question of the £858k was asked was incredible. He signs the Annual Report!

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3 minutes ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

At least somebody’s fighting our corner. Anyone believe that Dempster/Hunter got the gloves on at the Tribunal?

It was an open and shut case. Knew we were gone as soon as I saw the rule. All he has done is publicly undermine his *cough* ,sorry, I mean our Chief Executive. Not getting a lot of “we need to own it” vibes from this. 


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1 hour ago, Arachnophile said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but we have no idea whose responsibility it was too check the eligibility of the match day squad, or whether it was the failure of an individual or a failure of the club to put the right processes in place.

All of which makes the calls for head/s to roll rather bizarre.

We tend to assume that there is limitless money available to the club in all areas. It looks increasingly likely to me that the Haughey money 💰 is targeted to certain areas, clearly youth development, squad wages & the appointments of the likes of Beuker, Coyle & Dempster.

It looks as if funds may not be available for building a half decent stadium or giving the office staff the resources to keep pace with everything that is going on.


I'm pretty sure most of us know who was responsible and I don't understand how not knowing would make wanting them removed "bizarre". Did the statement released by the club not indicate there would be an internal investigation? So even is we didn't know, they should be getting to the bottom of it and sacking them.

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8 hours ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

I’m not being exclusive. But if you really want to nail it, the only place action can be taken, other than just the rhetoric the previous open meetings have been full of, the only platform is a General Meeting and I’m afraid they are restricted to Directors and Club Members. It’s written in the Articles (despite sneaking Dempster in once). The tricky bit would be harnessing everyone’s opinions into an hour long meeting.  

If the QPSA want to lead the charge, fine. But not all fans are members there either. And I have to say, if they were willing and capable it should have happened a long time ago. Maybe some of them are too close to the problem. The main purpose of the QPSA has always been running buses to away games. 

If you want change, by any measure, you need objectives and a pathway to achieve those objectives. The pally get-together format would have been adequate in bygone times but if people really want change we need to take their book and use it to our advantage.

Or we can just shut up and put up.

As the ex-member that I am, that is agood point, re sneaking Dempster in once. However, when I asked a friend of mine who is still a member about it happening, he told me that when he enquired about it after the AGM in question, he was told by the company secretary that there was nothing in the clubs articles that said that only members of the club could attend AGMs. This surprised him greatly, as if I remember rightly from AGMs that I attended in the past, only full members were permited to attend. Perhaps you guys who are still members should check the clubs articles. Or is this just another case of not telling members what is exactly happening at the club?

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10 hours ago, mcjameos said:

I understand that sometimes things are too important however “Constructive Suggestion 2” will inevitably have an impact on those on the playing side.  Just an observation and am not advocating for or against it as am unable to suggest a suitable alternative. 

I would imagine that getting knocked out of the Scottish Cup as a result of incompetence, and having to play an entire season at Ochilview because the club can't build a stadium could also have an impact on the playing side.

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1 hour ago, an86 said:

It was an open and shut case. Knew we were gone as soon as I saw the rule. All he has done is publicly undermine his *cough* ,sorry, I mean our Chief Executive. Not getting a lot of “we need to own it” vibes from this. 


Still, at least we know now it’s “his Queen’s Park”

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1 hour ago, Dooflick said:

As the ex-member that I am, that is agood point, re sneaking Dempster in once. However, when I asked a friend of mine who is still a member about it happening, he told me that when he enquired about it after the AGM in question, he was told by the company secretary that there was nothing in the clubs articles that said that only members of the club could attend AGMs. This surprised him greatly, as if I remember rightly from AGMs that I attended in the past, only full members were permited to attend. Perhaps you guys who are still members should check the clubs articles. Or is this just another case of not telling members what is exactly happening at the club?

The articles haven’t changed. They took the view that because it didn’t explicitly say “members only” that implied anyone could attend. But if you read it with a straight eye it clearly states that an AGM should be held in May and the accounts etc presented to the Members. No-one else. 

The last meeting alone they were in breach of four, possibly, five Articles. Not least was returning four sitting directors Unchallenged on the basis there was no other candidates, when in fact no notification inviting candidates was published. Ordinarily, this should have been 2 months prior to the AGM. 

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1 hour ago, QP Steamer said:

I'm pretty sure most of us know who was responsible and I don't understand how not knowing would make wanting them removed "bizarre". Did the statement released by the club not indicate there would be an internal investigation? So even is we didn't know, they should be getting to the bottom of it and sacking them.

If it’s a volunteer, they can’t be sacked. They should be replaced. I can’t think who is there with a diligent, detail-focussed mind that could step in.

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18 minutes ago, TONTROOPER said:

Bring Your Own Socks does love a post or two eh?

Just butting in here Spiders to remind you of a game @ Cappielow on Saturday.

Might be an idea to focus on whats most important.... we are.

Aye, there’s a match thread for that. This is the off-field seethe thread. 

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