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The Big Queen's Park FC Thread

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1 minute ago, Zanetti said:

Tommy Robson came over to speak to the fans and it went quickly downhill. A few "f**k offs" exchanged in both directions.

Aye. I was involved in the exchange of views. Came over to the support and it was explained that perhaps our performance hadn’t met the required level. Escalated into a robust exchange of opinions. Neither of our finest hours, but emotions were running high. He’s very low on the list of folk I’m actually pissed off with at Queen’s Park tbh. 

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22 minutes ago, Zanetti said:

Tommy Robson came over to speak to the fans and it went quickly downhill. A few "f**k offs" exchanged in both directions. Robson very animated, which was surprising given he's usually quite level headed. Not a particularly healthy way for anyone to express their frustration.

Oh dear!

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Disappointing from both our supporters and Robson at the end. This whole shambles that the club now is is not down to the players. They are just not good enough for this level but should never have been put in the position they find themselves in. Not their fault. We all know who the culprits were/are. Dempster has to go and Haughey must come down from his ugly monstrosity on the Braes and be given a touch of reality. It is such a shame that we got embroiled with the likes of him in the first place. With the benefit of hindsight I wish we had not voted to turn professional. ! would much rather follow my team in the lower leagues if we had to than watch these arseholes totally ruin our club as I knew it. I have never felt so down about Queens as I do now.

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8 minutes ago, Spider Rico said:

More reaction and aggression than Tommy Robson and his mates have shown on the park in months.



I've reached a point where I don't blame the players at all. They're simply not good enough, or at least not ready, to play at this level. The squad that's been assembled is incapable of competing in the Championship.

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Crazy substitutions further enhanced the frustration of not being able to take advantage of scoring against 10 men even from the penalty spot.

I am not a religious man but tonight I pray to (insert your God here) that we can install a manager who has winning games at the top of his priority list rather than experimenting with the team. 

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We need some strikers, even one would help! How can a squad only have one striker? Paton is a very good player but all players lose form and need competition, particularly when their confidence is low. Paton links the play well, but we need another option to compliment or change our offensive abilities. A forward who bullies defenders or one with a bit of pace would be great to add to the mix. Who would be leading the line if Paton was injured? Dominant forwards such as Oakley cause us major problems, and we rarely win headers or get on the end of crosses in the box. This I think is our main problem. It is clear since Murray left, we have not been able to replace him and our form has continued to decline. 

Edited by Southsideforever
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6 minutes ago, Spider1975 said:

Unfortunately, I think you might be right.

A shame. Has attributes that might become decent as he matures but he’s a total bombscare currently. No presence given his height and distribution all over the place. Just can’t afford to have a defender like that in our current situation. Maybe a loan for 6 months might be beneficial to see how he pans out but I’m struggling to see him ever back in the team after today and Airdrie performance 

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1 minute ago, Spider Rico said:

Amazing the players we were willing to dish out three year deals to vs the one that we weren’t 

Yup, I think the next few weeks will likely indicate the plan, if there is one.  A new manager and squad strengthening in January would be a welcome sign that there's likely some attempt to stay in the league whilst a continuation of the last few months will obviously mean we're heading back to L1 with the full backing of Dumpster and Haughey.  If that's the case I can't see Dom Thomas hanging around, especially if we can get some coin for him.  Worthwhile holding onto Ferrie, McKenna, Turner, Thomson, Spong and potentially Paton, but the rest I'm guessing we could easily move on.

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1 minute ago, qpfc said:

A shame. Has attributes that might become decent as he matures but he’s a total bombscare currently. No presence given his height and distribution all over the place. Just can’t afford to have a defender like that in our current situation. Maybe a loan for 6 months might be beneficial to see how he pans out but I’m struggling to see him ever back in the team after today and Airdrie performance 

For a unit of a bloke he's very easily dispossessed, which is fine I suppose until you realise that there's usually nobody behind him & how he was second to the cross that led to the goal, I'll never know.  Loan a good option but I hope we're wearing a mask when we offer him out.

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3 minutes ago, Spider1975 said:

Yup, I think the next few weeks will likely indicate the plan, if there is one.  A new manager and squad strengthening in January would be a welcome sign that there's likely some attempt to stay in the league whilst a continuation of the last few months will obviously mean we're heading back to L1 with the full backing of Dumpster and Haughey.  If that's the case I can't see Dom Thomas hanging around, especially if we can get some coin for him.  Worthwhile holding onto Ferrie, McKenna, Turner, Thomson, Spong and potentially Paton, but the rest I'm guessing we could easily move on.

A bit harsh on Bruce, Reid & Bannon….our own, with good futures if nurtured properly, they have been left exposed recently by the dross around them

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8 minutes ago, Spider1975 said:

Yup, I think the next few weeks will likely indicate the plan, if there is one.  A new manager and squad strengthening in January would be a welcome sign that there's likely some attempt to stay in the league whilst a continuation of the last few months will obviously mean we're heading back to L1 with the full backing of Dumpster and Haughey.  If that's the case I can't see Dom Thomas hanging around, especially if we can get some coin for him.  Worthwhile holding onto Ferrie, McKenna, Turner, Thomson, Spong and potentially Paton, but the rest I'm guessing we could easily move on.

I can’t see Thomas leaving even if we end up in league 1. He’s at a stage in his career where he’s not going to get a gig in the premiership due to inconsistency and he’s most likely earning a pretty decent wage that most championship teams can’t/won’t be willing to pay, especially when he’s contracted for next season. He’s held to higher standards by some given his talent but I still think he’s one of the very few who works his backside off and always goes over to the fans after every game (turner also very good for going over to the fans) 

I’d look to build the side around him but he’s been placed all over the pitch this season which has resulted in not seeing the best of him as we seen last year 

Edited by qpfc
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14 hours ago, Take Me Home Cathcart Road said:

A bit harsh on Bruce, Reid & Bannon….our own, with good futures if nurtured properly, they have been left exposed recently by the dross around them

Fair point, in my defence I should have stated 'of the regular starters'; I'm still not sure about Bruce, but have high regard for Bannon and Reid, maybe L1 would benefit them more than the deep end of the Championship at this stage of their careers.

14 hours ago, qpfc said:

I’d look to build the side around him

Re Thomas, absolutely, couldn't agree more, but it's not as if we haven't got previous when it comes to selling on our best player with inappropriate timing.

Edited by Spider1975
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13 minutes ago, Spider1975 said:

Yup, I think the next few weeks will likely indicate the plan, if there is one.  A new manager and squad strengthening in January would be a welcome sign that there's likely some attempt to stay in the league whilst a continuation of the last few months will obviously mean we're heading back to L1 with the full backing of Dumpster and Haughey.  If that's the case I can't see Dom Thomas hanging around, especially if we can get some coin for him.  Worthwhile holding onto Ferrie, McKenna, Turner, Thomson, Spong and potentially Paton, but the rest I'm guessing we could easily move on.

There's a lot of football still to be played. No team is cut adrift, and none of the bottom six are free from a relegation dogfight (if that's not obvious at this point in the season).  However QP with a goal difference of -13 are easily the most unlikely to spontaneously find a seam of form. So yes, the next six weeks will reveal if there is any responsible stewardship at our club. I'm beginning to think that League 1 is maybe a target for the season. 

2023 start to end feels very much like season 20123/14, but with less hope.

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