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The Queen of the South thread

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There doesn't seem to much sense of perspective going on with a lot of otherwise sensible Qos fans . Would I abandon the football club that has been a huge part of my life since I was five years old because of the voting intentions of one , two or three people , that I dont know ? Of course not ! I would be sickened but not walk away . The chairman and board know the fans are completely against newco and its up to them to do the right thing but I will and always will support Queen Of The South Fc. Its what I am and suspect what most of you are as well

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If the board support this proposal then they will not only be sanctioning bribery and cheating, they will be giving a leg-up to a club that represents everything that is the opposite of what attracted me to following Queens in the first place. It is simply not compatible with what I am looking for in football.

Scottish football is terrible. I owe it nothing. I've spent far too much money on it, and more time thinking about it than is probably healthy. For several years it has largely been the social aspect of the game: catching up with friends etc, that has got me going as much as I have but I am sure I can find other places to do that. Of course I'd be sad - I'd rather do that out of choice.

Four years ago, when Queens were in the cup final and in the UEFA cup, a could barely have been prouder of them. If the board sanction Rangers being in the First Division then I could barely feel more embarrassed.

If the board vote in favour of these proposals then I couldn't see myself returning until they have left the club. As someone mentioned in relation to another club on another thread, I wouldn't consider it a boycott: my interest would simply cease.

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Davie Rae has been seduced by the financial argument and fully expects Billy Hewitson to vote yes to newco in division 1.


I feel so terribly empty and devastated. He has tarnished his reputation as far as I'm concerned.

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"a highly respected forward thinker" since when?

He is on record as saying you can't plan years in advance in football at one of the AGM's

He was heavily involved in the over spending that could have killed the club

Quoted in the standard last January/February saying he thought we would get a ridiculous average attendance after the cup final.

Great forward thinker? Do pipe down.

Yes, I laughed at that as well. He appears to suggest that Hewitson is of a similar mind. That is what worries me, not the already tarnished reputation of an old dodderer.

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Raes comments are dissapointing but even more so to say Hewittson is of similar thoughts . We have one chance and one chance only to change our football . Blow it now and we have the duopoly back to full strength very quickly and many deserting the game . A debt free h un team rubbing it right up the rest is a horrible thought but this is what the media , authorities and some chairman want . The "internet bampots" have helped this go right to the wire though and we could still have justice yet . Have faith !

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I hope QoS aren't using the same calculator that Davie Rae used to estimate the increase in crowds post-cup final to work out whether voting Rangers into SFL1 will be more profitable than the loss of income from pissing off a large percentage of fans.

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Rae has appeared an old fool who is hopelessly out of touch and frankly, not very bright, for a long time now.

The only remaining hope is that he's wrong when he says the chairman sees things similarly. The fact that he reminds us in the article of his major shareholding suggests he still thinks he wields power. I really hope he's wrong.

That interview made for horrible, horrible reading.

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If Rae's comments about how Hewitson will vote are to be believed, then I don't really care whether the proposal passes or not. Scottish football can piss off.

The old P&B parlance about verge of tears seems quite fitting.

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I'm really hoping that the rift between Rae and board which was evident when those chancers were circling to buy us a couple of months ago, is still intact.

If Rae really is still very much in the loop here and speaks from a knowledgable stance, then it's truly sickening.

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"a highly respected forward thinker" since when?

He is on record as saying you can't plan years in advance in football at one of the AGM's

He was heavily involved in the over spending that could have killed the club

Quoted in the standard last January/February saying he thought we would get a ridiculous average attendance after the cup final.

Great forward thinker? Do pipe down.

Thats the point where I stopped reading the article

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I'm really hoping that the rift between Rae and board which was evident when those chancers were circling to buy us a couple of months ago, is still intact.

That is basically the only hope that I am holding on to.

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Its a no brainer for me . Why piss off the vast majority of your fans and maybe stop visiting ones attending Palmerston by voting yes to servco. By the way , those saying they will never attend Palmerston again is a nonsense . What if the chairman and board left and new ones came in ? Would you still have the same stance because the previous custodians voted the way you didnt want ?

I am as passionate a Queens supporter as you will get, but I really do think Rangers must be voted into the 1st division. The benefits of doing so will be so beneficial to clubs even if it is for all the wrong reasons. The main men to blame for this are David Murray and Craig Whyte and would it really be fair punishing the vast majority of fans for their wrongdoings? Clubs in the Spl could also potentially be liquidated and the football in Scotland will seriously suffer. Is sporting integrity really worth putting a massive strain on various clubs finances? In usual circumstances I would call for Rangers to be hammered but as it is I seriously reckon we cant live without them.

So heres a list of benefits v costs of allowing Rangers in the 1st division


Sky tv deal will still stand at a slightly reduced rate meaning Spl clubs will not suffer to badly

The introduction of a playoff system and a 16 team spl has been touted

The opportunity for non-league teams to enter the football league

Good standard of players are more likely to be attracted to the Spl in the knowledge that Rangers are more than likely to return after 1 year.

The opportunity for 1st division clubs to make alot of money due to the number of fans Rangers will bring.


