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Well aye, you say you're calling with important information, but that's relative and highly subjective.  Also, do you need someone's phone to be off to know that they're engaged? Surely a phone ringing out tells you that they're too occupied and engaged to answer the call. 
Nah it's definitely not subjective. My average call time a month is about 6 minutes. If I'm making a call it's for an important reason.

Tbh, this should be in the infuriating things your partner does thread anyway because 99% of the time it's her I'm trying to contact and she will fail to answer almost exclusively. Boils my piss when you consider her phone is rarely out her hand.
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9 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

Very complicated actually talking to people these days it would seem :lol:

Aye, do folk not just phone each other for a chat anymore, or to check how they're doing, or are P&Bers far too busy for that nonsense?

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50 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

At least you switch your phone off if you're busy. That's a sign you're engaged.

FWIW, if I'm with someone and their phone goes I have absolutely no issue with them saying "Do you mind if I take this call?". I find it far ruder if they are sitting reading/sending a text while we're talking. Another reason why I'd phone with important info. rather than text.

Who on Earth switched their phone off? Come on, be realistic. 

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9 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Nah it's definitely not subjective. My average call time a month is about 6 minutes. If I'm making a call it's for an important reason.

Tbh, this should be in the infuriating things your partner does thread anyway because 99% of the time it's her I'm trying to contact and she will fail to answer almost exclusively. Boils my piss when you consider her phone is rarely out her hand.

Move to the Philippines and you'll reach a whole new level of frustration when it comes to phoning/phones.  For whatever reason it's like a guessing game as to which numbers to include depending on if you're phoning locally or not - same as the UK but what constitutes a local call here is pretty vague and unclear.  In addition, folk almost never answer their phones which is astounding given their glued to them 24/7 - something you'll be used to based on the weirdos who have posted their views on answering calls on numerous threads here t.b.f.   And...if you phone someone from a landline they will not answer, ever.  If you phone  a landline, same -forget it.  Today was a case in point - wanted to make an appointment at a clinic - phoned and phoned the landline using our landline - no answer.  Tried using the mobile number with my mobile - answered on 1st ring!  Landline calls are free hence my preference to use it rather than the mobile.  Also, we always tell folk not to phone us on the mobile as we don't have a signal indoors and instead use the landline - in one ear and out the other goes that advice.  Throw in the fact they seem to all suffer from dyscalculia and it's like this ...



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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

I like managers who insist on being called with bad news, presumably so they can run your voice through their incredible bullshit detector and find out if you're lying.

Even better if they never pick up their phone because they're far too busy, but expect you to take the phone with you to the lavvy.

Aye the classic 'If you're off sick, you must phone, a text or email will not suffice'.

I've worked in countless places like that.  Weren't even allowed to leave a VM, you had to physically speak to your manager.

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