By voting yes clubs risk facing the wrath of their fans, but can all these clubs honestly say they have spent their lives behaving in a sporting manner?

Will be harder to be champions of the league, but the introduction of the playoffs will make the league as a whole interesting.

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I am as passionate a Queens supporter as you will get, but I really do think Rangers must be voted into the 1st division. The benefits of doing so will be so beneficial to clubs even if it is for all the wrong reasons. The main men to blame for this are David Murray and Craig Whyte and would it really be fair punishing the vast majority of fans for their wrongdoings? Clubs in the Spl could also potentially be liquidated and the football in Scotland will seriously suffer. Is sporting integrity really worth putting a massive strain on various clubs finances? In usual circumstances I would call for Rangers to be hammered but as it is I seriously reckon we cant live without them.

So heres a list of benefits v costs of allowing Rangers in the 1st division


Sky tv deal will still stand at a slightly reduced rate meaning Spl clubs will not suffer to badly

The introduction of a playoff system and a 16 team spl has been touted

The opportunity for non-league teams to enter the football league

Good standard of players are more likely to be attracted to the Spl in the knowledge that Rangers are more than likely to return after 1 year.

The opportunity for 1st division clubs to make alot of money due to the number of fans Rangers will bring.


By voting yes clubs risk facing the wrath of their fans, but can all these clubs honestly say they have spent their lives behaving in a sporting manner?

Will be harder to be champions of the league, but the introduction of the playoffs will make the league as a whole interesting.

Mate, some things have value as well as prices.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I am as passionate a Queens supporter as you will get, but I really do think Rangers must be voted into the 1st division. The benefits of doing so will be so beneficial to clubs even if it is for all the wrong reasons. The main men to blame for this are David Murray and Craig Whyte and would it really be fair punishing the vast majority of fans for their wrongdoings? Clubs in the Spl could also potentially be liquidated and the football in Scotland will seriously suffer. Is sporting integrity really worth putting a massive strain on various clubs finances? In usual circumstances I would call for Rangers to be hammered but as it is I seriously reckon we cant live without them.

So heres a list of benefits v costs of allowing Rangers in the 1st division


Sky tv deal will still stand at a slightly reduced rate meaning Spl clubs will not suffer to badly

The introduction of a playoff system and a 16 team spl has been touted

The opportunity for non-league teams to enter the football league

Good standard of players are more likely to be attracted to the Spl in the knowledge that Rangers are more than likely to return after 1 year.

The opportunity for 1st division clubs to make alot of money due to the number of fans Rangers will bring.


By voting yes clubs risk facing the wrath of their fans, but can all these clubs honestly say they have spent their lives behaving in a sporting manner?

Will be harder to be champions of the league, but the introduction of the playoffs will make the league as a whole interesting.

Green dot because I think it's a very brave stance to take given the general mood on this site. It's not far away from my own thinking to be honest.

I'm split on what the best thing to do would be but not really for the right reasons. Firstly, I genuinely couldn't care less what division Rangers play in. I don't watch them or care how they get on so it makes no direct odds to me. And I don't fall into the "it's a new company they start at the bottom" credo. It's Rangers. It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck and this particular duck is Rangers. So for me its about whether Rangers should be relegated one division or three for their "crimes against football".

As I said, I actually don't care enough about what the answer to that question is to get too upset about it. However, the following would all be great things for the future of Scottish football in my opinion:

- Fairer income distribution amongst the clubs.

- Playoffs from the top division to the next one meaning it's possible for more than one club to be promoted.

- A pyramid system to enable ambitious non-league clubs to reach the SPL.

- A merged league again with only two (or better still even just one) governing bodies.

All of that is on the table here and when it's there I'd grab it. We've been pleading for it for years. What's the alternative? Rangers aren't going to pop out of existence. If they start in division three then two years from now they'll be in division one anyway and we'll quite likely have none of these things. There's even a possibility that faced with potential implosion amongst their member clubs the SPL will suddenly re-visit last week's vote and bring them back in directly anyway rather than lose them for three years. And then we have nothing.

I don't actually see Rangers going down one division rather than three as any great crime against "sporting integrity" but even if it was it's maybe a price worth paying for the greater good of the game.

All that said, I dislike intensely the way Neil Doncaster and his employers (the other 11 SPL clubs) have handled this whole mess and punted it to the SFL to sort out, clapping themselves on the back along the way whilst working in the background to get them back asap. A part of me would like to stick two fingers up at the idea and punt the problem right back at them.

So am I overly bothered about the ultimate outcome of this vote? No, I'm not. There are positives and negatives either way. But I do think the better outcome so we can all just get on with things would be a yes to letting them into division 1, take what's on offer and get things planned and underway. The alternative is just going to leave even more ongoing uncertainty.

It seems likely it will be a "no" though so we can only wait and see what happens.

For the avoidance of any potential doubt - This is my own opinion. I do not speak for Queen of the South FC and I do not know what way the chairman will ultimately vote today.

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Good to see a bit of sanity restored with the last two posts. It's a shame you don't post as much any more SD. I don't always agree with you, but your posts are always well thought out and balanced. The last few pages show some of our fans to be pretty small-minded and bitter.

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